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Showing 61 items

Interview • 2017


Ecosocialism / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Patrick Bond

By: Patrick Bond

Patrick Bond, UKZN-CCS, South Africa, explains the term "Ecosocialism", the crisis of capitalism and the way out with the ecosocialist logic. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

Report • 2017


Making power asymmetries visible

By: Leonie Sontheimer, Karoline Pöggel, Camila Nobrega

"This blog entry is based on the assignment given to use during the Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice from June 25th – July 7th 2017. Instead of looking outside for an issue to target for the assignment, we decided to use this task to look inside the Summer School and to make power asymmetries in this space visible. We came up with this topic while having coffee and cake on th...

Report • 2017


Research & Degrowth Newsletter - May 2017

By: Research & Degrowth

Yet another editorial where the highlight is the high number of academic publications in degrowth. The multidisciplinary nature of these publications (technology, health, culture, happiness, extractivism, policies, transition, power, strategies, etc) explore the different roots, challenges and proposals of degrowth. This newsletter introduces the Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA), a mu...

Scientific paper • 2017


The Labor(s) of Degrowth

By: Stefania Barca

KEYWORDS: Degrowth, labor, alienation, ecofeminist political economy

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth practices under non-binary gender insight in Barcelona

By: Helena Sanz-Requejo

Recently, Degrowth scholars have started to connect with feminist thought and claims. In particular, building on feminist economics, degrowthers have been studying the unequal distribution of work, like care work, among gender and what this implies to degrowth society envision. However, Degrowth scholarships fall short on the complexity and the plurality of gender relations. Indeed, the existin...

Scientific paper • 2016


Where would gender relations stand in a Degrowth economy?

By: Katherine Lindsay-Smith

Keywords: degrowth; gender relations; political economy

Report • 2016

Image Text

Queer-Feministische Ökonomiekritik

By: trouble everyday collective

Dies ist ein Beitrag zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en), in dem es um die Queer-Feministische Ökonomiekritik geht. Info zum Projekt Degrowth in Bewegung(en): Degrowth ist nicht nur ein neues Label für eine Diskussion über Alternativen oder eine akademische Debatte, sondern auch eine im Entstehen begriffene soziale Bewegung. Trotz vieler Überschneidungen mit anderen sozialen Bewegungen gib...

Presentation • 2015


Wer kann die neue Zukunft machen?

By: Frigga Haug, Katja Kipping, Evgeny Morozov, Anke Domscheit-Berg

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Commons, Share-Economy und 4in1 – Alternativen zum Kapitalismus. Eine politische Debatte, moderiert von Katja Kipping. Sie diskutiert mit Evgeny Morozov, Frigga Haug und Anke Domscheit-Berg. Dass «jede alte Gesellschaft mit einer neuen schwanger geht» wusste schon Marx. Was das heute – nach dem Scheitern von Staatsozialismus und neoliberalem Kapitalismus – genau bede...

Interview • 2015


Interview: Daniela Gottschlich - Elevate Festival 2015

By: Daniela Gottschlich

Interview: Daniela Gottschlich - Elevate Festival 2015 from Elevate Festival on Vimeo. Daniela Gottschlich spricht über räumliche und zeitliche Externalisierung sowie die Rolle des Elevate Festivals in ihrer eigenen Arbeit und Resonanz.

Position paper • 2014


Ökonomisierung von Natur, Raum, Körper

By: Christa Wichterich, Sybille Bauriedl

Feministische Perspektiven auf sozialökologische Transformationen. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Die folgenden Ausführungen sind ein Beitrag aus herrschaftskritischer feministischer Sicht zu einer Debatte, die gegenwärtig in der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung und anderen linken Kreisen meist unter dem Stichwort der «sozialökologischen Transformation» geführt wird. Hintergrund ist eine Vielfachkrise des ...

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth economy: What does this mean with regard to concepts of work?

By: Willi Haas, Adelheid Biesecker, Uta von Winterfeld

Documentation of the event "Degrowth economy: What does this mean with regard to concepts of work?" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: Roundtable discussion with short inputs: The reorganization of working societies and sustainable ways of living are closely linked. But the concepts ...

Presentation • 2014


Degrowth? A feminist perspective

By: Adelheid Biesecker, Sabine O'Hara, Christa Wichterich, Karin Schönpflug

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Adelheid Biesecker, Sabine O'Hara, Christa Wichterich, Karin Schönpflug Facilitation: Katharina Pühl From the conference programme: This panel addresses the question what (queer-)feminist theory and practice can contribute to the debate on degro...

Presentation • 2014


Keynote speeches - Building alliances

By: Adelheid Biesecker, Sunita Narain

Recorded keynote speeches at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speeches by Adelheid Biesecker and Sunita Narain. The topic of the day is "Building alliances". Adelheid Biesecker: (Re)Productivity as an economic paradigm for a social-ecological economy Modern capitalist economy systematically destroys the productivit...

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth and the re-organization of work – a feminist perspective

By: Andrea Pürckhauer, Marielle Beck

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Reproduction and Work.

Scientific paper • 2014


(Re)Productivity in a Perspective of Material Feminism

By: Carla Wember, Suse Brettin

Abstract: In order to strive towards a more sustainable society, it is important to reconsider the relationships between culture (thus economy) and nature which implies questioning powerful dichotomization and hierarchization that are structuring western societies. The idea of nature as a mere resource for the exploits of mankind has led to crisis-laden phenomena as well as the naturalized conc...

Scientific paper • 2014


Buddhist Economics beyond Schumacher - How can contemporary research on Buddhist Economics inform degrowth- approaches?

By: Katharina Hirschbrunn

Buddhist Economics, Sufficiency, Feminist Economics, Work, Employment

Scientific paper • 2014


Extractivism, neocolonialism and redistribution

By: Esperanza Martinez

Abstract: Our era is characterized by the end of easy-to-extract oil reserves. Unconventional and risky extraction techniques are proliferating. Oil extraction as motor of an economy has always had significant consequences for social and political organization, which are best understood if one looks at the different stages of oil exploitation, from prospection through production, processing and...

Scientific paper • 2014


Economy, Ecommony, CareCommony

By: Friederike Habermann

care, commons, externalisations, extractivism, commonsbased peerproduction

Scientific paper • 2014


Principles and ethics of caring and sustainable economy

By: Daniela Gottschlich

Abstract: Feminist approaches take the rationale of care as a normative guideline that offers an opportunity to deal with the numerous socio-ecological crises caused by e.g. the rationale of development and resource extractivism. Taking the accumulation of capital as a guiding principle does not have a neutral effect on the efforts to secure sustainable livelihoods. On the contrary, it promotes...

Scientific paper • 2014


SOCIALISM - ECOLOGISM - FEMINISM Tributaries for building new movements, new paradigms, new communities and new societies

By: Eduardo Giesen

Abstract: The central idea is that for progressing in the construction and - before - in imagination of new models of society, it is necessary, essential, the convergence of socio-political streams -socialism, environmentalism and feminism- that mainly represent cultural changes and social movements in recent decades. Convergence should include but exceed meeting in public demonstrations and sh...