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Showing 286 items

Scientific paper • 2013


A simple model of a currency union with endogenous money and saving-investment imbalances

By: Dirk Ehnts

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The economic crisis in the euro zone proves that neither the creators of the euro nor today's policy-makers fully understand the functioning of a currency union. Explanations of the macroeconomic relations inside a currency union are therefore in demand. It is now clear that macroeconomic imbala...

Scientific paper • 2013


Coordination, Collective Bargaining and Macroeconomic Performance: Re-Analyzing a “hump-shaped“ Relation

By: Frederik Knirsch

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The EU crisis is not overcome yet and the entire system suffers from the persistent macroeconomic imbalances and inequalities. According to the EU growth and convergence strategy “Europe 2020” the EC recommends a set of political reforms concerning national labour markets including adjustments...

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth or regrowth?

By: Mark Whitehead

From the text: If you ask people what they remember most about the financial crisis of 2008 you are likely to hear phrases such as the subprime bubble, toxic assets, Bear Stearns or Northern Rock. As an environmentalist, the main focus of my recollections is slightly different. What I remember most vividly was the desperation with which central bankers and politicians sought to immediately char...

Scientific paper • 2013


Local currencies for purposive degrowth? A quality check of some proposals for changing money-as-usual

By: Kristofer Dittmer

Local currencies; Degrowth; Localization; Utopian socialism; Monetary reform

Scientific paper • 2012


Towards a fair degrowth-society: Justice and the right to a ‘good life’ beyond growth

By: Barbara Muraca

Abstract: A critical scrutiny is presented of the ethical assumptions of growth and degrowth theories with respect to distributive justice and the normative conditions for a ‘good human life’. An argument is made in favor of Sen's and Nussbaum's ‘capabilities approach’ as the most suitable theoretical framework for addressing these questions. Since industrialization economic growth has played a...

Scientific paper • 2012


Growth, A-Growth or Degrowth to Stay within Planetary Boundaries?

By: Giorgos Kallis, Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh

a-growth, degrowth, environmental sustainability, gross domestic product (GDP), growth paradigm

Scientific paper • 2012


Democracies with a future: Degrowth and the democratic tradition

By: Marco Deriu

Abstract: The interrogation of a possible connection between degrowth and democracy inspires some questions of political epistemology. Is degrowth a socio-economic project which can be simply proposed as an “issue” and a “goal” in the democratic representative system, without discussing forms and processes of the political institutions themselves? Is the degrowth perspective fully compatible wi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Ecomusicology: a key to understand human harmony

By: Leonella Grasso Caprioli

From the introduction:The perspective of scientific realism has the tendency to consider environmental problems leaving aside their ethical, historical and political context. On the contrary, the humanities, philosophy, literature, visual arts, music, help to develop a knowledge of the nature alternative to the one proposed by natural sciences, and often overflowing the limits imposed by ration...

Scientific paper • 2012


Morin, Beck and Latouche: for an ecology of action in the light of degrowth

By: Fabrizio Li Vigni

Keywords: Edgar Morin, Ulrich Beck, Serge Latouche, ecology of action, wager, strategy, precautionary principle, upstream action, degrowth.

Scientific paper • 2012


Overcoming accumulation: Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible?

By: Frederik Berend Blauwhof

Keywords: Steady-state economy; Capital accumulation; Capitalism; Ecological economics; Marxian economics; Growth; Crisis; Reform; Policy

• 2012


Weltbeziehungen im Zeitalter der Beschleunigung - Umrisse einer neuen Gesellschaftskritik

By: Hartmut Rosa

Mit der Beschleunigung des sozialen Lebens in der Moderne ändert sich auch die Art und Weise, in der der Mensch »in die Welt gestellt« ist. Hartmut Rosa analysiert aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln die Veränderungen in der Welterfahrung, der Weltbeziehung und der Weltbearbeitung moderner Subjekte. Dabei entsteht umrißhaft das Programm einer kritischen Soziologie, in deren Zentrum die Bestimmun...

Scientific paper • 2012


Growth and democracy: Trade-offs and paradoxes

By: Mauro Bonaiut

Abstract: The present paper attempts to reveal the relationships between some long-run systemic processes (on the economic, ecological, social and symbolic levels) and the theme of democracy. Starting from the distinction between democracy and autonomy, the paper focusses on its main issue: the trade-off between growth and autonomy. Continual growth can be produced, and indeed has been produced...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth and Sustainable Human Development: in search of a path toward integration

By: F. Tabellini, P. Ponti

From the introduction: . . . We think that we have to choose and to make explicit a theory of justice because we believe that any theory concerning human action, even those that claim to be purely descriptive, they subtend a specific idea of human being and they have a normative component (besides a prescriptive one). Looking for a possible solution, we try to trace an integration path between ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Capitalism, Religion and the Idea of the Demonic

By: Christoph Deutschmann

Abstract: The paper enters the vast debate on capitalism and religion and offers a discrete interpretation of their relationship. On the one hand, it is questioned to consider capitalism as a secularized social system in which religions do no longer play a dominant public role, although its historical rise may have been influenced by religious movements. On the other hand,...

Scientific paper • 2012


Le Radici Lontane della decrescita

By: Paolo Scroccaro

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. Italian only

Scientific paper • 2012


Bona diagnosis, bona curatio: How property economics clarifies the degrowth debate

By: Pascal van Griethuysen

Keywords: Degrowth; Property economics; Capitalist rationality; Eco-social rationale

Scientific paper • 2012


Sustainability and New Visions of Consumers Sovereignty and Utility

By: Roberta Sassatelli

From the text: In his widely known work La société de consommation, the French cultural critic Jean Baudrillard thus summed up contemporary society: ‘Just as medieval society was balanced on God and the Devil, so ours is balanced on consumption and its denunciation’. The notion of the consumer, contested as it has always been, has itself become an important cultural category. Especially from th...

Presentation • 2012


Modelling the Great Transition

By: Emanuele Campiglio, Giovanni Bernardo

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available as presentation slides

Scientific paper • 2012



By: John Gowdy, Lisi Krall

Abstract: The adoption of agriculture was perhaps the most momentous transformation in human history. It set into motion forces that changed our species from being a relatively minor player into one that dominated local ecosystems and is now changing the biophysical characteristics of the entire planet. We argue that this transformation can be understood as a leap to ultrasociality. After agric...

Scientific paper • 2012


The Parallel World: Substituting Physical Capi tal with Social Capital and Human Capital?

By: Chiung Ting CHANG

growth model, human capital, low income country, social capital