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Showing 130 items

Scientific paper • 2024

Pathways to decolonize North-South relations around energy transition

By: Miriam Lang

Climate coloniality manifests in the violent appropriation of territories in the Global South, including the extraction of strategic minerals such as copper and molybdenum to service energy transition and green growth for the major world powers. Peasant communities in the Intag river valley in Ecuador have been resisting large-scale mining for decades and, thus, have built up a local solidary e...

Scientific paper • 2022

Tracing sustainable production from a degrowth and localisation perspective: A case of 3D printers

By: Vasilis Kostakis, Chris Giotitsas, Christina Priavolou, Katerina Troullaki, Nikiforos Tsiouris

An emerging commons-oriented mode of production that combines globally accessible knowledge with distributed manufacturing has recently been presented as a better fit for sustainable degrowth and localisation, compared to incumbent practices. To tentatively test this potential we select the case of 3D printers. The production of 3D printers varies within a spectrum from proprietary and industri...

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Possibilities of Degrowth for the Electronics Industry

By: Matthias Haberl, Isabella Szukits

Workshop Südwind works since many years about the supply chain of mobile phones. Current initiatives range from modular design over certain procurement strategies of public institutions to refurbishment and proper recycling. Still on local and regional levels many small initiatives can do and are doing interesting steps in the right direction and we want together to elaborate more on it. And...

Presentation • 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Fair carbon budgets and fair counting as levers for Degrowth

By: Jefim Vogel

Presentation [part of the standard session "Resources and Energy"] Paris obligations make the inevitability of consumption reductions for affluent societies undeniable if we combine 3 non-radical demands: 1) equal per-capita allocation of the global carbon budget, 2) accounting for carbon footprints of imports/exports, 3) non-reliance on yet unproven technologies. Presenters: Jefim Vogel ...

Scientific paper • 2020


The limits of transport decarbonization under the current growth paradigm

By: Iñigo Capellán-Pérez, Margarita Mediavilla, Ignacio de Blas, Carmen Duce

Achieving ambitious reductions in greenhouse gases (GHG) is particularly challenging for transportation due to the technical limitations of replacing oil-based fuels. We apply the integrated assessment model MEDEAS-World to study four global transportation decarbonization strategies for 2050. The results show that a massive replacement of oil-fueled individual vehicles to electric ones alone ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Digitalization and energy consumption. Does ICT reduce energy demand?

By: Steffen Lange, Tilman Santarius, Johanna Pohl

This article investigates the effect of digitalization on energy consumption. Using an analytical model, we investigate four effects: (1) direct effects from the production, usage and disposal of information and communication technologies (ICT), (2) energy efficiency increases from digitalization, (3) economic growth from increases in labor and energy productivities and (4) sectoral change/te...

• 2020


Wachstum schadet dem Klima. Wir brauchen neue Wege zum Wohlstand

By: Joël Foramitti

Technologische Wunschträume und die Fixierung auf ewiges Wachstum verhindern seit Jahrzehnten eine effektive Klimapolitik

Scientific paper • 2019


Unlocking wise digital techno-futures: Contributions from the Degrowth community

By: Christian Kerschner, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers, Mario Pansera

Many of the benefits anticipated from technology in the 1960s remain unrealized today. Alongside the optimism that drives technological development, more sceptical views that regard the promises of technology with reflection, mistrust, and even hostility, have emerged within Western societies. One such group is the Degrowth community, a heterogenous group of researchers and activists who questi...

Interview • 2019


Dr. Stuart Newman: “It Seems to Me That We Are Headed for A Techno-Eugenic Future”

By: Mohsen Abdelmoumen

An interview with Dr. Stuart Newman on the excesses of biotechnology and its ramifications with the world of money. Newman is a professor of cell biology and anatomy at New York Medical College in Valhalla, NY, United States.

• 2019


Grünes Wachstum oder Verzicht – wie retten wir die Welt?

By: Kristin Langen

Die natürlichen Ressourcen müssen geschont werden. Darüber herrscht große Einigkeit, jedoch nicht über den Weg dorthin: Die einen plädieren für ein „grünes Wirtschaftswunder“ mit Zukunftstechnologien. Die anderen fordern den Abschied vom Wachstum. Zeitfragen, Beitrag vom 01.10.2019

Scientific paper • 2019


Growth imperatives: Substantiating a contested concept

By: Oliver Richters, Andreas Siemoneit

Economic growth remains a prominent political goal, despite its conflicts with ecological sustainability. Are growth policies only a question of political or individual will, or do ‘growth imperatives’ make them inescapable? We structure the debate along two dimensions: (a) degree of coerciveness between free will and coercion, and (b) agents affected. With carefully derived micro level definit...

