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Showing 44 items

Scientific paper • 2020


Money, Vouchers, Public Infrastructures? A Framework for Sustainable Welfare Benefits

By: Katharina Bohnenberger

While the social consequences of environmental policies are extensively evaluated in sustainability research, few studies exist on the ecological impact of social benefits and the welfare state. Sustainable welfare is a novel research field that seeks to close this knowledge gap and develop integrated eco-social policies. Within this, researchers are starting to ask how citizen’s needs can be g...

Scientific paper • 2019


Who can challenge the imperial mode of living? The terrain of struggles for social-ecological transformation in the German population

By: Dennis Eversberg

This contribution draws on empirical evidence from the 2016 wave of the survey “Environmental Consciousness in Germany” to identify the potential social bases of both support for and resistance to attempts to overcome the current socio-ecological crisis by way of a broad social-ecological transformation. Firstly, the results of factor and cluster analyses of the survey’s items on attitudes ...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Dimensionar el descrecimiento

By: Angel Pujalte

Durante las presentaciones individuales de la Conferencia el autor planteó la importancia de dimensionar el potencial de crecimiento para conocer la necesidad de descrecimineto.  

Scientific paper • 2017


A framework for the integration of the conviviality concept in the design process

By: Benjamin Tyl, Iban Lizarralde

Keywords: Conviviality; Degrowth; Sustainable design; Eco-design; Multi-case studies; Participatory research; Bicycle

Scientific paper • 2017


Sustainable health and degrowth: Health, health care and society beyond the growth paradigm

By: Iris Borowy, Jean-Louis Aillon

Keywords: public health degrowth drug production social determinants of health equity

Scientific paper • 2017


The dynamics of urban degrowth in Japanese metropolitan areas: what are the outcomes of urban recentralisation strategies?

By: Sophie Buhnik

Keywords: developmental state, Japan, Keihanshin (Osaka-Kyoto-Kobe), mobilities, suburbs, urban recentralisation, urban shrinkage, ageing

Presentation • 2016


WED_9.30h // Clive Spash - Science and uncommon thinking

By: Clive Spash

Recorded keynote speech at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2016. Speaker: Clive Spash Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Presentation • 2016


Ausstieg aus der Megamaschine - Vortrag

By: Fabian Scheidler

Vortrag vom 23.9.2016 bei der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M. Der Vortrag fasst den zweiten Teil des Buches "Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation" in sieben Punkten zusammen: 1. Das Verhältnis von Markt, Staat und ideologischer Macht im modernen Weltsystem 2. Der Mythos des Westens 3....

• 2016



By: Michael Kopatz

Damit wir tun, was wir für richtig halten Der Verlag: Dieses Buch macht Schluss mit umweltmoralischen Appellen! Es zeigt: Wir können nachhaltig leben, ohne uns tagtäglich mit Klimawandel oder Massentierhaltung befassen zu müssen. Wir machen ökologisches Leben einfach zur Routine! Was unmöglich erscheint, ist konzeptionell einfach: Mülltrennung, Sparlampen, Effizienzhäuser – alles längst akz...

• 2015


Everyone talks about Volkswagen, but the real question is hardly ever touched

By: Christiane Kliemann

"The ongoing discussion on identifying the culprits at Volkswagen and improving the general regulations for measuring car emissions remains at the surface and misses the real point: that the big players in the key industries of the globalized capitalist growth-economy – and thereby the big car companies – are doomed to grow or die which is disastrous in either case. As for the growth trajectory...

• 2014


« A Degrowth Project »: Sport and economic growth!

By: Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet, Anne-Isabelle Veillot, Thomas Avenel

From the text: An abandoned city, another one plagued by demonstrations fuelled by petro-dollars… nothing new really. Except that we are not talking about Detroit, the Greek crisis or the arrival of massive investments into our industries originating from the Gulf countries. No, today, the collective “Un Projet de Décroissance” (« A Degrowth Project« ) takes a look at sports. Sport that created...

Report • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - Mensch- und umweltfreundlicher Verkehr ...

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zu verschiedenen Veranstaltungen zum Thema Mobilität mit Sabine Leidig, Patrick Kayemba, Winfried Wolf, Maggie Klingler-Lauer und Bernhard Knierim. Aus dem Bericht: . . . Wie diese Schlaglichter aus der Diskussion des Panels zeigen, umfaßt der Widerstand gegen die herrschende Verkehrsweise ein breites Spektrum zwischen unmittelbar umsetzbaren ...

• 2014


Bitte umsteigen! 20 Jahre Bahnreform

By: Winfried Wolf, Bernhard Knierim

Abstract: Das Jahr 1994 brachte mit der Bahnreform und mit der Gründung der Deutschen Bahn AG die größte Veränderung im Verkehrsbereich seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Kritiker sahen in der Bahnreform allerdings bereits damals die Verschleierung der Bahnprivatisierung. Und sie sagten Verhältnisse voraus, wie es sie z.B. im Sommer 2013 in Mainz und Umgebung gab. Inzwischen hat sich Ernüchteru...

Presentation • 2014


Mobility for everyone – with less traffic

By: Sabine Leidig, Maggie Klingler-Lauer, Patrick Kayemba, Winfried Wolf

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Maggie Klingler-Lauer, Patrick Kayemba, Winfried Wolf Facilitation: Jan Urhahn From the conference programme: Today individual mobility is organized mainly to benefit transnational companies. Consequences are the destruction of the climate and t...

Position paper • 2014


Public infrastructure in a degrowth society

By: Jeremy Heighway

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Urban Transformation.

Position paper • 2014


Urban Transformations: Infrastructures and Degrowth

By: Benjamin Best

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Urban Transformation.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Urban Transformation

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Urban Transformation at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation > Urban agriculture > Promote multifunctional and divers urban centres, including services, infrastructure, food production etc. > Promote community owned space > participatory urban planning > Stop urban sprawl! Vision &...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Transport and Mobility

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Transport and Mobility at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation > Making car transport less attractive (parking fees, speed limits, access limits, gas prices...) > Improve quality / quantity of public transport (right to access infrastructure and services) > Decrease prices of public transport ...

Position paper • 2014


Initiative on socially responsible mobility – saying no to traffic madness

By: Sabine Leidig

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Transport and Mobility.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Politics of Sufficiency

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Politics of Sufficiency at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 General strategies > Focus on local policies (bottom-up participation) > Offer alternatives: > > both infrastructural & actual policies to try out alternative activities (like free bus pass) > > particularly to new residents because of higher accept...