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Showing 60 items

Presentation • 2015


What is Degrowth? Envisioning a Prosperous Descent

By: Samuel Alexander

Transcript of a keynote by Samuel Alexander presented at the ‘Local Lives, Global Matters’ conference in Castlemaine, Victoria, 16-18 October 2015. Other keynote speakers included Rob Hopkins, David Holmgren, and Helena Norberg-Hodge. Samuel Alexander presents a critical view on today's growth culture and introduces degrowth.

• 2014


A Degrowth Project: « And What If We No Longer Had To Work? »

By: Vincent Liegey

From the text: In order to move beyond a productivist vision of life, we have to question the notion of work itself, which, for the most part, serves to sustain a system of profound inequality. We need to break from “sacrosanct economic growth”, “abandoning work-based ways of thinking, putting the economy and our obsession with the bottom line back where they belong, rejecting the view that eve...

Report • 2014

Text Image

Aufbruchtage - Schuld und Lohn ...

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Veranstaltung "Growth, degrowth, and (the critique of) capitalism" mit Eric Pinault. Aus dem Bericht: Éric Pineault, Professor am Department für Soziologie an der Université du Québec in Montréal, mit seinem Vortrag über "Eine politische Ökonomie des Degrowth: die Widersprüche des Spätkapitalismus und der Imperativ eines ökologischen Übe...

Art contribution • 2014


The Waiting Room | The Degrowth Performance Project

By: Peter Stamer, Diego Agullò, Clément Layes, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Fräulein Bernd, Lukas Bugiel, friendly fire, Sylvia Kadur, Maix Mayer, Anna Pescke, Angelika Waniek, Laris Hemken, Beide Messies

[gallery link="file" columns="6" ids="105195,105196,105197,105198,105199,105200,105201,105202,105204,105205,105206,105207,105208,105209,105210,105211,105212,105213,105214,105215,105216"] Performance-project by and with Peter Stamer, Diego Agullò, Clément Layes, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Fräulein Bernd, Lukas Bugiel, friendly fire, Sylvia Kadur, Maix Mayer, Anna Pescke, Angelika Waniek, Laris Hem...

Art contribution • 2014


[untitled] a space for monsters, ghosts and animals

By: friendly fire

[gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="100336,100337,100338,100339,100340"] From the conference programme: In a performative audiowalk friendly fire explores together with the visitors individual and collective transformations in all their visionary, dreamy, scary, eerie, threatening, monstrous or incredibly funny facets. Stroll around in the conference area equiped with an audioguide to find...

• 2014


Wachstum: Nachdenken über einen Begriff

By: Deniz Utlu

Untertitel: Warum Güter-Zunahme und biologische Reife ein identisches Wort beschreibt Der Begriff Wachstum wird durchdacht, die Methaper des Wirtschaftswachstums beschrieben und kritisiert. Zitat aus dem Text: "Eine literarische Metapher, die scheitert, zerstört allenfalls den Text. Eine politische Metapher, die scheitert, bringt womöglich die ganze Gesellschaft in Gefahr."

• 2014


Suffizienz vs. Gegenkultur

By: Harald Welzer, Uwe Schneidewind, Anja Humburg

Diskussionsveranstaltung auf der 4. Internationalen Degrowth Konferenz für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit in Leipzig im Jahr 2014. Sprecher: Harald Welzer, Uwe Schneidewind Moderation: Anja Humburg Aus dem Konferenz Programm: Die deutsche Postwachstumsdebatte ist eng verknüpft mit der dritten Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: Suffizenz. Doch während manche Autoren auf die e...

Presentation • 2014


Cultural Agency – potentials and limits of current civic movements

By: Friederike Habermann, Leonidas Martin, Michael Narberhaus, Luise Tremel

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Leonidas Martin, Michael Narberhaus, Friederike Habermann Facilitation: Luise Tremel From the conference programme: New forms of living, working, protesting as well as new economic and democratic practices develop form inside society and form „p...

Scientific paper • 2014


Societal Relations with Nature and Mental Infrastructures - A critical glance from Buen Vivir and Theravāda-Buddhism

By: Christoph Maria Sanders

Mental infrastructures; Societal relations with nature; Nature-culture-dualism; Buen Vivir; Theravāda-Buddhism

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Tamás Kahulits T.

