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Showing 108 items

Scientific paper • 2018


Towards Growth-Independent and Post-Growth-Oriented Entrepreneurship in the SME Sector

By: Jana Gebauer

For a long time the postulate that quantitative growth is the entrepreneurial raison d’être and an indispensable obligation for a company has remained unquestioned. Empirical studies on firm size and growth show, however, that a large fraction of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are non-growers or slow growers. These SMEs often show a more qualities-driven perspective on the growth que...

Scientific paper • 2018


Business Development in Post-Growth Economies: Challenging Assumptions in the Existing Business Growth Literature

By: Jan Cornelius Zoellick, Thomas Cyron

Existing literature has not specifically examined individual business growth in post-growth economies. This paper challenges dominant assumptions in the business growth literature by considering post-growth economies as an organisational context characterised by natural resource scarcity and an absence of macro-level economic expansion. We investigate conceptually how such a context impacts bus...

Scientific paper • 2018


The Naturalisation of Growth: Marx, the Regulation Approach and Bourdieu

By: Max Koch

Bourdieu; Growth paradigm; Marx; capitalism; degrowth; naturalisation; postgrowth; regulation approach

Scientific paper • 2017


Reclaiming sustainable space - A study of degrowth activists

By: Javier Lloveras, Cathy Parker, Lee Quinn

Keywords: Activism, consumption, degrowth, place, space

• 2017


Imperiale Lebensweise

By: Ulrich Brand, Markus Wissen

Zur Ausbeutung von Mensch und Natur in Zeiten des globalen Kapitalismus Der Verlag: Haben wir die Zeiten des Imperialismus nicht längst hinter uns gelassen? Wenn man erwägt, in welchem Maße sich der Globale Norden nach wie vor an den ökologischen und sozialen Ressourcen des Globalen Südens bedient, rücken die Begriffe »Globaler Kapitalismus« und »Imperialismus« wieder näher zusammen. Unsere...

Scientific paper • 2017


Optimal Versus Sustainable Degrowth Policies

By: Marc Germain

Keywords: Degrowth; Steady state economics; Pollution tax; Intergenerational equity

Scientific paper • 2017


Against wasted politics: A critique of the circular economy

By: Francisco Valenzuela, Steffen Böhm

post-growth, circular economy, waste management, sustainability, politics, discourse analysis, fetishism, Marx, Lacan, Apple

Scientific paper • 2017


Change put to work. A degrowth perspective on unsustainable work, postwork alternatives and politics

By: Maja Hoffmann

keywords: unsustainability, critique of work, postwork alternatives, politics, degrowth, sustainability science

• 2017


Technological progress alone won't stem resource use

By: Jennifer Chu

Subtitle: Researchers find no evidence of an overall reduction in the world's consumption of materials Summary: While some scientists believe that the world can achieve significant dematerialization through improvements in technology, a new study finds that technological advances alone will not bring about dematerialization and, ultimately, a sustainable world. The researchers found that no ma...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Economic values, capital accumulation and degrowth

By: Mikael Malmaeus

Presentation by Mikael Malmaeus Historically, value theories used to be at the heart of critiques of capitalism. However, contemporary economists rarely focus on value theories, and the labor theory of value has not been discussed in relation to macroeconomic growth or in the context of degrowth. In this article it is theoretically and empirically demonstrated that economic values at the macro...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Non-Monetary Degrowth is Strategically Significant

By: Anitra Nelson

Presentation by Anitra Nelson Even for many radical adherents of degrowth, money is a common-sense — not simply capitalist — tool, so alternative currencies and banks abound. This paper argues against this common-sense logic, as follows. The most direct and efficient form of degrowth requires as-local-as-is-feasible production focusing on people’s basic needs, implying that future distribution...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Science and degrowth

By: Fabrice Flipo

Presentation by Fabrice Flipo Political prayers lie on the growth’s comeback to ensure financial incomes to be given out. That for science is seen by many essentially as a tool to provide techniques able to raise productivity, whatever the environmental or social consequences. For those reasons, and especially since the second half of the 20th century, public policy and investment have allowed...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 – Technologies for a Degrowth Transition. A Faustian Bargain?

By: Tomislav Medak

Presentation by Tomislav Medak I'll broach the degrowth transition from the combined perspective of social construction of technology and world system theories. I'll seek to demonstrate how dominant technological complex functions to integrate yet thwart the advancement of semi-periphery. Narratives of a socially more just and ecologically more sustainable future would frequently have us beli...

Scientific paper • 2016


Community Economies and Companion Species in Food Production

By: Pieta Hyvärinen

Food production is at the core of the current ecological and economic crises. To produce food is to be connected with more-than-human nature with the purpose of providing ourselves with our basic needs. As most of the food in the world is produced in exploitative economic and ecological relationships, it is crucial to focus on the various initiatives that look for alternative ways of producing ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Exploring the Food Consumption Patterns of the Local Population on the Greek Island of Samothraki

By: Julia Désirée Huber

The Greek island of Samothraki was food self-sufficient up until the mid 1960s. This paper analyses, from a socio-metabolic perspective, how the changes in Mediterranean food production and consumption have influenced the island’s food consumption patterns over the past 50 years. A food consumption survey was conducted to assess the current food consumption patterns of the local population of S...

Scientific paper • 2016


From capitalist accumulation to a solidarity economy

By: Barbara Muraca

In her keynote speech, Barbara Muraca will outline the key strategies for degrowth, specifically reflecting on the following topics, which are also the guiding topics of the third day of the conference: -Changing networks of production and consumption and driving political action -Degrowth as a fundamentally social challenge, involving structural changes of social practices, institutions and ...

Scientific paper • 2016


In search for sustainable local food systems: Sociometabolic perspectives

By: Willi Haas, Eva Fraňková, Ines Marco Lafuente, Juan Cadillo Benalcazar, Eneko Garmendia

During the last century, we have witnessed an unprecedented growth in both global food production and associated environmental, social, and economic problems connected to the increasingly industrialized and globalised food production system; projections for the future foresee a continuation of the rising food demand. While sustainable food production is a global challenge, it has an inevitable ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Looking for sustainability on local level: Social metabolism of three small-scale organic farms in the Czech Republic

By: Eva Fraňková, Claudio Cattaneo

During the last century, we have witnessed unprecedented growth in both global food production and associated environmental, social, and economic problems connected to the increasingly industrialized, globalised and commodified food production. In reaction, the issues of food security, food sovereignty and, more generally, sustainable food production have gained momentum within the academic deb...

Scientific paper • 2016


What are the degrowth implications for long-distance trade?

By: Filka Sekulova

Degrowth has enjoyed an increasing attention in academia with more than 150 peer-reviewed publications over the last 8 years. Trade, however, remains a grey area. This article aims to explore the implications of degrowth for long-distance trade, using the multifaceted perspectives and disciplines which the term binds together. From a political ecology angle growth in the South has taken place a...

Art contribution • 2016


Eco-modernism vs. Degrowth

By: Students of the Summer School on Degrowth, Environmental Justice

A sketch by students of the Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice