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Blog • 18.09.2019

I am not alone

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By: Julia Steinberger

Dear Life, I was not aware, when I was born, that I was born onto a battlefield. I was not aware, as I learned to walk, that I was stomping over the habitats of many creatures. I was not aware, as my mother drove me to school, that we were riding roughshod over the unmarked graves of our fellow humans. I was not aware, as we flew around the world, that I was attacking my child’s chances. I was...

Blog • 11.09.2019

Community, connection and localism

By: Helena Norberg-Hodge

Localisation can lead to a sustainable and more fulfilling future for people and our planet. The crude ‘bigger is better’ narrative has dominated economic thinking for centuries, but it is finally being challenged by a much gentler, more inclusive perspective that places human and ecological well-being front and centre. People are coming to recognise that connection, both to oth...

Blog • 04.09.2019

Degrowth: the realistic alternative for Labour

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By: Mark Burton

Degrowth poses a fundamental challenge to a Labour Party that has yet to decide how far it wishes to transcend – and not merely reform – a growth- oriented, capitalist political economy. The British Labour Party has seen a resurgence of radicalism since the 2007-8 financial crash. With the collapse of the authority of neoliberalism, a space has opened for alternative ideologies, theories and...

Blog • 28.08.2019

Do we want to advance towards the fourth industrial revolution?

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By: Paz Serra Portilla

The arrival of smartphones, self-driving cars and the Cloud are all symptomatic of a profound shift that is re-writing modern society from within: the Fourth Industrial Revolution. New technologies claim to provide answers to a host of problems, but is technology unbound always a force for good? In the first of a three-part series on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, EcoPolítica’s Paz Serra...

Blog • 21.08.2019

Rojava: building an ecological society

By: Make Rojava Green Again group

In Rojava (Northern Syria), in the midst of a raging war, a society based on the values of women's liberation, radical democracy, and ecology is being built. In early 2018, we, people from across the world, launched the campaign 'Make Rojava Green Again' in co-operation with the newly-established local autonomies to help find solutions to the vast destruction of nature that has resulted from de...

Blog • 14.08.2019

Climate breakdown, capitalism and democracy

Capture d e%cc%81cran 2019 08 28 a%cc%80 13.11.45

By: Julia Steinberger

When the BBC asked me if I would participate in a debate panel on climate change, capitalism and democracy, I first panicked and then said yes. All I really wanted to do this week was finish up and (re)submit some research I started a long time ago. This research shows that, despite their massive growth, energy and carbon emissions cannot (statistically) explain improvements in international li...