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Showing 114 items

Report • 2014


Other cities in crisis can learn from Detroit’s bankruptcy-fostered Degrowth Machine Politics.

By: Seth Schindler

The publisher: The city of Detroit was one of the major casualties of the 2008 financial crisis, finally filing for bankruptcy in July 2013. Seth Schindler looks at how the city’s bankruptcy has acted as a catalyst for change. He writes that Detroit has moved from a ‘growth machine politics’ characterised by a push for economic growth at the expense of urban services, to a policy of ‘degrowth’ ...

Art contribution • 2014



By: Degrowth Conference 2014

In the run-up to the conference monthly videos were published on the conference homepage, dealing with different aspects of degrowth.

Art contribution • 2014



By: Degrowth Conference 2014

In the run-up to the conference monthly videos were published on the conference homepage, dealing with different aspects of degrowth.

Scientific paper • 2013


Vielfalt statt Gleichwertigkeit - Was Bevölkerungsrückgang für die Versorgung ländlicher Regionen bedeutet

By: Reiner Klingholz, Eva Kuhn

Auf dem Land treibt der demografische Wandel die Kosten für Energie, Abwasser, Straßen, Bildung und ärztliche Versorgung in die Höhe. Und belastet damit immer weniger Einwohner mit immer höheren Ausgaben. Was wiederum verstärkte Abwanderung zur Folge haben kann. Welche Alternativen es zu dieser Entwicklung gibt, hat das Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung gemeinsam mit dem Potsdamer...

• 2013

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Stadt der Commonisten

By: Christa Müller, Andrea Baier, Karin Werner

Neue urbane Räume des Do it yourself Der Verlag: Es ist nicht mehr zu übersehen: Eine neue Generation von Do-it-yourself-Aktivisten nutzt die postfordistische Stadt als Labor für soziale, politische, ökologische und ästhetische Experimente. Ob im Gemeinschaftsgarten oder im FabLab, ob in Offenen Werkstätten oder bei Tausch-Events – überall hinterfragen die Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten ...

• 2013


The Village Against the World

By: Dan Hancox

The publisher: One hundred kilometres from Seville lies the small village of Marinaleda, which for the last thirty-five years has been the centre of a tireless struggle to create a living utopia. This unique community drew British author Dan Hancox to Spain, and here for the first time he recounts the fascinating story of villagers who expropriated the land owned by wealthy aristocrats and have...

Scientific paper • 2013


The Impacts of Spatial Planning on Degrowth

By: Petra Wächter

degrowth; spatial planning; settlement structures

Scientific paper • 2013


Degrowth initiatives in the urban water sector? A social multi-criteria evaluation of non-conventional water alternatives in Metropolitan Barcelona

By: Laia Domènech, Hug March, David Sauría

Urban water management; Degrowth; Social multi-criteria evaluation; Non-conventional water supply; Decentralisation; Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

Scientific paper • 2012


The Swedish urban typologies in the city of Karlstad: neighbourhood conceptualizations and typologies for urban development and transformation in the 21 st century

By: Todor Stojanovski

Abstract: Many Swedish as many European cities experienced a similar history of urbanization, architectural styles and planning paradigms. Most of the Swedish neighbourhoods originate or were modified in the 20th century and many of them, often copyrighted by architects and planners, have been preserved as they were designed. The fundamental urban challenge in this century is to find ways of ur...

Scientific paper • 2012


District Future – Urban Lab

By: Oliver Parodi, Alexandra Quint, Andreas Seebacher

Keywords: Degrowth, Sufficiency, Sustainable urban development, Sustainable Development, Urban Sustainability, Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development, District Development

Scientific paper • 2012


From Green Urban Economy to a Network of Autopoietic Region-Cities: a strategy for a sustainable economy under the scenario of degrowth

By: Sergi Nuss

Abstract: Between October 2011 and April 2012 the author has conducted research with ICLEI Europe on the Green Economy approach of 6 cities active in local climate change and energy, namely: Almada (Portugal), Arendal (Norway), Bologna (Italy), Girona (Spain), Jerusalem (Israel) and Turku (Finland). These cities not only cover a wide geographical area, but also a broad cultural, economical and ...

