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Aim high, degrow: dialogues on degrowth



Session 6: Transitioning to a degrowth future: naïve or revolutionary?

April 18th, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time).

With Barbara Muraca, Hubert Buch-Hansen and the moderator Justin Podur.

Discussion on the potential pathways for a degrowth transition. Is it a feasible path forward? Is feasibility even the right yardstick when it comes to assessing transitions and transformations? What are the main challenges and advantages to a degrowth future?

Register now for Session 6: Transitioning to a degrowth future: naïve or revolutionary?

Learn more about Aim High, Degrow: Dialogues on Degrowth and register for upcoming sessions here

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Degrowth: Some suggestions from the Simpler Way Perspective


By: Ted Trainer

Thirty four years ago I published Abandon Affluence and Growth, with negligible effect, so it has been hugely satisfying to see the recent emergence of a degrowth movement. However, I believe some aspects of the movement need greater attention. Degrowth transition strategies especially should deal more effectively with the sheer magnitude of the problem we are facing. The magnitude of the prob...


MOVE UTOPIA: Everything Is Possible – Moving Towards A New Story

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