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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2012


Der Rebound-Effekt. Über die unerwünschten Folgen der erwünschten Energieeffizienz

By: Tilman Santarius

santarius.de: Kann die Wirtschaft weiter wachsen und zugleich der Verbrauch an Energie und die Emissionen stark zurückgehen? Diese Studie von Tilman Santarius geht der Frage nach, inwiefern Energie-Effizienzsteigerungen so genannte Rebound-Effekte nach sich ziehen, die den Energieverbrauch steigern und dem Ziel der Energieeinsparung zuwiderlaufen. Sie beschreibt die Vielfalt möglicher Rebound-E...

Scientific paper • 2012


A methodological approach to environmental impact assessment of reuse practices

By: Serenella Sala, Valentina Castellani, Renato Conca

From the text: An efficient and sustainable use of resources is considered a crucial step towards sustainable lifestyles, implying sustainable production and consumption patterns. In fact, the transition towards sustainable production and consumption is recognized as one of the major challenges for sustainability, entailing waste prevention and reduction. E.g. by 2020, the OECD estimates, we co...

Report • 2012


Voices of Transition

By: Nils Aguilar

voicesoftransition.org: This inspirational film presents innovative and very concrete solutions to the food security challenges of our crisis-ridden age. Its powerful images showcase community-led agriculture in Cuba, ingenious woodland farming methods in France and the influential Transition movement in the UK, where communities are already moving towards local resilience. The pioneers of thi...

Interview • 2012


Creating a New Narrative

By: Extraenvironmentalist, Mary Evelyn Tucker

[ Mary Evelyn Tucker // Creating a New Narrative ] from Extraenvironmentalist on Vimeo. Interview with Mary Evelyn Tucker made during the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. Mary Evelyn Tucker starts with talking about the movie "journey of the universe" and that the human species needs a new narrative for being one species. How do we get to stop denial of ...

Scientific paper • 2012


The economics of degrowth

By: Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martinez-Alier, Christian Kerschner

Degrowth; Money; Debt; Happiness; Employment; Property; Ecological macroeconomics

Scientific paper • 2012


Feminism and degrowth: Parallelisms and Intersections.

By: Paola Melchiori

The contribution of feminism to the economy of degrowth. Introduction: The questions I will propose here are the following: has feminism still something to contribute, in the actual historical conjuncture, to a movement like the degrowth movement? Will the same characteristics of this movement guarantee that the main contents of feminism are already incorporated? The reason for these question...

Report • 2012


Where Does Money Come From?

By: Tony Greenham, Josh Ryan-Collins, Richard Werner, Andrew Jackson

Key findings, according to the NEF: > There is widespread misunderstanding of how new money is created: even among bankers, economists, and policymakers > Physical cash accounts for less than 3 per cent of the total stock of money in the economy > The absence of this understanding makes attempts at banking reform more likely to fail Below you find the introduction of the publication.

Scientific paper • 2012


Le Radici Lontane della decrescita

By: Paolo Scroccaro

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. Italian only

Scientific paper • 2012


A nebulosa do decrescimento: um estudo sobre as contradições das novas formas de fazer política

By: Ana Flavia Pulsini Louzada Bádue

Resumo Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como tema central a mobilização políticoecológica de Decrescimento na França. Com o argumento de que o crescimento econômico destrói o meio ambiente, militantes do decrescimento acionam uma diversidade de coletivos, ações e ideias para construir uma mobilização política em forma de nebulosa. Diferente de um movimento social, de um partido político ou de ...

Interview • 2012


Pierre Rabhi : La croissance est un problème, pas une solution

By: Pierre Rabhi

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYStCuNMcYU[/embed] Dans cette vidéo, Pierre Rabhi répond à quelques questions sur notre société, telles que: les crises actuelles vont-elles permettre de remettre en question le système dans lequel nous vivons ? L'écologie semble aujourd'hui avoir été écartée du débat politique. Pourquoi ? D'où peut venir le changement? Changer les règles du jeu démocr...

Scientific paper • 2012


The European food sovereignty movement engagement

By: Luca Colombo

Abstract: The 2011 Nyeleni Europe Forum set up the conditions for the establishment of a wide European movement for food sovereignty that aims at a thorough redefinition of food and agriculture systems towards more sustainable and socially responsible policies and practices. Three pillars were identified as outcomes of the Forum, meant to ‘resist’, ‘build’ and ‘transform’ the current food syste...

Scientific paper • 2012


The multifaceted consequences of ‘meat’ consumption and the adoption of a vegetable based diet: a core degrowth issue

By: Gaia Angelini-Roberto Bennati, Enrico Moriconi, Paola Segurini

From the text: . . . With such a future meat request scenario, many ‘different’ solutions are being taken into account, as the creation of transgenic animals, or the spreading in Europe and North America of the habit of eating insects, or the production of ‘in vitro’ meat created in a lab from stem cells.All the above mentioned solutions appear to be bizarre and extremely complicate if we compa...

Scientific paper • 2012


Non-growth in the housing sector for sustainability and its planning implications

By: Jin Xue

Abstract: By thoroughly exploring the trends of the housing sector growth in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Hangzhou (China) metropolitan areas and its social, economic and environmental consequences, the paper argues for a non-growth and even degrowth in the housing sector in the global North and the wealthy cities in China. A simple thought experiment of a non-growing housing sector is made in orde...

Scientific paper • 2012


From economism to autonomy: a value reading of the "Greek crisis"

By: Panos Petridis

Abstract: The density of events over the last years, together with the continuous scaremongering from the dominant political and media circles, has put the Greek society into an informal “economic state of exception”. Austerity measures and neoliberal policies such as large scale privatisations, under the name of “reform” or “modernisation” are presented as a painful but necessary evil and a va...

Scientific paper • 2012


Sustainability and antispeciecism: the missing link in the critic of growth

By: Arianna Ferrari

From the text: . . . There is a curious observation to be made about this standard critique of growth. It refers not only to the need of restructuring economic life and recognizing material limits. It also involves a striving to embrace a different normative conception of the human relation to the Earth and so to nature. It thus points to the human responsibility in utilizing and preserving geo...

Scientific paper • 2012


Critique of Degrowth and its Politics

By: David Schwartzman

From the paper: The degrowth program is highly problematic because of its failure to analyze the qualitative aspects of economic growth and its emphasis on the local economy without recognizing the urgency to address global anthropogenic change from a transnational political perspective. In particular, a major challenge humanity now faces is to rapidly implement a prevention program to avoid ca...

Scientific paper • 2012


Ecovillages, a social alternative

By: Alfredo Camozzi, Amy Kabat

Introduction: The term “Ecovillage” has had great fortune since it was coined during the convention of sustainable communities held in Denmark, 1991, by the Gaia Foundation. Thanks to the support of important ecological and alternative experiences like that of Findhorn in Scotland, The Farm in the United States, Chrystal Water in Australia, and others, the Global Ecovillage Network(GEN) was for...

Scientific paper • 2012


Design, prevenzione dei rifiuti e innovazione

By: Laura Badalucco

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available in Italian