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Showing 130 items

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth and techno-business model innovation: The case of Riversimple

By: PeterWells

Automobility Degrowth Small scale Corporate governance Car industry Technological innovation

Scientific paper • 2016


Accelerating Degrowth?

By: Alexander Capistran

A skilled and interdisciplinary use of empowering technologies and proactive visionary thinking is, due to Accelerationist thinkers as Armen Avanessian or Nick Srnicek, the most viable strategy for emancipative transformation. Referring to a long history of left thinking (back to Marx himself), Accelerationist theoreticians claim that emancipation from the oppressive capitalist system should dw...

Scientific paper • 2016


Can technologies help to reduce the physical and human degradation in transition towards a degrowth society?

By: Patty L'Abbate

This article outlines the role that technology has to play in order to enable human beings to move towards a degrowth society. Against the background of the problems we face today, the authors E.E. Schumacher, N.Georgescu-Roegen and others have been re-examined. This work also explains the concepts of entropy and emergy and the “fourth” principle of thermodynamics revised in the light of the th...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth and Fracking

By: Brian Davey

The presentation will be about hydraulic fracturing and unconventional oil and gas – developed so far mainly in the USA and Australia but also a possible threat in the UK, Poland, the Ukraine and Latin America. This industry is dependent on high prices as well as easy and cheap credit. Its likely failure will have tremendous implications for the stability of the finance sector. This is importan...

Scientific paper • 2016


Ecomodernism and degrowth

By: Sam Bliss

In 2015, 19 scientists and thought leaders published “An Ecomodernist Manifesto” with “the conviction that knowledge and technology, applied with wisdom, might allow for a good, or even great, Anthropocene.” Like degrowth, ecomodernism criticizes mainstream environmentalism, considers “human prosperity and an ecologically vibrant planet inseparable,” and aims to shrink aggregate environmental i...

Scientific paper • 2016


Framing the Privacy Debate and Big Data Governmentality in Degrowth Theory

By: Julien Rossi

Data surveillance by private companies and public intelligence agencies is intricated, and research has shown how citizens have become willing participants in their own surveillance. This brings forth a new type of governmentality that is legitimised by hegemonic imaginaries on “Big Data” and innovation which are closely related to the imaginary of technological growth. The Snowden disclosures...

Scientific paper • 2016


Industrial Ecology and Degrowth

By: Ralf Aschemann

It is worthwhile to investigate the relation between Degrowth on the one hand and Industrial Ecology on the other hand in order to identify, whether and how these two concepts might support each other or whether there are potential discrepancies or conflicts. Degrowth means a kind of society and economy that want to reach both the well-being of human mankind and to sustain life's natural basis,...

Scientific paper • 2016


Mapping sustainable wellbeing viewpoints on two dimensions: technical and socio-cultural decoupling

By: Timo Järvensivu

It seems that discussions between camps such as ”green growth” and ”degrowth” often end up being debates, even if the aim would be a dialogue. The purpose of this paper and presentation is to draw a map of the main arguments of some of the camps, with the hope of improving the dialogue. Discussion on sustainable wellbeing is often carried along two main dimensions. The first dimension concerns...

Scientific paper • 2016


Sustainable smartphone consumption from a rational and value-based perspective

By: Shirin Betzler

Knowledge societies that promote equality and innovation over material wealth and production are unthinkable without modern information and communication technologies (ICT). However, there has been growing awareness about the ecological as well as economic and social challenges related to the growth of ICT, such as environmental pollution through the invasive extraction of natural resources, or...

Scientific paper • 2016


Sustainable Farm Systems? Applying Energy—Landscape Integrated Analysis in past and present Western agricultures

By: Claudio Cattaneo

ELIA (Energy Landscape Integrated Analysis) is a method that combines energy analysis of agroecosystems (energy flows and capacity to store energy within them) with land cover / land use change and so it represents the energy imprint over a landscape. First applied to Vallès County in the Barcelona Region a similar study is here replicated to a new time point and to other ten cases across Euro...

Scientific paper • 2016


Technologies for a Degrowth Transition

By: Tomislav Medak

I'll broach the degrowth transition from the combined perspective of social construction of technology and world system theories. I'll seek to demonstrate how dominant technological complex functions to integrate yet thwart the advancement of semi-periphery. Narratives of a socially more just and ecologically more sustainable future would frequently have us believe that exising technologies l...

Scientific paper • 2016


Theoretical and historical perspectives on technology

By: Mauro Bonaiuti, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers, Mario Pansera, Pasi Heikkurinen, Lukáš Likavčan

This is the first of a planned ‘trilogy’ of sessions on the contentious relationship between degrowth and technology. It represents the first of three subthemes of a special issue on degrowth and technology, which is currently being edited for the Journal of Cleaner Production. The aim of this special session is to bring together different theoretical and historical perspectives on technology, ...

Art contribution • 2016


Eco-modernism vs. Degrowth

By: Students of the Summer School on Degrowth, Environmental Justice

A sketch by students of the Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice

• 2016


Inside the Green Economy - Promises and Pitfalls

By: Barbara Unmüßig, Lili Fuhr, Thomas Fatheuer

The economic and ecological bases of a general prosperity are in danger, the gap between rich and poor is widening. The concept of the Green Economy offers a new model, based primarily on large-scale technological solutions. But the Green Economy cares little about politics, barely registers human rights, does not recognize social actors and suggests the possibility of reform without conflict. ...

Scientific paper • 2016


Zwischen Tragfähigkeit und Konvivialität

By: Barbara Muraca

Herausgeber_innen: Die Postwachstumsdebatte ist geprägt von sehr unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen auf die Rolle und den Umgang mit Technik. Einerseits halten ein Teil der Befürworter des Postwachstums das technowissenschaftliche Paradigma für einen Teil des Problems und stellten sich eine künftige Postwachstumsgesellschaft jenseits der Technik vor, während sie gleichzeitig den weltweit zu beobacht...

Scientific paper • 2016


Growth, degrowth, and the challenge of artificial superintelligence

By: Salvador Pueyo

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Singularity; Limits to growth; Ecological economics; Evolutionary economics; Futures studies

Scientific paper • 2016


Technology appropriation in a de-growing economy

By: Lukáš Likavčan, Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle

Keywords: Political economy; Technological change; De-growth; Actor-network theory; Habilitation; Information and communication technologies

Scientific paper • 2016


Tools for degrowth? Ivan Illich's critique of technology revisited

By: Silja Samerski

Keywords: Degrowth; Technology; Ivan Illich; Conviviality; Disembodiment

Scientific paper • 2016


Bike Kitchens – Spaces for convivial tools

By: Karin Bradley

Keywords: Democratisation of technology; Degrowth; Bike Kitchen; Conviviality; Low-tech; Do it yourself

Scientific paper • 2016


Surrendering to growth? The European Union's goals for research and technology in the Horizon 2020 framework

By: Jan Pollex, Andrea Lenschow

Keywords: European Union; Research policy; Sustainability; Degrowth and policy; Information and communication technology; Horizon 2020