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Showing 3581 items

• 2017


On the ecology of capitalism

By: Antithesi

From the introduction: According to the apologetic ideology of “environmental economics” the disturbance of the ecological balance of the planet, the accumulation of pollutants and toxic substances, i.e. the destruction of the natural preconditions for the satisfaction of human social needs, is a result of the inherent conflict between humanity and extra-human nature. The origin of these chang...

Scientific paper • 2017


Two Contrasting Scenarios for a Zero-Emission Future in a High-Consumption Society

By: Carlo Aall, Jin Xue, Hans Jakob Walnum, Petter Næss

Keywords: ecological modernisation; degrowth; zero-emission society; scenario

• 2017


Chaos - Das neue Zeitalter der Revolutionen

By: Fabian Scheidler

Nach dem Erfolg seines Werkes Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation, das sich mit der Entstehungsgeschichte globaler Krisen beschäftigt, widmet sich der Berliner Autor und Journalist Fabian Scheidler in seinem neuen Buch Chaos. Das neue Zeitalter der Revolutionen der Gegenwart und Zukunft. Weltweit breitet sich zunehmend Chaos aus: Der Klimawandel wird zur Rea...

• 2017


In Defense of Degrowth - Opinions and Minifestos

By: Joan Martinez-Alier

A collection of Giorgos Kallis´ articles now available as e-book The first time I heard Giorgos Kallis speak was in Lisbon about ten years ago at a meeting of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE). He has remained faithful to this field, contributing to the exciting debates on an ecological macroeconomics without growth or

• 2017


Has ‘Degrowth’ Outgrown its Own Name?

By: Giorgos Kallis, Kate Raworth

The following article presents a debate that was first published on From Poverty to Power, a conversational blog maintained by Duncan Green. It is kicked off by Kate Raworth, renegade economist and development re-thinker, who feels that degrowth has outgrown its name. In reply Giorgos Kallis, the world’s leading academic on degrowth, counters with the view that ‘degrowth’ is still a compelling ...

• 2017


De-growth is feasible: people want a new economy

By: Jason Hickel

A blog post by Jason Hickel which is the fourth part of a discussion between him and Branko Milanovic. Chronology of the discussion Original blog post by Branko Milanovic "The illusion of “degrowth” in a poor and unequal world" First reply by Jason Hickel "Why Branko Milanovic is wrong about de-growth" Reply by Branko Milanovic "The illusion of degrowth: Part II" Second Reply by Jason Hi...

Interview • 2017


Water Injustice / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Rutgerd Boelens

By: Rutgerd Boelens

Rutgerd Boelens, Wageningen University, explains four layers of water injustices and how to fight against them from the political ecology perspective with a focus on water and water-related conflicts. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

• 2017


MOVE UTOPIA: Everything Is Possible – Moving Towards A New Story

By: Christiane Kliemann

If you’ve ever dreamt of the good life for all based on everybody’s individual skills and needs, free from domination and in mutual appreciation and cooperation, you’ve got the chance now to help make this dream come true: from 21 to 25 June around 1000 people will be getting together in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, North-East Germany, to “design

• 2017


Prosperity without Growth 2nd Edition

By: Tim Jackson

Subtitle: Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow 2nd Edition of Tim Jacksons "Prosperity without Growth - Economics for a Finite Planet" The publisher: What can prosperity possibly mean in a world of environmental and social limits? The publication of Prosperity without Growth was a landmark in the sustainability debate. Tim Jackson’s piercing challenge to conventional economics openly q...

• 2017


Let’s Degrow Up and Grow Down!

By: François Schneider

Francois Schneider defends the use of the term "degrowth". From the text: . . . If degrowth was the name of a multinational of toothpaste, Drews and Antal would be right: degrowth is not the right word to gain (market) competition. However degrowth is not just about raising attention, being interesting, provocative, easy to remember. It actually has a meaning! When I was doing a tour of conf...

