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Showing 3581 items

• 2016


Exit from the Megamachine - Why a social-ecological transformation is impossible without changing the deep structures of our economy

By: Fabian Scheidler

"Opening a newspaper or listening to the radio news exposes us to a flood of catastrophic messages: devastating droughts, failing states, terrorist attacks, and financial crashes. You can look at all those incidents as unconnected singular phenomena, which is exactly what the common presentation of news suggests. From another angle, however, they appear as symptoms of a systemic crisis, with di...

Scientific paper • 2016


Unpackaged: factors that drive consumers to package-free retail

By: Hana Hrstkova

Sustainable food systems signal a need to return to local, organic and low footprint food provisions, implying also reduction of waste and packaging. Rather than looking at the waste issue from the post-consumption perspective (approaches that have dominated over the recent decades), this paper attempts to shed more light on the prevention of consumer packaging waste through unpackaged shoppi...

• 2016


Über Selbstproblematisierung zu Kapitalismuskritik: Die Degrowth-Bewegung

By: Christiane Kliemann

Von Dennis Eversberg und Matthias Schmelzer Auch wenn Wachstumskritik en vogue ist – in einer Rangliste der „Top 10 Grassroots Movements“ des australischen „Shift Magazine“ nahm es jüngst sogar den ersten Platz ein – gibt es zu Degrowth als einer sozialen Bewegung bisher kaum Forschungen. In einem neu erscheinenden Aufsatz im Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen präsentieren

Scientific paper • 2016


Rethinking Degrowth with Diverse Economies (Panel 2)

By: Phedeas Stephanides, Ana Inés Heras, Tuomo Alhojärvi, Tuomo Alhojärvi, Bronwen Morgan

As there seems to be no alternative to the capitalist status-quo, the task of overcoming capitalism through degrowth appears daunting. How, then, might we escape this impasse and build an emancipatory narrative? This two-part session brings together researchers affiliated with the international Community Economies Research Network (CERN) to start this dialogue. Analyses inspired by locally gene...

Scientific paper • 2016


Permaculture as a tool for empowerment under the Degrowth perspective.

By: Bruno Pythio

Building physical and social spaces through Permaculture under Degrowth theory transforms not only the environment but it also has de potential to change people. These spaces empower those who use these tools and they have also the potential to share concepts and values during immersions and courses involving another look about environment. Empowerment is a plural and dynamic concept, involving...

Report • 2016

Image Text


By: Dorothee Häußermann, Laura Wollny

Dies ist ein Beitrag zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en), in dem es um die Anti-Kohle-Bewegung geht. Info zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en): Degrowth ist nicht nur ein neues Label für eine Diskussion über Alternativen oder eine akademische Debatte, sondern auch eine im Entstehen begriffene soziale Bewegung. Trotz vieler Überschneidungen mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen gibt es sowohl bei...

• 2016


A radical political-ecological view on Jeremy Rifkin’s ‘Third Industrial Revolution’, five years later

By: Andreas Roos

By Andreas Roos  “The great economic revolutions in history occur when new communication revolutions merge with new energy regimes”. This is the beginning of an article by Jeremy Rifkin in the Guardian back in 2011, echoing the promise he laid out in his then newly written book The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is

• 2016


Burning Ice #9 - Paul De Grauwe & Federico Demaria

By: Federico Demaria, Paul De Grauwe

Video of a panel discussion with Federico Demaria. Kaaitheater: We live in an era of stubborn economic growth. For decades, the consequences have been impoverishment, rising inequalities and socio-ecological disasters. How can we ‘degrow’, in an economy that aims for ‘better’ instead of ‘more and faster’? Oikos presents the Dutch translation of "Degrowth", the standard work on this topic. Pr...

• 2016


Lässt sich Klimapolitik in CO2-Ausstoß bemessen?

By: Camila Moreno

Von Camila Moreno, Lili Fuhr and Daniel Speich Chassé Bis vor kurzem noch hätten Begriffe wie “CO2-Bilanz”, “CO2-Fußabdruck” oder “CO2-Ausgleich” nur fragende Blicke in der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit hervorgerufen. Inzwischen sind sie in aller Munde, ganz unabhängig von der Frage, ob sie den notwendigen Klimaschutzzielen überhaupt dienlich sind oder nicht. „Carbon metrics“ sind das Maß aller

Scientific paper • 2016


How to Measure the Progress of Degrowth Policies

By: Rakesh Saxena

The concept of degrowth is not about ‘reducing the growth’ or recession but about giving up the obsession of an economy with growth. It recognises limits to growth and emphasizes building a society based on frugality, sharing, cooperation, conviviality, equality, etc. Even green growth based on improving environmental efficiency is difficult to sustain. In this form, degrowth is as relevant to ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Grassroots movements in Hungary.

