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Reclaiming Community Practices: From Fashion Industry to Fashion Commons.


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At this (online) Assembly, Saturday, October 5 · 10am - 1pm CEST, experts will speak about how to degrow the European Fashion System and move towards a fashion commons whilst centering justice.

Commons are alternatives to growth-based capitalist systems, emerging when communities collaborate to self-provision or to reach shared goals in fair and democratic ways. OC.M, a project powered by activist group Fashion Act Now, exists to help the Fashion Commons flourish.

Assembly for a Fashion Commons is integral to how OC.M operates. These People’s Assemblies engage stakeholders, practitioners and concerned members of the public in participatory and democratic decision-making processes. This October, we bring the assembly format to GFA24 to explore how a transformation from industry to commons might look for Europe. We understand that this transformation in Europe cannot happen without solidarity with the global south. Come listen to diverse perspectives from across Europe as well as voices from the Global South as we attempt to form a plan of action.

Learn more about this event here.

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