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Showing 66 items

Scientific paper • 2016


Consistency and Stability Analysis of Models of a Monetary Growth Imperative

By: Oliver Richters, Andreas Siemoneit

Keywords: Ecological Macroeconomics, Zero Growth, Growth Imperative, Monetary Economy

• 2016


Budapest Degrowth Week

By: Degrowth Conference Budapest 2016

Promotion video of the degrowth week taking place in Budapest in 2016. The video is an animation with text promoting degrowth.

• 2016


Burning Ice #9 - Paul De Grauwe & Federico Demaria

By: Federico Demaria, Paul De Grauwe

Video of a panel discussion with Federico Demaria. Kaaitheater: We live in an era of stubborn economic growth. For decades, the consequences have been impoverishment, rising inequalities and socio-ecological disasters. How can we ‘degrow’, in an economy that aims for ‘better’ instead of ‘more and faster’? Oikos presents the Dutch translation of "Degrowth", the standard work on this topic. Pr...

Scientific paper • 2015


Transformative Potenziale von Unternehmen, die nicht wachsen wollen

By: Jana Gebauer, Heike Mewes

Herausgeber_innen: Sozial-ökologischer Wandel erfordert eine radikale Veränderung unserer Märkte durch nachhaltige Angebote. Die Annahme, dass hierfür die guten Unternehmen bloß wachsen müssten, greift aber zu kurz. Postwachstumsunternehmen verändern Märkte und Wirtschaftsweisen auch, wenn sie selbst nicht wachsen wollen.

Scientific paper • 2015

Text Image

Wirtschaftsjournalismus und Wachstumsparadigma

By: Ferdin, Knauß

Working Paper des Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam.

Presentation • 2015


Konturen einer Postwachstumsgesellschaft. Das Jenaer Projekt

By: Hartmut Rosa

postwachstumsoekonomie.de: Moderne Gesellschaften sind dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie sich nur dynamisch zu stabilisieren vermögen. Das bedeutet, dass sie systematisch auf Wachstum, Beschleunigung und Innovationsverdichtung angewiesen sind, um sich in ihrer institutionellen Struktur zu erhalten und zu reproduzieren. Das Jenaer Projekt sucht daher nach den Möglichkeiten und Konturen einer Pos...

• 2015


Growth Based Economies or Collapse

By: Sam Bliss

Published with a Creative Commons license. Sam Bliss, a graduate of ecological economics from the USA, explains with the help of orange juice what is going wrong in today's economy. In an encouraging way he displays different possible solutions for the problems he describes and thereby names essential parts of degrowth.

Position paper • 2014


Wachstum im Wandel-Policy papers - Zusammenfassung

By: Andrea Stocker, Friedrich Hinterberger

Aus dem Paper: In diesem Gesamtbericht werden die einzelnen bereits abgeschlossenen Policy Papers zusammengefasst. Konkret werden die folgenden Themen aufgegriffen: Lebensqualität Staatsausgaben Arbeit Makro ökonomische Resilienz Resilienz auf der Unternehmensebene Landwirtschaft als Anbieter und Nutzer von Ökosystemleistungen Sustainable Leadership Energie Verteilung Jedem Thema...

Scientific paper • 2014


Akteurszwang und Systemwissen. Das Elend der Wachstumsgesellschaft.

By: Stephan Lessenich

Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag aktualisiert Georg Vobrubas theoretische Figur des Akteurswissens um Systemzwänge im Lichte der spätmodernen Wachstumsgesellschaft. Er fragt nach dem spezifischen Reproduktionsmodus dieser Gesellschaftsform, nach ihren über das systemkonforme Handeln der Leute vermittelten Widersprüchen - und schließlich danach, welche emanzipatorischen Potenziale sich in einer Gese...

Scientific paper • 2014


Theoretische Zugänge eines Wachstumszwangs in der Geldwirtschaft

By: Oliver Richters, Ferdin, Wenzlaff, Christian Kimmich

Wachstumszwang, Goldene Regel der Kapitalakkumulation, Zins-Wachstums-Differential, Zentralbankdilemma, Monetärkeynesianismus

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth and the need to reform Social Security systems - What scope for Synergies

By: Kerstin Hoette

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Social Security.

Position paper • 2014


New tools for new times. Cocreating the world currency of the future

By: Miguel San Miguel

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Money and Finance.

Scientific paper • 2014


The present day monetary and financial systems: What´s wrong and what must be changed for a post-growth economy

By: Helge Peukert

Abstract: A basic question will be which elements and factors of the present-day financial and monetary sectors are drivers for economic growth and in how far they must and could be changed in favor of a degrowth economy and which elements of the present system might be preserved. I will present basic facts, structural relationships, institutional details and recent developments and formulate s...

Scientific paper • 2014


Cooperative Labor Beyond Growth

By: Jukka Peltokoski

Abstract: Economic growth in capitalism is structurally tied to the organization of labour as wage work. In capitalism an employee produces surplus for an employer to fulfill the economic anticipation invested in the firm. This 'growth imperative' is built inside the form of wage work. In the contemporary era of permanent economic and ecological crisis, the capitalistic growth has to be questio...

Scientific paper • 2014


Microcapitalism- the end of compulsory growth (revised final version)

By: Walter Oswalt

Abstract: Inequality by Semi-Liberalism . Power-Equality by Radical Liberalism -Any step towards egalitarian power distribution will reduce the pressure for economic growth. Microcapitalism maximizes individual freedom and minimizes concentration of economic power and abolishes the compulsion to economic growth. This proposal for an egalitarian market economy without growth compulsion is one ex...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Ricardo Orzi

Abstract: The present work tries to recognize the importance of social-complementary currency systems for the sustainability of a social and ecological economy. The official currency and the current monetary systems promote an approach of perpetual growth, the predominance of the relation of competition in opposition to cooperation, and a mechanistic paradigm of society like a sum of individual...

Scientific paper • 2014


Growth forces: Material rent and efficiency consumption

By: Andreas Siemoneit

Abstract: Producers and distributors as well as consumers are using frequently more technical products that enhance their cost efficiency and their economic (and social) competitiveness. This has sweeping distributive consequences which are inescapable. This effect is not restricted to a certain economic system, but requires only the fact that higher efficiency directs demand toward the more ef...

Scientific paper • 2014


The threat of (not) being exploited: How inequality promotes growth dispositions

By: Tilman Reitz, Tine Haubner

Abstract: In discussions about the main growth drivers in our societies, two explanations often collide: a cultural account of growth dispositions and an economic account of capitalist growth imperatives. The planned contribution aims at bridging the gap between these accounts. Its central idea is that flexible global capitalism increasingly binds exploitation to the relative weakness and stren...

Scientific paper • 2014


Theoretical considerations on growth imperatives in a monetary economy

By: Oliver Richters, Ferdin, Wenzlaff, Christian Kimmich

Abstract: If an ongoing growth is considered impossible or undesirable, the growth dependence of man-made structures such as social security systems have to be carefully revised. In the post-growth debate, the monetary system based on credit money combined with positive interest rates is often criticized and accused of causing a growth imperative. The contribution refutes this oversimplified in...

Scientific paper • 2014


Problems of unlimited economic Growth

By: Hugo Hanbury

Degrowth, environment, consumerism, transition, world food system