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Showing 32 items

• 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Co-operatives, Work and Degrowth

By: Patrik Gažo, Philipp Chmel, Dirk Raith, Jéssica Chainho Pereira

Standard session (discussion following 4 presentations) Degrowth Cooperatives as Alternative to the Development Paradigm: The Case of the Integral Minga Cooperative The session will start by explaining the objectives of the study, the theoretical framework on post-development, degrowth and cooperativism. Then, the studied cooperative and the methodology used will be explained. Finally, th...

Presentation • 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Cooperative growth strategies for businesses beyond growth

By: Dirk Raith

Presentation [part of the standard session "Co-operatives, work and degrowth"] “Post-growth organizations” do face a dilemma: Growth allows them to increase their good impact. At the same time, it may have bad effects on themselves, as organizations. Against that background, we discuss various “cooperative growth strategies beyond growth” that promise to resolve that dilemma. Presenters: ...

Presentation • 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - How can the concept of democratic ownership contribute to a social-ecological transformation?

By: Philipp Chmel

Presentation [part of the standard session "Co-operatives, work and degrowth"] The study explores how the concept of democratic ownership can contribute to a bottom-up, workers-led social-ecological transformation of the Austrian aircraft sector, targeting the Viennese airport in particular. Therefore, the study will involve qualitative interviews with workers and workers’ councils, followin...

Scientific paper • 2020


Transition within a transition: how cooperative platforms want to change the sharing economy

By: Giorgos Kallis, Joël Foramitti, Angelos Varvarousis

Scholars have argued that the sharing economy represents a transitional pathway to sustainability. The growth, however, of multi-national giants, such as Airbnb or Uber, has created new environmental, social, and economic problems and led many to question the dominant form of the sharing economy. In this paper, we study a transition within a transition—that is the emergence of a new niche o...

Scientific paper • 2019


Watercooler Democracy: Rumors and Transparency in a Cooperative Workplace

By: Katherine Sobering

Abstract: This article examines how rumors impact democracy and transparency in a cooperative workplace. Although literature on rumors generally analyzes them as negative to workplace culture, the author argues that rumors constitute a critical aspect of democratic participation. Drawing on long-term ethnographic fieldwork in a worker-recuperated business in Argentina, the author shows how mem...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Mujeres en Movimiento en la perspectiva ecofeminista: descrecimiento y economía solidaria en Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

By: Verônica Maria Bezerra Guimarães, Marise Massen Frainer

El diálogo entre descrecimiento y economía solidaria revela una potencialidad creativa de cambios a nivel local y regional, actuando en la microeconomía por la vía del ecofeminismo. Tal experiencia señala la imposibilidad de que exista libertad, si los medios de producción están enganchados a cualquier forma de explotación, colonización o subordinación del otro, incluidas ahí las mujeres.

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Retos para el surgimiento de las cooperativas en la Ciudad de México: Modernidad liquida vs ethos barroco

By: Gerardo Luvián

El objetivo de este documento - presentado durante el primer día de la Conferencia bajo la temática "Supervivencia" - es analizar qué tipo de cooperativismo está surgiendo en la Ciudad de México, retos y posibilidades de expansión, a través de una revisión contrastada del comportamiento social que analiza Bauman (2000) y Echeverría (2011).

Scientific paper • 2018


Common Good-Oriented Companies: Exploring Corporate Values, Characteristics and Practices That Could Support a Development Towards Degrowth

By: Jasmin Wiefek, Kathrin Heinitz

At present, little is known about the corporate characteristics that support a socio-economic development towards degrowth. Addressing this research gap, we conducted interviews with companies which have joined the Economy for the Common Good, a social movement which identifies the common good as the purpose of economic activity. Our analysis was guided by Latouche’s (2009) eight ‘R’s which, he...

Scientific paper • 2016


Assessment of the potential of Renewable Energy Sources Cooperatives (RESCoops) in Spain towards Sustainable Degrowth

By: Iñigo Capellán Pérez

The transition to renewable energies is at the heart of the Sustainable Degrowth (SD) proposals due to its potential to relocalize and democratize the energy generation in a sustainable way. In this paper, we review the development and current situation of RESCoops in Spain, assessing their strengths, barriers and opportunities as a means towards SD. This is an interesting case study since, unl...

• 2015


The Promise of “Open Co-operativism”

By: David Bollier

From the text: Is it possible to imagine a new sort of synthesis or synergy between the emerging peer production and commons movement on the one hand, and growing, innovative elements of the co-operative and solidarity economy movements on the other? That was the animating question behind a two-day workshop, “Toward an Open Co-operativism,” held in August 2014 and now chronicled in a new repo...

Report • 2015


Gemüsekooperative Rote Beete

By: Marc Menningmann

Kurzes Video zur Gemüsekooperative Rote Beete und wie diese für die Degrowth Konferenz in Leipzig 2014 Gemüse angebaut hat.

Scientific paper • 2015


Collective ownership in renewable energy and opportunities for sustainable degrowth

By: Conrad Kunze, Sören Becker

Community energy, Remunicipalisation, Energy cooperatives, Energy geography, Degrowth, Renewable energy, Energy transition

• 2015


Resist! Against a Precarious Future

By: Ray Filar (ed)

On the book by Rhiannon Colvin: Imagine that it’s 2025 and the world of work has changed. Today, we do labour out of passion, not obligation. Nobody has a low-paid job or has to balance multiple jobs just to make rent. Work gives us meaning and direction, but it does not define who we are. The three day working week means we have time to spend with friends and family, to contribute to our commu...

Report • 2015


Is Europe staring at a second Renaissance?

By: Ashish Kothari

The publisher: Across Europe, as economies find themselves tottering in the face of deepening financial and social crises, various alternative initiatives are gaining ground, providing hope for a different future. Ashish Kothari writes on some of these.

Report • 2015


Vegetable Cooperative "Rote Beete"

By: Marc Menningmann

Short video about the vegetable cooperative "Rote Beete" and how they grew vegetable for the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014.

Position paper • 2014


Changing the economic system embracing degrowth – for global justice and democracy

By: Elisabeth Voß

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Solidarity Economy, Cooperatives and Social Business.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Solidarity Economy, Cooperatives and Social Business

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Solidarity Economy, Cooperatives and Social Business at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Vision > We have to get rid of large scale “for-profit” corporations. > Make an economy in the sense of “people before profit”. Transformation > What role can private Enterprise play in the Transition towards Solidarity Economy? &...

Scientific paper • 2014


Critique and the Organization of Production

By: Nina Pohler

New Spirit of Capitalism, Artistic Critique, Social Critique, Growth Critique, Coordination of Work Strategies for transformation

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots Innovation For Sustainability: The Diffusion of Community Supported Agriculture in Germany

By: Kristin Reiß

Abstract: Over the last few years niches got more and more discussed as initial point for societal change. But approaches like Strategic Niche Management (SNM) are critisised for its focus on technological niches and its idea of a „top-down-management“, whereby radical alterations in fact is more often initiated by non-governmental groups and parts of civil society. This work attaches itself to...