By: Zoltan Ferencz

The emerging environmental problems in the 1960s and 1970s were the basis for “Grassroots movements”. The explicit focus on ecological and social sustainability, which is a defining characteristic of ecovillages, arose in the 1990s. In earlier communities, of course, there had been efforts to live in ways that were ecological and in close contact with nature, but the specific sustainability foc...

Scientific paper • 2016


Sufficiency Policy for Sustainable Degrowth

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Felix Ekardt, Anja Humburg, Joachim Spangenberg, Joachim Spangenberg

Sufficiency is the anti-thesis to the dominant orientation towards getting ever “more, further and faster”. Often treated as a lifestyle issue for the better-off, it essentially requires (1) a fundamental policy change to offering new opportunity spaces, from advertisement- and commerce free spaces via repairable design to reverting work intensification, and (2) a change in societal standards a...

Scientific paper • 2016


Between Green Growth and Degrowth: Decoupling, Rebound Effects and the Politics for Long-Term Sustainability

By: Jin Xue, Jørgen Nørgård

Abstract: Taking the simple equation: I(impact) = P(population) · A(affluence) · T(technology) as the point of departure, this chapter discusses the delusion of decoupling economic activities from environmental impacts by resorting to reduce eco-intensities through technological advancement alone. It is argued that the rebound effect is both a natural consequence of the growth dedicated societ...

• 2016


Globale Wirtschaft: Ausgewachsen

By: Alexander Demling

Zusammengefasst von Spiegel Online: Ein Team deutscher Ökonomen glaubt, dass ihre Zunft bisher mit falschen Modellen an das Phänomen Wirtschaftswachstum herangeht. Sie glauben, dass die Wirtschaft in westlichen Staaten viel langsamer wachsen wird als bisher angenommen und fordern radikale Anpassungen durch die Politik. Andere Ökonomen sagen, die aktuelle Wachstumsschwäche könne durch Zukunftsin...

Scientific paper • 2016


Moving Critique Beyond 'Moses and the Prophets' Notes for an Ecological Political Economy of Degrowth in Advanced Capitalism

By: Eric Pineault

Keywords: Capitalism, Degrowth, Overaccumulation, Economic Growth, Surplus.

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth and Sustainable, Just Food Supply

By: Sini Forssell, Balint_ESSRG, Balint_ESSRG, Petr Jehlička

The program of degrowth has from the start regarded alternative food provisioning as a starting point for the implementation of degrowth (Latouche 2011) that could easily extend to more fundamental economic and financial self-sufficiency. The proliferation of seed swapping, food self-provisioning, food cooperatives, ethical food (justice) initiatives has been witnessed worldwide. These food pra...

• 2016


Grassroots Movements, Degrowth and ‘New Economies’

By: Iris Kunze

A Study on Transformative Social Innovation There are numerous grassroots movements and initiatives worldwide with the ambition to contribute to transformative change towards more sustainable, resilient and just societies. Many of them have a specific vision on the economy and relate to alternative visions of a ‘New Economy’. The research project TRANSIT highlights four prominent strands of ne...

• 2016


Is being “punk as f*ck” really where it’s at?

By: Rob Hopkins

Rob Hopkins offers a Transition take on a recent blog by Sam Bliss, Aaron Vansintjan called ‘Degrowth Is Punk as F*ck‘. > Blog post ‘Degrowth Is Punk as Fuck‘

Report • 2016


Degrowth und schrumpfende Logik

By: Alexander Nabert

Der Autor beschreibt und kritisiert rechte Strömungen, die sich für eine Postwachstumswirtschaft einsetzen. Er fordert eine stärkere Abgrenzung linker Postwachstums Stimmen von diesen rechten Diskursen. Jungle World Nr. 6, 11. Februar 2016 Weitere Artikel zum Thema in der Jungel World: > Böses Wachstum > Intellektuelles Minuswachstum > Antikapitalistische Querfront

Presentation • 2016


TUE_18h // Opening panel of the conference: Degrowth in semi-periphery context

By: Giorgos Kallis, Danijela Dolenec, Alexandra Köves, Zoltan Pogatsa

Panel discussion at the the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speakers: Alexandra Köves, Zoltan Pogatsa, Danijela Dolenec, Giorgos Kallis Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel