The Journal of Cleaner Production will be issuing a special volume on the topic of technology and degrowth and is looking for interesting scientific contributions. Abstracts of 400 to 500 words can be submitted until 31 August 2015. The special volume aims to both provide 1) a state of the art selection of current discussions of the role of technology within Degrowth in academia and practice and 2) a deepened reflection on technologies with the aim to specify perspectives and to overcome their entrenchment. The full call for papers can be accessed here
.How a feminist degrowth approach can alleviate ecological and gender injustices Is it possible to reconcile sustainable development, a fair distribution of both paid and unpaid work among genders, and an economic strategy based on growth? In our article “The Monetized Economy versus Care and the Environment? Degrowth Perspectives on Reconciling an Antagonism”, a contribution to the 2018 Femini...
By André Reichel In the discourse on degrowth – the deliberate and planned downscaling of production and consumption that increases human well-being and enhances ecological conditions and equity on the planet – the notion of »sustainable development« has sort of a bad rap. In fact, sustainable degrowth is intended to replace sustainable development as the central concept under which ecological...
... und was die Sommerschule "Degrowth konkret: Klimagerechtigkeit" dazu beiträgt Von Elena Hofferberth Der UN-Klimaprozess findet mit der 21. Conference of Parties in Paris in diesem Jahr einen weiteren Höhepunkt. Ziel ist die Verabschiedung eines verbindlichen, alle Staaten umfassenden Klimaabkommens, welches die Erwärmung der Atmosphäre auf maximal 2 Grad begrenzen soll. Ob es dazu kommt i...