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Showing 37 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Non-renewable energy entitlement scheme for Europe

By: Veronika Kiss

Abstract: Non-renewable energy entitlement scheme for Europe – a policy tool to fit our consumption within planetary limits Special Session: REDUCTIONS: Reducing Environmental Degradation & Unsustainable Consumption Trends & Impacts On Nature & Society The non-renewable energy entitlement scheme is a means to achieve an absolute reduction of nonrenewable energy use at EU level with ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Resource efficiency, concepts and indicators

By: Philipp Schepelmann

Abstract:Economic growth was the basis for the social reconciliation between capital owners and the working class. In industrialized countries it was coupled with a growth of material flows of geological proportions. It is quite remarkable that within the framework of the growth-oriented Europe 2020 Strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy the European Commission has launched a s...

Scientific paper • 2014


Acceptance of Mobile Phone Return Programmes for Increased Resource Efficiency by Young People—Experiences from a German Research Project

By: Alexandra Seibt, Julia Nordmann

Abstract: The need of recycling obsolete mobile phones has significantly increased with a rapidly growing worldwide distribution of mobile phones (Geyer, 2010; Hagelüken, 2010). Mobile phones have a high environmental impact throughout the whole value chain; so far, individual use and recycling behaviour do not show any trends towards more sustainable patterns. Most communication measures for s...

Scientific paper • 2014


Growth forces: Material rent and efficiency consumption

By: Andreas Siemoneit

Abstract: Producers and distributors as well as consumers are using frequently more technical products that enhance their cost efficiency and their economic (and social) competitiveness. This has sweeping distributive consequences which are inescapable. This effect is not restricted to a certain economic system, but requires only the fact that higher efficiency directs demand toward the more ef...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ethical implications of efficiency in climate economics

By: Ida Andrea Braathen Sognnaes

Abstract: Global climate change brings up fundamental questions related to intragenerational and intergenerational equity. Economists have traditionally drawn a sharp distinction between efficiency and equity, but more recent studies in ecological economics have argued that the two are intimately linked (Corbera, Brown, & Adger, 2007; Howarth & Norgaard, 1992; Muradian, Corbera, Pascual...

Scientific paper • 2014


Scenarios on energy sufficiency and societal transformations: changing lifestyles and social structures to make energy savings

By: M Le Dû

Abstract: Lifestyles and social structures have a significant impact on energy consumption. Governments are focusing their strategies on renewable energies for energy supply and on energy efficiency to reduce energy demand, but energy transition is strongly linked to wider societal change. By creating prospective energy scenarios, the aim of this research focused on energy sufficiency was to ev...

Scientific paper • 2014


Decoupling resource consumption and economic growth: Insights into an unsolved global challenge

By: Peter Hennicke

Abstract: The paper demonstrates that a “resource efficiency revolution” in combination with “sufficiency policies” could be a promising step towards a sustainable development. This might create much technological optimism. However there is much evidence that technological progress has to be accompanied by radical socioeconomic transformation and new patterns of sustainable production and consu...

Scientific paper • 2014


Reducing Energy Dependence at Urban Scale as an Aspect of Degrowth

By: Andrea Immendoerfer, Markus Winkelmann, Oliver Parodi, Collette Waitz

energy technologies, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sufficiency, neighbourhoods, rebound

Scientific paper • 2014


An interdisciplinary understanding of macro rebound effects

By: Hans Jakob Walnum

Rebound effects, critical realism, Interdisciplinary, socio technological structures

Scientific paper • 2014


Components of the energy system for a degrowth transformation

By: Petra Wächter

Abstract: Energy use in the context of degrowth goes beyond the claim for dematerialization and energy efficiency improvements. Although we can observe a decoupling of energy from growth in the past decade, absolute energy consumption is still increasing worldwide. Energy efficiency improvements are not sufficient to overcome an exploitation of energy resources and enhance the rebound-effect to...

Scientific paper • 2014


Linking resource efficiency to new measurement of well-being

By: Vera Freyling

Abstract: The presentation is part of the special session “Resource efficiency Beyond GDP”. Improving resource efficiency generally means maximizing produced value, while minimizing pressures and impacts of economic production. In the GDP-era we wholly consider produced value in quantifying gains of economic activities, in other words, praising the quantities of all produced final and intermedi...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Limits to Environmental Economics

By: Felix Ekardt

Abstract: By examining the problem of climate change this paper develops a substantial critique of the background assumptions that not only the formulation of economic theories but, in parts, also that of sociological/ political theories base on. However, this approach does not “supplement” to efficiency considerations” which up to now dominate the practical debate; it rather supersedes them. I...

Scientific paper • 2013


Strong sustainable consumption governance – precondition for a degrowth path?

By: Sylvia Lorek, Doris Fuchs

Sustainable consumption, Degrowth, Policy Instruments, NGOs

Scientific paper • 2012


Der Rebound-Effekt. Über die unerwünschten Folgen der erwünschten Energieeffizienz

By: Tilman Santarius

santarius.de: Kann die Wirtschaft weiter wachsen und zugleich der Verbrauch an Energie und die Emissionen stark zurückgehen? Diese Studie von Tilman Santarius geht der Frage nach, inwiefern Energie-Effizienzsteigerungen so genannte Rebound-Effekte nach sich ziehen, die den Energieverbrauch steigern und dem Ziel der Energieeinsparung zuwiderlaufen. Sie beschreibt die Vielfalt möglicher Rebound-E...

• 2006


Die McDonaldisierung der Gesellschaft

By: George Ritzer

Seine provokant-kritische Theorie der "McDonaldisierung" der Gesellschaft führt der US-amerikanische Sozialwissenschaftler George Ritzer nun in einer völlig neuen Ausgabe ins 21. Jahrhundert. Am Beispiel des McDonald's-Imperiums zeigt Ritzer, wie die Rationalisierung der Produktionsprozesse im Zeichen der Globalisierung aggressiver denn je um sich greift. Die internationale Ausbreitung de...