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Blog • 23.06.2017

Deep Ecology: System Change with Head, Heart and Hand

Spider s web

By: Christiane Kliemann

Every day we are bombarded with frightening news. But how do we personally feel about them and how can we deal with them as society as a whole? Which future do I actually want for myself, for the world and for my children? And how are my personal feelings and motivations connected to the larger picture? What frightens me, what makes me angry and how can I transform these feelings into a source ...

Blog • 18.04.2017

How degrowth relates to other movements

By: Nina Treu, Matthias Schmelzer, Corinna Burkhart

There is a wide range of emancipatory alternatives working towards a social-ecological transformation. It is more important than ever to underline this. From Brexit, to the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) in Germany, to Trump —the current political turmoil is a clear sign of the discontent that exists with the prevailing system, and that expresses itself through a societal shift towards t...

Blog • 05.04.2017

The alternative to the G20 Summit in Hamburg – Global Solidarity Summit

Global summit 1

By: Global Solidarity Summit

Call for participation On 7 and 8 July 2017, the Leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) will meet in Hamburg. This self-styled club of 19 of the most powerful economies in the world and the EU claims to fight global crises. However, reality reveals a different picture: The G20 defends a system that exacerbates social disparities instead of leading policies against deprivation and hunger and...

Blog • 27.03.2017

MOVE UTOPIA: Everything Is Possible – Moving Towards A New Story

Move englisch 1

By: Christiane Kliemann

If you've ever dreamt of the good life for all based on everybody's individual skills and needs, free from domination and in mutual appreciation and cooperation, you've got the chance now to help make this dream come true: from 21 to 25 June around 1000 people will be getting together in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, North-East Germany, to "design the future, de-grow growth and live utopia" in a ...

Blog • 02.03.2017

In Defense of Degrowth - Opinions and Minifestos

Kallis 1

By: Joan Martinez-Alier

A collection of Giorgos Kallis´ articles now available as e-book The first time I heard Giorgos Kallis speak was in Lisbon about ten years ago at a meeting of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE). He has remained faithful to this field, contributing to the exciting debates on an ecological macroeconomics without growth or “prosperity without growth”. In Lisbon he did not yet ta...

Blog • 21.02.2017

Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA) Newly Launched

Feminism rocks

  We are happy to announce a follow up to our roundtable about feminism(s) and degrowth at the Degrowth Conference in Budapest 2016. Sharing many common points, feminisms and degrowth have the potential to build an alliance which promotes mutual enrichment. One intersection is the criticism of the dominant socio-economic mode. By criticising the centrality of productive performance and by furt...