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Showing 105 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Peasant agriculture or agribusiness: what production model would lead to degrowth?

By: João Luís Homem de Carvalho

Abstract: There is a dispute between two agricultural models in Brazil: the agribusiness and the peasant agriculture. We need to discuss which agricultural model is more to our proposed degrowth. This paper aims to show that peasant agriculture in Brazil produces more food for the local population, occupies more manpower, uses fewer natural resources and emits lower amounts of greenhouse gases ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Towards a re-evaluation of the land sparing vs. land sharing debate from the perspective of peasant farming systems

By: A. Cristina de la Vega-Leinert

Abstract: Worldwide agricultural land is a scarce and degraded resource, while the commoditisation of natural resources spatially decouples the environmental and societal impacts of production, trade and consumption. Sustainability, increasingly an explicit political and social desirable norm, seeks to reverse Nature'S degradation, while fostering human well-being in a fairer society. An often ...

Scientific paper • 2014


From commodity to commons: analysis of experimentation of collective appropriation of agricultural lands

By: Elsa Costanzo

Abstract: We propose an institutional analysis, based on a field research, of an emergent French initiative called Terre de Liens (TdL) that intends to take out agricultural lands from the speculative market, contributes to their de-commodification and governs them as a commons. We will wonder to what extent TdL may turn agricultural lands into a commons, following Elinor Ostrom’s definition. W...

Scientific paper • 2014


Tax internationally traded commodities to safeguard biodiversity

By: Michael Curran, Laura de Baan, Thomas Koellner, Carlo Rondinini, Piero Visconti, Stefanie Hellweg

Biodiversity loss, agriculture, ecological tax, compensation

Scientific paper • 2014


Are The Inherent Limits in the Process of Industrialization? A Study on the Seed Sector in the U.S. and in Germany

By: Barbara Brandl

Abstract: The development of seeds is essential for a sustainable and socially adapted type of agriculture. This relationship has been widely discussed and is usually invoked by natural scientists. However, a social science perspective on the connection between plant breeding research and agricultural production allows a broader perspective. In order to explore the effects of seed production on...

Scientific paper • 2014


Farm-hacking open agricultural machines: the role of peer-based open design communities in achieving sustainable production

By: Michel Bauwens

Abstract: Corporate R&D communities design for scarcity with planned obsolescence not as a bug but as a feature. Open design communities design for inclusion, modularity, bio-degradability, the shared use of machinery and combined with distributed microfactories, prefigure a demand-based economy 'of scope' that aims to replace a suppy-driven economy 'of scale'. This intervention will offer ...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Agriculture and Food

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP Group "Agriculture and Food" at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014

Scientific paper • 2013


Decrescimento, agroecologia e economia solidária no Brasil: em busca de convergências

By: Elimar Pinheiro do Nascimento, Alan Ainer Boccato-Franco

Resumo Identificar as possíveis convergências entre a ideia de decrescimento, defendida sobretudo nos países do Norte, a economia solidária e a agroecologia no Brasil para a construção de uma plataforma comum de conversação é a proposta do presente artigo. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica foram identificados sete elementos comuns entre decrescimento e economia solidária e mesmo número entre ...

• 2013

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Stadt der Commonisten

By: Christa Müller, Andrea Baier, Karin Werner

Neue urbane Räume des Do it yourself Der Verlag: Es ist nicht mehr zu übersehen: Eine neue Generation von Do-it-yourself-Aktivisten nutzt die postfordistische Stadt als Labor für soziale, politische, ökologische und ästhetische Experimente. Ob im Gemeinschaftsgarten oder im FabLab, ob in Offenen Werkstätten oder bei Tausch-Events – überall hinterfragen die Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten ...

