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Call for Papers: Technology and Degrowth


The Journal of Cleaner Production will be issuing a special volume on the topic of technology and degrowth and is looking for interesting scientific contributions. Abstracts of 400 to 500 words can be submitted until 31 August 2015. The special volume aims to both provide 1) a state of the art selection of current discussions of the role of technology within Degrowth in academia and practice and 2) a deepened reflection on technologies with the aim to specify perspectives and to overcome their entrenchment. The full call for papers can be accessed here


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Listen to the Degrowth Vocabulary as Audio-Book!

...and join us to add other languages! Ever wanted to listen to the book "Vocabulary of Degrowth" because you prefer having an audio book over a physical one? Well, we hear you and share your feeling. That's why we started the "Vocabulary of Degrowth Audiobook Podcast". Currently we are recording individual chapters of the book and publish them as a podcast. This way we eventually get to recor...


Interview: "Wir brauchen Widerstand - sonst wird uns der Klimawandel die Perspektive für ein gutes Leben für alle nehmen."


Vom 19. bis 23. August 2016 findet die 2. Degrowth-Sommerschule auf dem Klimacamp im Rheinland statt. Unter dem Motto "Skills for System Change" wird es mit einem vielfältigen Programm um gelebte Alternativen zum aktuellen Wirtschaftssystem gehen. Nachdem die Sommerschule zu Ende gegangen ist, beginnt auf dem Klimacamp das "Aktionslabor", das vom 24.-29. August geht. Was es damit auf sich hat u...


Welcome to Degrowth India!

http://www.degrowthindiainitiative.org/We are very excited that there's now a promising degrowth-iniatiative in India.  The Degrowth-India initiative and blog aims at re-politicizing the Indian debate on the much needed socio-ecological transformation. A press-article about the kick-off of the initiative is available here. If you're interested in the further development of the debate, stay tune...