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Degrowth Movement Assembly 2025


2025 assembly

Image source: Nick Night on Unsplash


We are excited to invite you to the Online Degrowth Movement Assembly, a space for collective reflection, exchange, and action-oriented discussions to strengthen the degrowth movement.

Date: April 22nd and April 24th
Time: 3:00–6:00 PM UTC each day
Place: Online
Languages: English. Spanish-speaking groups if volunteers are available.

This two-day assembly will focus on:
- Degrowth in practice through policy interventions and place-based experiences
- Supporting place-based and decentralised organising for Degrowth
- Networking and collective empowerment

Day 1: April 22nd, 3:00–6:00 PM UTC

- Presentation of IDN’s work and circles (brief overview)
- Group discussions on key topics (theory and practice, personal and organisational challenges, cultural transformation)
- Special session: Degrowth and decolonial perspectives
Closing reflections, evaluation and next steps

Day 2: April 24th 3:00–6:00 PM UTC

- Degrowth in practice, movements, and actions worldwide: Moving towards collaborative projects (activism, policy, events, communication)
- Creative visioning exercise: The future of degrowth conferences
- Closing reflections, evaluation and next steps

Registration and further information

This assembly serves as a starting point for deeper conversations and actions that will inform the Onsite Degrowth Movement Assembly in Oslo, right before the ISEE-Degrowth Conference, and continue to evolve throughout the year, both within and beyond the International Ddegrowth Network.

In solidarity,
The Organising Team

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