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Blog • 04.12.2018

COP24: climate protesters must get radical and challenge economic growth

Climate emergency

By: Christine Corlet Walker

At the COP24 conference in Poland, countries are aiming to finalise the implementation plan for the 2015 Paris Agreement. The task has extra gravity in the wake of the recent IPCC report declaring that we have just 12 years to take the action needed to limit global warming to that infamous 1.5ᵒC target. Although the conference itself is open to selected state representatives only, many see t...

Blog • 19.10.2018

Gathering degrowth in the American pluriverse

Degrowus2018 haymarket

By: Sam Bliss

“When you told your friends and family you were going to a degrowth gathering, they asked, ‘What is degrowth?’ How did you respond?” The 2018 degrowUS gathering from September 28-30 2018 in Chicago began with this question. The first day’s thirty-odd attendees wrote their responses on sticky notes as they scraped the last bites of lunch off the dishes the event’s organizers had told them to ...

Blog • 19.09.2018

The EU needs a stability and wellbeing pact, not more growth

Please find below a text published in The Guardian and also in several European Countries. More than 200 academics call on the European Union and its member states to plan for a post-growth future in which human and ecological wellbeing is prioritised over GDP. More than 78,000 people already singed the petition "Europe, It’s Time to End the Growth Dependency" This week, scientists, politici...

Blog • 10.09.2018

Defending Hambach Forest is part of the struggle for degrowth!

By: Kai Kuhnhenn & Nina Treu

Degrowth stands for moving beyond the paradigm of the growth- and profit-oriented economic system. By means of a social-ecological transformation, a good life for all can be achieved. This means overcoming the imperial way of living of the global North, building alternatives, and creating positive narratives of our possible future. This also includes resisting useless large-scale projects, priv...

Blog • 22.08.2018

One decade of Degrowth International Conferences: Past, Present and Future

Dialogue in turbulent times

By: The Support Group of the International Degrowth Conferences

This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first international degrowth conference in Paris, 18-19 April 2008. This event introduced the originally French activist slogan décroissance into the English-speaking world and international academia as degrowth. This year we celebrate with three conferences: the current one in Malmö, the one in Mexico City from 3 to 7 September and at the Post...

Blog • 25.04.2018

Breaking the chains of delusion -Technological progress mythologies and the pitfalls of digitalization

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By: Fabian Scheidler

When it comes to technological development, I often hear the words: What can be done will be done – sooner or later. Many people think that technological development follows a path directed by quasi-natural laws that head into one and only one direction – called “progress” – which is: to use more technology, more complex technology, more expensive technology, more powerful technology. Now, if t...