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Showing 158 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Retooling for degrowth of cities in CEE countries, challenge and potential directions for action.

By: Lukasz Pancewicz

Abstract: Despite relatively mild effects of the world financial and economic crisis on Central and Eastern European cities, in the long run they face similar challenges that its western counterparts - falling birthrates and ageing populations, growing pressure of global economic competition that push for lower wages and increasing job insecurity as well as significant environmental challenges....

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Oleksandra Moskalenko

advanced economic development, sustainable development, concept, strategy, self-organization, dialectics

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative indicators: what are the most sustainable countries?

By: Cecília Szigeti, Anita Borzán

Abstract: In our study we wanted to find an answer to the question whether we can find sustainable countries if we compare the values of different composite indicators? We examined three composite indicators (HDI, HPI, EPI) and the ecological footprint and GDP. Based on our analysis two indicators independent of each other and also independent of the GDP, these are the HPI and the EPI. The clas...

Scientific paper • 2014


Agroecology as alternative(s) to development: A South African Case Study

By: Alistair Tamlit

Abstract: According to Auturo Escobar, development and capitalism have become the most significant ideas to shape social life and these ideas are directly related to the multiple crises our planet faces. Post-development theories offer alternative narratives to the traditional development notions of universal knowledge and progress. Yet, the mainstream development discourse remains and challeng...

Scientific paper • 2014


Post-Development concepts? Buen Vivir, Ubuntu and Degrowth

By: Aram Ziai

Abstract: The paper links the academic debate about Post-Development approaches in development theory with the political and philosophical concepts of Buen Vivir, Ubuntu and Degrowth and asks to what extent the latter can be seen as PD concepts, as manifestations of PD in different cultural contexts. The examination yields that Buen Vivir undoubtedly qualifies as a PD concept, but Ubuntu and De...

Scientific paper • 2014


The social construction of green and social inclusive technological discourses in the Global South: evidence from India and Bangladesh

By: Mario Pansera

Abstract: The process of technological innovation is widely considered to be crucial to enable human development and to guarantee environmental sustainability. However, the process of development in the so-called Global South has delivered controversial outcomes in terms of social and environmental sustainability. Does this setting present new forms of sustainable futures or is it rather absorb...

Scientific paper • 2014


Upward Mobility in Degrowth Societies

By: Stephan Voswinkel

Abstract: Upward social mobility is a promise of modernity, but as a zero-sum game it includes potential for social conflict. Economic growth could moderate conflicting social aspirations for a long time, therefore upward mobility was understood universally. As a result of the lack of growth, the conflictual nature of upward mobility comes more to the fore. The lecture explicates various proces...

Scientific paper • 2014


From building resistance to building alternatives – post-extractivist perspectives from below

By: Facundo Martín

Development, Territorial sovereignty, Radical democracy, Reappropriation, Argentina, Brazil

Scientific paper • 2014


The Post-communist Continuous Crisis and the Wake-up Call of Rosia Montana

By: Irina Velicu

Abstract: This paper examines various forms of resistance and alternative proposals to capital development in a post-socialist context. I argue that learning from the controversies here could be useful for research on de-growth because they are articulated from a position of anxiety with regard to both the communist and the neo-liberal experiments. What has disappeared after 1989 has not been a...

Scientific paper • 2014


"A Degrowth Project in Hungary"

By: Vincent Liegey

Abstract: In 2011 a first book about Degrowth was published in Hungary: Latouche S., Farewell to Degrowth (Savaria). In January 2014, a second one was published, Liegey V. and Al., A Degrowth Project (Eszmelet). In this article, I will try to analyse the reception of Degrowth and in particular both these books among academics, medias, activists, and the public in the Hungarian context. This ana...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth as a path for a country at a crossroad?

By: Lidija Zivcic

Abstract: Dealing with economic crisis, systemic corruption and citizen’s apathy, Slovenia is desperately trying to make a good move, yet it seems to be unable to resolve its problems. Such a situation is normally a good moment to stop and rethink one’s approaches; this is what Slovenia tried to do by starting a consultation process on Strategy of development of Slovenia in 2012. However, the c...

Scientific paper • 2014


Economic growth and human needs satisfaction across-socio economic groups in Peru. An illustration using the Human Scale Development Approach

By: Monica Guillen

human needs, international development, wellbeing, economic growth, values

Scientific paper • 2014


The future of Waste Water Treatment: a Delphi-based approach

By: Edeltraud Günther, Martin Nowack

Abstract: Capital intensive and path-dependent sectors are highly vulnerable to changing framework conditions such as demographic change, technological advancements, a stricter legislation or climate change. Decision-makers are often not aware of the long-term dynamics of systems and mostly rely on forecasts and the assumption that the future can be predicted based on extrapolations of past tre...

Scientific paper • 2014


Human Scale Development... away from bullets and machines

By: Soledad Granada

Abstract: The expansion of the modern state implies the continuous conquer of territory, and people, in order to access to resources. This conquer expresses as the continuous substitution of production models from peasant self-sustainable to agro-industrial and/or extractive, resulting in the territorial homogenization of production. This substitution, associated to different conceptions of dev...

Scientific paper • 2014


Getting to Postgrowht: The Transformative Power of Paradigm Shifts

By: Maja Goepel

Abstract: Humans create stories about why they are here, what the purpose of this journey is and how to relate to their human and natural environment. These stories rest on some core ideas that feed into the common language and sense-making that people apply when engaging in collaboration, the design of institutions or legitimization of domination. Looking at what the story of neoclassical econ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Environmental movements and commoning strategies in Puerto Rico: challenging the growth paradigm?

By: Gustavo Garcia-Lopez

de-growth, common-pool resources, social movements, community-based resource management

Scientific paper • 2014


Cultural Recovery Plan though architectural and urban elements: relations between Lorca and Leipzig

By: María Ybarra Enguix

Immaterial Heritage, urban planning, identity, collective memory, know-how

Scientific paper • 2014


A dialogue with feminisms: Mining, social movements and horizons of transformation

By: Mar Daza

Abstract: A new cycle of colonial expansion for the massive extraction of common goods is currently restructuring the relationship between humanity and nature, and thus the relationship between market, autonomous societies and State as well as the relations between global North and South and gender relations. This reality issues a complicated challenge to social movements seeking transformation...

Scientific paper • 2014


Changing Perspectives in Eastern Europe

By: Brian Davey

Abstract: Western Europe and the USA have held themselves up as models to be followed by the countries of Eastern Europe - democratic countries run according to the rule of law, with market based consumer societies, privatised key sectors and focused on economic growth. Joining the European Union and learning how to be like the "successful" western economies has been seen as Central and Eastern...

Scientific paper • 2014


State- prescribed (re)productivity? The Philippine Legislation on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Crisis

By: Janina Dannenberg

Abstract: (Re) productivity transports a concept of sustainable society where boundaries between different forms of work and productivity are subject to annulment. In the Philippines, the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act recognizes the right to collective ownership of land and considers a broad variety of economic, social and cultural land uses. Even if not titled the same, the concept of (re)prod...