Presentation • 2012

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Combining Efficiency, Sufficiency and Lifestyle Changes: the Case of Zero Energy Buildings

By: Halina Brown

Contribution to the 3rd International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Venice in 2012. - only available as presentation slides

Scientific paper • 2012


Nothing is more

By: n'UNDO

Introduction: To construct from renouncement (n'UNDO) is an attitude, a cultural reaction, extendable to any field of knowledge and life that, from architecture and by means of the implication of diverse disciplines, aims to generate a base of thought and action (No Construction, Minimization, Reuse and Dismantlement) as a way of doing sustainable architecture of the territory and the city. Thi...

Scientific paper • 2012


Degrowth in Architecture

By: Remigio Masobello

Premise: The acceptance of ecology, but in particular of profound ecology, is the premise for degrowth in our habits and in new architecture. If we consider ourselves ecologists (and it is hard not to for those with even just a little common sense), we must truly respect our environment, nature as a whole and our planet. Such respect will lead us to the path of degrowth. Of course we know that...

Scientific paper • 2012


Gegen Landraub und Vertreibung - Ein Menschenrechtsansatz zur Entwicklung des Landsektors in Kambodscha

By: Natalie Bugalski

Achtzig Prozent der kambodschanischen Bevölkerung leben noch immer auf dem Land, viele von ihnen sind Kleinbauern. Doch in den letzten Jahren hat die Regierung an private Investoren Konzessionen für große Landflächen vergeben. In der Folge wurden viele Bauern von ihren Feldern vertrieben. Inzwischen sind über 2 Millionen Hektar Land an private Investoren übertragen worden – mit Hilfe einer Just...

• 2012

Postmining Regions in Central Europe: Problems, Potentials, Possibilities

By: Wolfgang Fischer, Peter Wirth, Barbara Mali

Der Verlag: Bergbauregionen überall in Mitteleuropa sind auf der Suche nach neuen Perspektiven. Sie setzen auf Tourismus, regenerative Energiegewinnung oder auf ihr reichhaltiges kulturelles Erbe. Trotz vielfältiger Herausforderungen ist die nachhaltige Entwicklung ehemaliger Bergbaugebiete ein ebenso lohnenswertes wie aussichtsreiches Unterfangen. Eine Vielzahl von Fallstudien bietet reichlich...

Scientific paper • 2012


Urban, school and collective gardens

By: Valeria Cometti, Luca Miserere

From the text: Decorative greenery or urban gardens? Recently we read in the news about fruit and vegetables from London’s neighbourhood gardens being served at the Olympic athletes’ canteen (http://www.capitalgrowth.org). Social, school and community gardens — these are just a few of the forms, some of them more consolidated, others more innovative, now appearing in towns and cities. So why ar...

Scientific paper • 2012


Rebuilding relationships: from the competitiveness tree to the well-being tree

By: Chiara Ortolani

Keywords: Urban growth, connectivity, self-organization, resilient relations, road network

Scientific paper • 2012


Anti-spectacle - a discussion paper -

By: Radović Darko, Davisi Boontharm

From the text: We want to open this discussion by repeating an earlier argument (Radovic 2008b) that there is a need to revisit World City Hypothesis (Friedmann, 1986). We see that as important in the context of the Conference on Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, as the idea of “world city” implies a certain (kind of) quality, and the concept of degrowth and the idea(l) of ...

Scientific paper • 2012


Non-growth in the housing sector for sustainability and its planning implications

By: Jin Xue

Abstract: By thoroughly exploring the trends of the housing sector growth in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Hangzhou (China) metropolitan areas and its social, economic and environmental consequences, the paper argues for a non-growth and even degrowth in the housing sector in the global North and the wealthy cities in China. A simple thought experiment of a non-growing housing sector is made in orde...