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Showing 57 items

Scientific paper • 2014


“The World is My Backyard”: Critiquing Mobility From Inside the Tiny House Movement

By: April Anson

Abstract: The phenomenon of the recent tiny house movement offers a unique opportunity for a to expose the growing commodification of environmental sustainability in a market that continues to shelter economic and class privilege. Written from my subjective position as builder, owner and inhabitant of a tiny house, this paper examines the radical possibilities intrinsic to the mobility of the t...

Scientific paper • 2012


Towards convergence

By: Philippe Léna

From the text: We can observe today a strong resistance to the idea of degrowth among emergent or developing countries. This proposal is often considered, among them, as a typical ideology of industrialized and rich countries. At national level, the idea of degrowth is denounced as a reactionary and upper class ideology. It is a well-known argument used by productivists, either from the right o...

Educational paper • 2012


Lern- und Arbeitsbuch Entwicklungspolitik

By: Franz Nuscheler

Was ist Unterentwicklung? Ist sie Folge des Kolonialismus oder ungerechter Handelsbedingungen? Ist der Nord-Süd-Konflikt bereits zur Leerformel verkommen? Was heißt überhaupt Entwicklung? Was bedeutet »nachhaltige Entwicklung«? Inwieweit gefährden Umweltkrisen unsere natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen? Was heißt »Feminisierung der Armut« oder »globale Strukturpolitik«? Ist die Globalisierung für die ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Environmental Justice and Economic Degrowth: An Alliance between Two Movements

By: Joan Martinez-Alier

Ecological Economics, Social Metabolism, and Political Ecology

Report • 2011


Globaler Klimaschutz: Klappe, die Siebzehnte

By: Tadzio Müller

Von der ewigen Wiederkehr des Gleichen (Versagens). Standpunkte 39/2011 von Tadzio Müller Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: Im südafrikanischen Durban trifft sich vom 28. November bis zum 10. Dezember zum 17. Mal die Vertragsstaatenkonferenz der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention, kurz als COP17 bezeichnet. Selbstgesetztes Ziel des Gipfels ist es, den globalen Klimaschutz auch nach dem Ende der ersten Phase de...

Position paper • 2011

Audio Text

Die inhumanen Wirkungen des Wachstums: Klimaflüchtlinge und Ressourcenkriege

By: Olaf Bernau, Tadzio Müller, Claudia Haydt, Simone Knapp

Audiomitschnitt und Thesenpapiere des Forums "Die inhumanen Wirkungen des Wachstums: Klimaflüchtlinge und Ressourcenkriege" auf dem Attac-Kongress "Jenseits des Wachstums" 2011 in Berlin. Mit Claudia Haydt, Olaf Bernau, Simone Knapp und Tadzio Müller. Moderation: Mona Bricke. Aus dem Programm: Auch wenn die Diskussionen über die Grenzen des Wachstums oft abstrakt erscheinen mögen, müs...

Scientific paper • 2011


Degrowth in South Europe: complementarity in diversity

By: Federico Demaria, Francois Schneider, Andrea Calsamiglia, Laura Blanco, Dalma Domeneghin

Introduction: What is Degrowth? Degrowth is a slogan, a missile word, and a new social and intellectual movement of the North. The intention is to engage into a very contentious process: the one of making a diagnosis and a prognosis of our society. Degrowth attempts to re-politicize the debate about the much needed socio-ecological transformation, trying to affirm an alternative interpretative ...

• 2010


Politik des Hungers

By: Walden Bello

Zwischen 2006 und 2008 kam es in vielen sogenannten Entwicklungsländern vor dem Hintergrund steigender Nahrungsmittelpreise und Versorgungsengpässe wiederholt zu Protesten und Aufständen. Seinen Höhepunkt erreichte dieser Protestzyklus im Frühjahr 2008 mit Aufständen in etwa 30 Ländern. Die Zahl der Menschen, die sich die Grundlebensmittel nicht mehr leisten konnten, stieg allein in Asien um ru...

Interview • 2010


Degrowth and Civil Society Organisations

By: Leida Rijnhout

Short-interview with Leida Rijnhout from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona.

Presentation • 2010

Image Text

Calculating the ecological debt for a private company in the North; an explorative study with conflicting results

By: Nick Meynen, Léa Sébastien

Poster by Nick Meynen and Léa Sébastien from the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title “Calculating the ecological debt for a private company in the North; an explorative study with conflicting results".

Presentation • 2010

Image Text

Anticooperation and Degrowth: Aiding through our Degrowth?

By: David Listar, Pau Miró

Poster by David Listar and Pau Miró at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Anticooperation and Degrowth: Aiding through our Degrowth?".

Presentation • 2010

Image Text

Make Prosperity global: A holistic approach beyond quantitative degrowth

By: Donald Maclurcan

Poster by Donald Maclurcan at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Make Prosperity global: A holistic approach beyond quantitative degrowth".

Presentation • 2010


Pachakuti: Indigenous Perspectives and Degrowth

By: Bob Thomson

Poster and transcription of an poster session by Bob Thomson at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Pachakuti: Indigenous Perspectives and Degrowth".

Presentation • 2010


Don’t Forget the Rich - A strategy proposal to spread the idea of degrowth

By: François Diaz Maurin

Transcription of an poster session by François Diaz Maurin at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Don’t Forget the Rich - A strategy proposal to spread the idea of degrowth".

Presentation • 2010


Promoting Traditional Knowledge Systems. Are current international policies on Intellectual Property Rights consistent with socially sustainable economic degrowth?

By: Joana Dias

Transcription of an poster session by Joana Dias at the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Barcelona with the title "Promoting Traditional Knowledge Systems. Are current international policies on Intellectual Property Rights consistent with socially sustainable economic degrowth?".

• 2007

Image Text

Tatort Eine Welt - Was hat mein Handy mit dem Kongo zu tun?

By: Karl-Albrecht Immel

„Wir wollen im Dschungel der entwicklungspolitischen Diskussion die Aufmerksamkeit auf die wesentlichen Fakten lenken – möglichst sachlich, ohne ideologische Scheuknappen, auf der Basis seriöser Daten“. Dieser Wunsch von Karl-Albrecht Immel, dem Autor des Buches „Tatort Eine Welt“ steht zu Beginn des Buches, das von Klaus Tränkle übersichtlich illustriert wurde. Welcher Vortragender kennt di...

Scientific paper • 2006


Examining Inequality: Who Really Benefits from Global Growth?

By: Peter Edward

Key words: global; China; poverty; inequality; growth; Gini