• 2013


Ernährung ohne Wachstumszwang

By: Christine Pohl

inkota.de: Ernährung und Wirtschaftswachstum – was hat das miteinander zu tun? Unser gesamtes wirtschaftliches System ist auf ewiges Wirtschaftswachstum ausgerichtet. Auf Dauer kann dies aber nur funktionieren, wenn der Planet mitwächst. Im neuen INKOTA-Infoblatt „Ernährung ohne Wachstumszwang” wird kurz und übersichtlich dargestellt, wie unser Ernährungssystem vom wirtschaftlichen Wachstumszw...

Report • 2013


L'altra faccia dell'Arancia

By: Federico de Musso

L'altra faccia dell'Arancia from FedericoDeMusso on Vimeo. Published with a Creative Commons license. Title: The other oranges. Solidarity consumer group in Italy, self-organised supply with producers of the region. Only in italian, no subtitles. Titel: Die anderen Orangen Solidarische Einkaufsgruppen in Italien, selbstorganisierte Versorgung mit Erzeugern aus der Region. Nur auf it...

Educational paper • 2013

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Terra Preta. Die schwarze Revolution aus dem Regenwald

By: Ute Scheub, Haiko Pieplow, Hans-Peter Schmidt

Untertitel: Mit Klimagärtnern die Welt retten und gesunde Lebensmittel produzieren Der Verlag: Terra Preta do Indio lautet der portugiesische Name für einen Stoff, dem man wundersame Eigenschaften zuschreibt. Die Presse überschlägt sich mit Berichten über das "Schwarze Gold", die Wissenschaft glaubt mit der Schwarzerde aus dem Regenwald zwei der größten Menschheitsprobleme lösen zu können - de...

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth and public health in Cuba: lessons from the past?

By: Iris Borowy

Cuba; Economic crisis; Special period; Public health; Urban agriculture; Social capital

Scientific paper • 2013


‘Sustainable de-growth’ in agriculture and food: an agro-ecological perspective on Spain’s agri-food system (year 2000)

By: Manuel González de Molina, Juan Infante Amate

De-growth; Life cycle analysis; Agri-food system; Ecological economics; Organic farming; Agro-ecology

Scientific paper • 2013


Food for Change

By: Jeff Pratt, Pete Luetchford

Subtitle: The Politics and Values of Social Movements. The publisher: "Concern about our food system is growing, from the costs of industrial farming to the dominant role of supermarkets and recurring scandals about the origins and content of what we eat. Food for Change documents the way alternative food movements respond to these concerns by trying to create more closed economic circuits wit...

Scientific paper • 2012


PROVE: degrowing the use of natural resources for food production

By: João Luís Homem de Carvalho

From the text: According to IBGE (2010), from 2000 to 2010, over 400,000 small farms went bankrupt, pushing about 2 million people away from rural zones toward big cities, and causing serious social problems. One of the reasons for this exodus is the agribusiness production model, based on “technological packets” and on the production of commodities for export. It uses genetic modified organism...

Scientific paper • 2012


Permaculture proposals and tools for degrowth process in the fields of rural work and agriculture in Brazil

By: Mildred Gustack Delambre e Jacques Dias

Keywords : Work, hunger, poverty, Industrial farming, Permaculture, autonomy

Scientific paper • 2012


The transition towards a bioregional model: the case of Friuli Venezia Giulia

By: Piani Lucia, Rover Alberto

Key words: bioregion, agriculture, transition

Scientific paper • 2012


Agriculture and human ecology: the value of the territory

By: Carlo Modonesi, Monica Oldani, Celestino Panizza

Introduction: The achievements in life sciences of the last 50 years have widely deepened knowledge and the possibility of intervention on the foundations of living nature. However, such undeniable achievements, by focusing primarily on structural aspects of biological organization, have not shed much light on other characteristics of living creatures, such as historical and ecological ones. Th...

Scientific paper • 2012


Organic farming in the Italian penitentiary system to rehabilitate detainees

By: Anna Ciaperoni

Key words: social farming, penitentiary system, integration, rehabilitation