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About Charles Stevenson

Charles Stevenson is a PhD candidate at the Autonomous University of Barcelona researching the macroeconomics of a European degrowth transition, and an ecosocialist focussed on political strategy. You can find him on Twitter @disobedientnerd.

Decolonisation • 10.06.2024

National liberation in Palestine is an indispensable step towards degrowth

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By: Charles Stevenson, Inea Lehner, Feroz Khan

Writing from the encampment for Palestine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Charles Stevenson, Feroz Khan, and Inea Lehner argue that Palestinian liberation must be seen as central to a degrowth transformation

Money • 05.07.2023

Degrowth requires the Global South to default on its foreign debts

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By: Charles Stevenson

Degrowth must confront the structural lock-ins of capitalism starting with the debt crisis trapping the Global South in poverty and extractivism.

Strategy • 06.02.2023

Cloud capital, degrowth, and strategy for the polycrisis: a conversation with Yanis Varoufakis


By: Charles Stevenson

On July 5, 2015, at the height of the eurozone debt crisis, the Greek demos voted by a wide margin to turn down the bailout offered to them by their Troika of creditors – the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the European Commission. At the time, the Greek Finance Minister was Yanis Varoufakis, who had the opportunity to confront the Troika, and to put an end to the endless cycles of rising Greek debt.

Money • 31.01.2023

A Coherent Monetary Theory is a Threat to the Capitalist State


By: Charles Stevenson, Ellen Helker-Nygren

Marxian political economists often criticise Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) for its lack of class analysis. While these critiques are right to point out that MMT has often been presented as the saviour of capitalism and growth, its insights are also of use to those who wish to see an end to capitalism and growth. While many proponents of MMT are not interested in a world beyond capitalism, the theory itself could offer useful tools in this struggle. Indeed, at its heart, MMT formulates the coherent monetary analysis needed by anyone who believes in using State power as a means of dismantling capitalism.