Abstract: Our society shares a deep faith, an unquestionable belief that education is something good by its very nature. What I want to "dialogize" is that the education systems around the world, and schools in todays Super-Capitalism are the (1) depositories and reproducers of the structural injustice (2) the instruments of institutionalized dehumanization and (3) the manifestations of the fet...

Scientific paper • 2014


Culture and communication of a de-growth project. Some lessons from the case of the Brazilian Fora do Eixo Circuit

By: Maximiliano Vila Seoane

Abstract: Culture and communication are areas under the all-embracing infinite growth and development discourse, like the popular "creative industries" approach. However, such frameworks generate in many developing countries dynamics against de-growth projects, because they favor concentration and cultural dominance of small regions over larger ones. This justifies the need to increase research...

Scientific paper • 2014


Economic versus ecological world view – ontologies as reality blinder

By: Joachim H. Spangenberg

Abstract: The standard economists’ worldview comprises an ontology according to which the environment is as part of the economic system, implying a distinction between useful and not useful nature (as today frequently in ecosystem service discussions), an anthropology of selfish individuals and an axiology of utilitarism. This worldview determines the “solutions” developed: no limitation to gro...

Scientific paper • 2014


The threat of (not) being exploited: How inequality promotes growth dispositions

By: Tilman Reitz, Tine Haubner

Abstract: In discussions about the main growth drivers in our societies, two explanations often collide: a cultural account of growth dispositions and an economic account of capitalist growth imperatives. The planned contribution aims at bridging the gap between these accounts. Its central idea is that flexible global capitalism increasingly binds exploitation to the relative weakness and stren...

Scientific paper • 2014


Convivial and Emancipatory Technologies – suitable conceptions for Technology in a Degrowth Society?

By: Andrea Vetter, Bettina Barthel

Abstract: A degrowth society, like all human societies that ever existed, will need technology. But which conceptual frameworks could be suitable to denote such a “degrowth technology”? We look at two different proposals: first the idea of “Convivial Technologies”, coined in the 1970ies by the dissident thinker Ivan Illich and recently newly adapted in the “manifest for conviviality” written by...

Scientific paper • 2014


What have traditional hunter-gatherers got to say about happiness?

By: Aili Pyhälä

Abstract: The last few decades have witnessed a rapid increase in the number of studies addressing the concept of “happiness”. However, the existing literature is highly biased to a) income-related studies; b) modern, industrialized societies; and c) single case studies. There is scarce research on cross-cultural understandings of happiness, particularly from small-scale, preindustrial societie...

Scientific paper • 2014


"A Degrowth Project in Hungary"

By: Vincent Liegey

Abstract: In 2011 a first book about Degrowth was published in Hungary: Latouche S., Farewell to Degrowth (Savaria). In January 2014, a second one was published, Liegey V. and Al., A Degrowth Project (Eszmelet). In this article, I will try to analyse the reception of Degrowth and in particular both these books among academics, medias, activists, and the public in the Hungarian context. This ana...

Scientific paper • 2014


A spatial Anthropology of the Changing Use of Urban Spaces in Tokyo, Japan

By: Heide Imai

Abstract: Cities like Tokyo face recently new, complex urban challenges. However, responses to the changing urban space are often reflected in the emergence of new cultural revivals or the forging of unknown, hybrid subcultures, which can be understood when studying the diverse ways people (re-) interpret small urban places in relationship to their changing lifestyles. This paper will discuss t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Re-imagining reality and the making of post-growth worlds

By: Jeppe Graugaard

Abstract: If visions and strategies for a post-growth world are to be effective they will have to engage with the ways in which our sense of reality is imagined and produced symbolically, narratively and cognitively. This involves engaging with the way particular worldviews are constituted through a web of metaphors, cultural myths and social conventions, and brings into play the foundational a...

Scientific paper • 2014


Cultural Recovery Plan though architectural and urban elements: relations between Lorca and Leipzig

By: María Ybarra Enguix

Immaterial Heritage, urban planning, identity, collective memory, know-how