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4th International Assembly of The Degrowth Movement

By: Members of the open collective ODN


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A survey in 2018 identified 114 groups/collectives that consider themselves part of The Degrowth Movement. Later that year, some members of these collectives met in Freetown Christiania (Denmark) for the First International Assembly. This meeting resulted in the creation of several International Working Groups on activism, research, and more.

In the Second International Assembly (The Hague 2021) there was a consensus that, in order to achieve the goals of degrowth in the near future, it would be fundamental to better structure our network. In the Third International Assembly (Vienna 2022) the assembly gave a mandate to a new group (open collective - Organizing the Degrowth Network) to formulate a proposal for the new structure and functioning of The Degrowth Movement.

This proposal will be presented, discussed and approved in the forthcoming 4th International Assembly of The Degrowth Movement in Zagreb, 2023. It will be a crucial watershed for our movement!

*It will be a hybrid format where it will be possible to participate physically or virtually*


The assembly is planned for the 28th August 2023 in Zagreb and online

The assembly will be open to one or two representatives from each group/collective on The Degrowth Map or to individuals that are strongly engaged with degrowth and work or want to work actively in the International Degrowth Network (e.g. International Working Groups) or to create local degrowth groups in their territories/regions.

The assembly will take place in the Social Centre Ribnjak, Zagreb

The assembly aims to establish the name, objective, and organizational structure of this network.


Morning Session (09:30 - 12:30)

o The process and progress up to today

o Of participants

o Of the full proposal of structure and functioning of The Degrowth Movement

Note: The proposal will be sent prior to the assembly to the Degrowth World Mailing List (To subscribe send an email to degrowth-world-subscribe@lists.riseup.net)

Discussion on single proposals:

A.The Assembly
o Role (Purpose, Responsibility, Domain) o Composition
o Functioning


B.The Coordination Group

o Role (Purpose, Responsibility, Domain)

o Composition

o Functioning

Lunch Break (12:30 - 14:00)

Afternoon Session (14:00 - 16:00)

C. Decision-Making and Nomination Methodology: o Decision process within coordination group

o Nomination of coordination group members

D. The name: network, movement or community? Break (16:00 - 16:30)

Evening Session (16:00 - 19:00)

Democratic vote on members of the coordination group

Working groups (old and proposal for new ones)

Final feedback

Drinks and conviviality (19:00 - ...)

Final Words

If you would like to take part you have to register for this assembly. You can register filling in this form. Participation will be free of cost.
We kindly ask you to register as soon is possible. We will close registrations on the 15th of June 2023
N.B. Take your own cup to the meeting for the coffee break to minimize waste.
For further information or if you have any questions or concerns, please write to odn.collective.contact@gmail.com

About the author

Members of the open collective ODN

The open collective Organising the Degrowth Network (ODN) was mandated by the Vienna Assembly to propose an improved structure for the Degrowth Network. The open collective started meeting in October 2022 and will present its proposal at the next Movement Assembly just before the 2023 Zagreb Degrowth Conference.

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