• 2017


Warum hohe Wachstumsraten dauerhaft nicht erzielbar sind

By: Attac AG Jenseits des Wachstums

Aus dem Text: Das ungebremstes Wachstum aufgrund endlicher Ressourcen dauerhaft nicht möglich sein wird und außerdem unsere Lebensgrundlagen endgültig zerstören würde, muss hier nicht weiter erörtert werden. Aber nicht nur diese Grenzen des Wachstums machen die daran geknüpften Versprechen unglaubwürdig, auch in Zeiten durchschnittlicher Wachstumsraten, haben Hunger, Arbeitslosigkeit und prekär...

• 2017


Degrowth: Unterschiedliche Strategien, dieselben Kämpfe

By: Manfred Ecker

Degrowth (im deutschen als Postwachstum bezeichnet) nennt sich das Konzept einer Strömung innerhalb der Klimaschutzbewegung, die das Wirtschaftswachstums in den Industrienationen zulasten der Umwelt und des globalen Südens angreift. Aus sozialistischer Sicht hat diese Theorie wichtige Stärken und Schwächen. (Einführung) Vierter und letzter Teil einer Serie. Alle Artikel aus der Serie: Teil...

• 2017


Why Branko Milanovic is wrong about de-growth

By: Jason Hickel

Introduction: Branko Milanovic has written a blog post titled “The illusion of degrowth in a poor and unequal world". He penned it, he says, following a conversation he had with a proponent of degrowth. As it turns out, that proponent was me. First, let me say that I have a lot of respect for Milanovic's work on inequality. I cite him all the time. But unfortunately he doesn't have a s...

Interview • 2017


Chaos: Ein neues Zeitalter der Revolutionen?

By: Fabian Scheidler, David Goeßmann

Your browser does not support the video tag. Einleitung von Kontext TV: Nach Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation thematisiert Kontext-TV-Mitbegründer Fabian Scheidler in seinem neuen Buch die Herausforderungen von Gegenwart und Zukunft: die Krise des Lebens auf der Erde, die extreme Spaltung zwischen Arm und Reich und das System der „globalen Apartheid“, da...

Scientific paper • 2017


Sustainable health and degrowth: Health, health care and society beyond the growth paradigm

By: Iris Borowy, Jean-Louis Aillon

Keywords: public health degrowth drug production social determinants of health equity

• 2017


Umkämpftes Grün - Zwischen neoliberaler Stadtentwicklung und Stadtgestaltung von unten

By: Andrea*s Exner, Sarah Kumnig, Marit Rosol

Urbane Gärten sind aus vielen Städten nicht mehr wegzudenken. Gemeinschaftlicher Gemüseanbau wird dabei oft als rebellischer Akt der Stadtgestaltung von unten verstanden. Gleichzeitig taucht »urban gardening« immer häufiger in Stadtentwicklungsplänen und Werbebroschüren auf. Die Beiträger_innen des Bandes liefern eine kritische Analyse grüner urbaner Aktivitäten und ihrer umkämpften und wide...

• 2017


John Bellamy Foster answers five questions about Marxism and ecology

By: Saral Sarkar, John Bellamy Foster

Introduction by Ian Angus March 30, 2017 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Climate & Capitalism – The Indian website Ecologise recently published John Bellamy Foster’s Foreword to my book Facing the Anthropocene. Commenting on Foster’s article, journalist and activist Saral Sarkar, who describes his views as eco-socialist, raised questions that challenge t...

Scientific paper • 2017


The Paradoxical Relationship between Renewable Energy and Economic Growth: A Cross-National Panel Study, 1990-2013

By: Ryan P Thombs

Climate Change; Economic Growth; Renewable Energy Consumption; Renewable Energy Paradox; World Economic System

• 2017


Imperiale Lebensweise

By: Ulrich Brand, Markus Wissen

Zur Ausbeutung von Mensch und Natur in Zeiten des globalen Kapitalismus Der Verlag: Haben wir die Zeiten des Imperialismus nicht längst hinter uns gelassen? Wenn man erwägt, in welchem Maße sich der Globale Norden nach wie vor an den ökologischen und sozialen Ressourcen des Globalen Südens bedient, rücken die Begriffe »Globaler Kapitalismus« und »Imperialismus« wieder näher zusammen. Unsere...

Scientific paper • 2017


Reclaiming sustainable space - A study of degrowth activists

By: Javier Lloveras, Cathy Parker, Lee Quinn

Keywords: Activism, consumption, degrowth, place, space