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Showing 114 items

• 2022

Post-Growth Planning: Cities Beyond the Market Economy

By: Federico Savini, António Ferreira, Kim Carlotta von Schönfeld

This book draws on a wide range of conceptual and empirical materials to identify and examine planning and policy approaches that move beyond the imperative of perpetual economic growth. It sketches out a path towards planning theories and practices that can break the cyclical process of urban expansion, crises, and recovery that negatively affect ecosystems and human lives.

Scientific paper • 2021

The end of the line: envisioning degrowth and ecosocial justice in the resistance to the trolleybus dismantlement in Moscow

By: Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Alexander Paulsson

The city of Moscow has been going through a transformation of its surface transport network during the past decade as part of a broader policy of urban beautification. Despite a renewed interest in public transport, this policy has led to the dismantling of the trolleybus system. This was met with resistance from various groups. Bringing together scholarly discussions on urban growth coalitions...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Behaviour change and system change in the housing sector

By: Elisabetta Mocca, Kristina Eisfeld, Michael Friesenecker, Veronika Kulmer, Sebastian Seebauer

Workshop How can integrated housing policy achieve decarbonisation while enabling fair access to housing? We invite policy-makers, activists, researchers, and others to take part in an interactive discussion. After short introductions reporting the research underpinning the workshop, participants will join sub-groups on: fair carbon taxes, retrofitting rented housing, and awareness building ...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Book Presentation: “Cities of Dignity” and “Towards a Political Economy of Degrowth”

By: Max Koch, Emanuele Leonardi, Giorgos Velegrakis, Stefania Barca, Mabrouka Mbarek

Special session “Cities of Dignity” presents seven successful strategies of such urban transformation toward more democratic, sustainable, socially equitable and antipatriarchal relations from below in a series of case studies: the self-determination and organization of slum dwellers in Buhj in India; Black-led urban commons in Birmingham, Jackson, and Detroit in the U.S.; the San Roque popu...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Towards a City of Solidary Degrowth

By: Timmo Krüger, Anton Brokow-Loga, Frank Eckhardt, Evelyn Markoni, Kris Krois, Viola Schulze Dieckhoff, Christian Lamker

Special session Book presentation: How do we want to live, work, relax today and tomorrow? How do we create a good life for everyone in the city? While niche initiatives are already beginning to answer these questions, there is still a lack of comprehensive concepts and approaches to transformation that would outline a fundamentally different, solidarity-based city. The Degrowth City (Postwa...

Scientific paper • 2020


Sustainable Welfare in Swedish Cities: Challenges of Eco-Social Integration in Urban Sustainability Governance

By: Jamil Khan, Roger Hildingsson, Lisa Garting

In this paper, we study the integration of ecological sustainability and social welfare concerns in cities. Efforts to handle ecological challenges risk having negative impacts on equality and social welfare. While current levels of consumption and material welfare are unsustainable, there is a need for more sustainable approaches to welfare and wellbeing. Still, ecological and social concerns ...

• 2019


Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities

By: François Schneider, Anitra Nelson

This groundbreaking collection on housing for degrowth addresses key challenges of unaffordable, unsustainable and anti-social housing today, including going beyond struggles for a 'right to the city' to a 'right to metabolism', advocating refurbishment versus demolition, and revealing controversies within the degrowth movement on urbanisation, decentralisation and open localism. International ...

Scientific paper • 2018


Degrowth in city planning

By: Ari Aukusti Lehtinen

This paper summarises the key arguments of degrowth thinking and examines their validity in a city planning setting. The paper argues that much of the reorientation work that is necessary to meet the goals of international climate change conventions needs to be carried out locally, in urban and regional settings, and this creates pressure to renew land-use planning practices. It also argues tha...

• 2018


Para construir estrada, governo de Nairóbi destrói comunidade com 2 mil pessoas

By: Amélia Gonzalez

A autora discute o mito do progresso problematizando uma reportagem do jornal britânico The Guardian sobre a construção de uma rodovia em Nairóbi, no Quênia. Ela aponta o paradoxo entre o crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto e da pobreza extrema no país, assim como a adoção de soluções petróleo-dependentes que geram a destruição de casas e desalojamentos para os problemas de tráfego urbano.

• 2018


Tourism and Degrowth: Impossibility Theorem or Path to Post-Capitalism?

By: Robert Fletcher, Asunción Blanco-Romero, Macià Blázquez-Salom, Ivan Murray

Introduction: “Touristification” of cities is increasingly met by discontent of local communities deprived of their places: overtourism is a real issue and we must face the challenge of rethinking and remaking one of the world’s biggest industries. The time has come to start talking seriously about how to bring tourism and degrowth together

Art contribution • 2017


No One Noticed

By: Amitangshu Acharya

Poem by Amitangshu Acharya NO ONE NOTICED No one noticed When the sparrows left It was just another smoggy winter morning [read the full poem by following the link to the content]

• 2017


Detroit Open City

By: Aaron Robertson

Blog article about Detroit and its possible development in the future

• 2017


Umkämpftes Grün - Zwischen neoliberaler Stadtentwicklung und Stadtgestaltung von unten

By: Andrea*s Exner, Sarah Kumnig, Marit Rosol

Urbane Gärten sind aus vielen Städten nicht mehr wegzudenken. Gemeinschaftlicher Gemüseanbau wird dabei oft als rebellischer Akt der Stadtgestaltung von unten verstanden. Gleichzeitig taucht »urban gardening« immer häufiger in Stadtentwicklungsplänen und Werbebroschüren auf. Die Beiträger_innen des Bandes liefern eine kritische Analyse grüner urbaner Aktivitäten und ihrer umkämpften und wide...

Scientific paper • 2017


Postwachstum als nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung - Eine Untersuchung im Raum Dresden

By: Elisa Dauben

Zusammenfassung: Klimawandel, Verknappung von Ressourcen, Finanzkrisen oder soziale Krisen werfen die Frage danach, wie sich unsere Welt nachhaltig entwickeln kann, vehement auf. Die Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung sind vielfältig. Die Postwachstumsidee kritisiert in diesem Zuge das gängige Streben nach Wirtschaftswachstum und bringt neue Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung hervor...

Report • 2017


Pro-Tourism Consensus Crumbles in Barcelona

By: Kate Shea Baird

Introduction: Barcelona, a city of 1.6 million people, was visited by 8.2 million tourists last year. For decades, city governments of all political stripes operated under the assumption that ‘growth is good’. Each annual increase in visitor numbers was announced with glee, with assurances the sector would bring immense economic benefits to the city. But around three years ago, signs began t...

Scientific paper • 2017


Reclaiming sustainable space - A study of degrowth activists

By: Javier Lloveras, Cathy Parker, Lee Quinn

Keywords: Activism, consumption, degrowth, place, space

Scientific paper • 2017


The dynamics of urban degrowth in Japanese metropolitan areas: what are the outcomes of urban recentralisation strategies?

By: Sophie Buhnik

Keywords: developmental state, Japan, Keihanshin (Osaka-Kyoto-Kobe), mobilities, suburbs, urban recentralisation, urban shrinkage, ageing

Scientific paper • 2017


Steering clear of politics: local virtues in Helsinki's design activism

By: Eeva Berglund

Keywords: social movements; Finland; urban/DIY activism; design

Scientific paper • 2017


Designing a beautifully poor public: postgrowth community in Italy and Japan

By: Robin M. LeBlanc

Keywords: degrowth, public space, urban planning, architecture, political ecology