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International Degrowth Network

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International Degrowth network

The International Degrowth Network (IDN) is a network of organizations and individuals committed to degrowth. The IDN aims to bring people together to provide support and share ideas while helping to spread the word about degrowth around the world.

Aims of the IDN

The IDN aims to facilitate international cooperation between different degrowth groups and help craft a degrowth narrative that builds awareness and support for degrowth. We also hope to act as a catalyst for a global call to action to change the current global economic system to one that respects planetary boundaries and puts the well-being of people above short-term economic concerns.

We aim to create and help support a robust network of degrowth organizations around the world that will help promote and normalize the idea of an economic system based on degrowth principles.

We welcome all organizations that want to embark on a degrowth path. This also includes investors, companies, and policymakers who have supported the adoption of degrowth principles to address challenges from environmental issues to equality.  

Principles of IDN

  1. Commitment to Degrowth – The IDN is aligned with and inspired by The Degrowth Declaration of The Paris ConferenceThe Degrowth Declaration of The Barcelona Conference, and The People’s Agreement of Cochabamba. We are committed to the exploration of all the ideas and movements that criticize growth-based societies and propose post-growth and post-capitalist alternatives. 
  2. Anti-Patriarchy and Anti-Colonialism – IDN rejects the patriarchal and colonial paradigms that have dominated human history to this point. We aim to forge a new way that is more inclusive and equitable for all.
  3. Communal Effort and Participation – We encourage the participation of our members. Their commitment will drive the idea of degrowth forward. 
  4. Participatory Decision Making - We implement a sociocratic, horizontal, and decentralized structure and decision-making process for the IDN that emphasizes the importance of making decisions at the smallest scale possible.
  5. Open Communication and Transparency - We openly share and communicate knowledge and actions with all members who wish to be informed of the activities and decisions of the IDN. 
  6. Conviviality and Autonomy – Members of the IDN and the global organizations who work with the IDN are all welcome while retaining the autonomy of their own groups. 
  7. Care Cooperation and Nonviolence - We create spaces where all members can work together in a safe and welcoming environment. We foster a culture of care and responsibility for each other and are sensitive to the fair and healthy distribution of work between members.
  8. Inclusion - We welcome everyone to participate in our community as long as they respect the Principles of the IDN.
  9. Self-Care - We encourage everyone to take responsibility for their well-being and actively voice their needs.
  10. Critical Reflection Arts Action and Practice – We make time for action, arts, practice, and reflections, as they are essential parts of our culture that keep us healthy and happy.

Governance of IDN

  1. The Principle of Circles - The governance structure of the IDN shall consist of numerous working groups or organizations called Circles. A Circle is defined as a group of people fulfilling specific roles and cooperating for a common purpose. All Circles shall have a clearly defined purpose, responsibilities, and domain and should be double-linked to at least one other Circle.
  2. The Principle of Consent - All policy decisions, including the selection of people for Circle roles, shall be made through a process of consent that involves those directly affected.
  3. The Principle of Equivalence - Making and reviewing decisions shall involve people who are affected by them. All Circles, and their members, shall have an equal say.
  4. The Principle of Continuous Evolution - The IDN as a whole, and each Circle in particular, shall be committed to ongoing feedback and continual learning about governance, communication, and the content of the Circles’ work.
  5. The Principle of Transparency - Circles shall record all information that is valuable for the IDN and make it accessible to all IDN members unless the Circle determines that there is a good reason for confidentiality.
  6. The Principle of Effectiveness - Circles should devote time only to what brings the Circle and its members closer to achieving the purpose of the Circle.
  7. The Principle of Accountability - Circles and their members should consider their capacities before taking on a new responsibility, so they are able to fulfill tasks they committed to. They should strive to improve the IDN and take responsibility for their work and the IDN as a whole.