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Showing 164 items

Scientific paper • 2014


The Great Transition

By: Mauro Bonaiuti

The publisher: Recent events including the financial crisis and the gradual lessening of the planet’s natural resources have raised the fundamental question as to whether the capitalist market system can survive its own contradictions or whether we are witnessing the outset of a profound change in civilization. By deploying the tools of the science of complexity alongside those of historical re...

Presentation • 2014

Video Video

Responses to the eurocrisis: Strategies for the degrowth-movement

By: Steffen Lange, Steffen Lange, Nicola Bullard, Nicola Bullard, Tadzio Müller, Tadzio Müller, Giorgos Velegrakis, Giorgos Velegrakis

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Steffen Lange, Giorgos Velegrakis, Nicola Bullard Facilitation: Tadzio Müller Further below you can choose to start watching the video at a specific point, e.g. with the contribution of Nicola Bullard or just watch the discussion From the confe...

Presentation • 2014


Keynote speeches - Facing the current crises: critique and resistance

By: Barbara Muraca, Haris Konstatatos

Recorded keynote speeches at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speeches by Haris Konstatatos and Barbara Muraca. The topic of the day is "Facing the current crises: critique and resistance". Haris Konstatatos: Social-ecological crisis & crisis of democracy: a view from Southern Europe The accelerating socio-ecol...

Scientific paper • 2014


The experience of the Forum for Commons and Solidarity Economy in Friuli Venezia Giulia: new proposal for alternative economic models

By: Lucia Piani, Nadia Carestiato, Ferruccio Nilia

Abstract: Faced with the economic crisis that is affecting in particular the Western countries, in October 2012 in Friuli Venezia Giulia region (Italy) began the experience of the "Forum for Commons and Solidarity Economy". It is configured as a territorial laboratory in which different areas of knowledge, different subjects and different experiences confront each other with the purpose of shar...

Scientific paper • 2014


Financialisation and the ambivalence of capitalist growth

By: Julian Müller

Abstract: This 2013 paper – an updated version of which I would like to present at the conference – examines the ambivalence of capitalist growth and accumulation, that is, the simultaneous combination of dynamic and restrictive tendencies. At the most abstract level, this ambivalence is related to the existence of three different forms or circuits of capital. At a more concrete level, the accu...

Scientific paper • 2014


Political Ecology and Degrowth

By: Michalis Theodoropoulos

Political Ecology; Degrowth; Crisis Exit Strategy; Green movement

Scientific paper • 2014


Of the Constitutive Principles of a Post-Capitalist Economy

By: Luis Alvarez, Lysete Hernández

Principles, post-capitalism, alternative, capitalism, crises

Scientific paper • 2014


Rethinking the Role of the Economy and Financial Markets

By: Tony Greenham, Josh Ryan Collins

Abstract: The financial crisis is as much a crisis of economics as of the financial system. Inherent flaws in the modern monetary system overlay and magnify conceptual flaws in prevailing neo-liberal economic policy that rely on frameworks ill-suited to the current context of ecological and social problems. Our response therefore needs to address both the reform of the financial system and a fu...

Scientific paper • 2014


Accountability, Democracy, and Post-growth: Civil Society Rethinking Political Economy and Finance.

By: Lorenzo Fioramonti

Economic crisis, civil society, social change, accountability, degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Going beyond organized modernity : The Age of environmentalism ?

By: Timothée Duverger

organized modernity – environmentalism – self government – heteronomy

Scientific paper • 2014


The Great Recession and Health: From Neoliberal Austerity to “Healthy De-Growth”

By: Roberto De Vogli

Abstract: Since the eve of the meltdown, global unemployment has increased by more than 30 million people, but has the financial crisis also affected our health? Evidence indicates that the Great Recession led to increases in unemployment and suicides rates both in Europe and in the United States. While financial crises are associated with rising unemployment, social instability and the rise of...

Scientific paper • 2014


State- prescribed (re)productivity? The Philippine Legislation on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Crisis

By: Janina Dannenberg

Abstract: (Re) productivity transports a concept of sustainable society where boundaries between different forms of work and productivity are subject to annulment. In the Philippines, the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act recognizes the right to collective ownership of land and considers a broad variety of economic, social and cultural land uses. Even if not titled the same, the concept of (re)prod...

Scientific paper • 2014


Basic Income and Degrowth?

By: Claudio Cattaneo

Abstract: The paper starts from a literature review on the relationship basic income and degrowth and then develops some criticisms for which basic income might not be an adequate degrowth policy. It finally discusses the extent for which basic income might be a plausible degrowth proposal, but only as a social policy related to economic crisis (unwanted degrowth) therefore only of temporary, o...

Scientific paper • 2014


financial crisis explained by the theory of Freigeld

By: Peter Brass

Financial crisis explained by the theory of Freigeld

Scientific paper • 2014


Energy, Complexity, Democracy ... Collapse?

By: Marisa Beck, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Michael M. Lawrence

complexity; collapse; peak oil; energy; resilience

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino, Luigi Bonatti

hyper-consumerism; working time; negative externalities; happiness; growth rebalancing

Scientific paper • 2014


Detroit after bankruptcy: A case of degrowth machine politics

By: Seth Schindler

austerity urbanism, degrowth, Detroit, growth coalitions, municipal bankruptcy, neoliberalism

Report • 2014


Other cities in crisis can learn from Detroit’s bankruptcy-fostered Degrowth Machine Politics.

By: Seth Schindler

The publisher: The city of Detroit was one of the major casualties of the 2008 financial crisis, finally filing for bankruptcy in July 2013. Seth Schindler looks at how the city’s bankruptcy has acted as a catalyst for change. He writes that Detroit has moved from a ‘growth machine politics’ characterised by a push for economic growth at the expense of urban services, to a policy of ‘degrowth’ ...

Interview • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - Planiertes Leben ... Haris Konstantatos im Gespräch

By: Schattenblick, Haris Konstantatos

Interview mit Haris Konstantatos im Rahmen der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig. Aus dem Interview: . . . Die Analyse mit der mehrheitlichen Zustimmung in Syriza lautet, daß die Tatsache, daß die EU sich in neoliberale Richtung bewegt, eine Frage des Verhältnisses der politischen Kräfte in den EU-Ländern selbst und in der EU als ganzes ist. Es ist strukturell verankert, hat aber zur gleichen...

Art contribution • 2013



By: Dub Inc

'Revolution' is a song by French band 'Dub Inc' from their 2013 album 'Paradise' Lyrics: Welcome inna di land Bouchkour pon the mic on more time come back again Welcome inna di land Ready and go! Let the music play again I need a revolution. A revolution, a new direction! Let's stop the pollution It's time to change the way I want to stay in my garden. I'm staying hidden, inna ...