Report • 2019


P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival

By: Michel Bauwens, Alex Pazaitis

Towards a P2P Infrastructure for a Socially-Just Circular Society How shared perma-circular supply chains, post-blockchain distributed ledgers, protocol cooperatives, and three new forms of post-capitalist accounting, could very well save the planet. The key issue addressed in this study is how to change a system which incentivizes and rewards extraction — but cannot recognize and reward ...

Scientific paper • 2019


Is less more... or is more less? Scaling the political ecologies of the future

By: Paul Robbins

Imagining progressive environmental futures, especially among critical scholars, can be a fraught enterprise. While some theorists and activists turn towards the social emancipatory power of modern technological interventions at scale, others point to the revolutionary power of degrowth, simplicity, and conviviality. These competing political geographical imaginaries are often strident in their...

Scientific paper • 2019


Zero carbon sooner: the case for an early zero carbon target for the UK

By: Tim Jackson

This briefing paper addresses the question of when the UK should aim for zero (or net zero) carbon emissions. Starting from the global carbon budget which would allow the world an estimated 66% chance of limiting climate warming to 1.5oC, the paper derives a carbon budget for the UK of 2.5 GtCO2. The briefing then analyses a variety of emission pathways and target dates in terms of their adequa...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Sustainable structures of living together and degrowth in the energy sector

By: Manu Mathai

This presentation outlines an approach to imagine an energy policy break from the growth status quo.

Presentation • 2018

Video Image

Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 – Workshop Technology, Growth & Sustainability

By: Guillaume Pitron, José Bellver, Paul Hodson, Doris Schroecker

Chair : Florent Marcellesi, MEP (Greens/EFA) Panellists: Guillaume Pitron (Author of “La guerre des métaux rares”), José Bellver (Researcher at FUHEM Ecosocial, Member of the Transitions Forum and the Inclusive Economy Group), Paul Hodson (European Commission, DG ENER, Energy Efficiency Unit), Doris Schroecker (European Commission, DG Industrial Technologies, Research and Innovation, Head of S...

Presentation • 2018


Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 – Workshop Energy Sufficiency

By: Riccardo Mastini, Blake Alcott, Fulvia Raffaëlli, Philippe Tulkens, Peter Zapfel

Chair: Molly Scott-Cato, MEP (Greens/EFA) Panellists: Riccardo Mastini (Friends of the Earth Europe, campaigner Resource justice and sustainability), Blake Alcott (Cambridge University, Author of The Jevons Paradox and the Myth of Resource Efficiency Improvements), Fulvia Raffaëlli (European Commission, DG GROW, Head of Unit responsible for Clean Technologies and Products), Philippe Tulkens (E...

Scientific paper • 2018


The smart city and other ICT-led techno-imaginaries: Any room for dialogue with degrowth?

By: Hug March

Abstract: The 21st century has been hailed as the urban century and one in which ICT-led transformations will shape urban responses to global environmental change. The Smart City encapsulates all the desires and prospects on the transformative and disruptive role technology will have in solving urban issues both in Global North and Global South cities. Critical scholarship has pointed out that ...

Scientific paper • 2018


Research on degrowth

By: Matthias Schmelzer, Steffen Lange, Susan Paulson, Giorgos Kallis, Barbara Muraca, Vasilis Kostakis

Abstract: Scholars and activists mobilize increasingly the term degrowth when producing knowledge critical of the ideology and costs of growth-based development. Degrowth signals a radical political and economic reorganization leading to reduced resource and energy use. The degrowth hypothesis posits that such a trajectory of social transformation is necessary, desirable, and possible; the cond...

Scientific paper • 2018


The contested concept of growth imperatives: Technology and the fear of stagnation

By: Oliver Richters, Andreas Siemoneit

Economic growth has become a prominent political goal worldwide, despite its severe conflicts with ecological sustainability. Are ‘growth policies’ only a question of political or individual will, or do ‘growth imperatives’ exist that make them ‘inescapable’? We structure the debate along two dimensions: (a) degree of coerciveness between free will and coercion, and (b) types of agents aected. ...