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About Matthias Schmelzer

Blog • 11.10.2016

„Degrowth in Bewegung(en)“ - Wo stehen wir und wie geht’s weiter?

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Seit Anfang September sind alle Texte, Videos und Audiobeiträge des Multimedia-Veröffentlichungspojektes „Degrowth in Bewegung(en)“ online. In diesem Projekt schreiben Menschen aus 31 sozialen Bewegungen und alternativeökonomischen Strömungen – von der Anti-Kohle-Bewegung über Commons bis zu Gewerkschaften und Urban-Gardening – über ihre jeweilige Vision, ihre Aktivitäten sowie ihr Verhältnis z...

Blog • 07.07.2016

Undoing the Ideology of Growth: Hegemony, Path Dependencies and Power in the History of the Growth Paradigm

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Degrowth aims at undoing growth. Undoing growth both at the level of social structures and social imaginaries. Although the focus is very often on the latter, i.e. the “decolonization of imaginaries” as put by Serge Latouche, the degrowth perspective still seems to lack a comprehensive understanding of the role of ideology, the path dependencies and the power that shape these imaginations. Degr...

Blog • 07.07.2016

Undoing the Ideology of Growth: Hegemony, Path Dependencies and Power in the History of the Growth Paradigm

Hegemony of growth

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Degrowth aims at undoing growth. Undoing growth both at the level of social structures and social imaginaries. Although the focus is very often on the latter, i.e. the “decolonization of imaginaries” as put by Serge Latouche, the degrowth perspective still seems to lack a comprehensive understanding of the role of ideology, the path dependencies and the power that shape these imaginations. Degr...