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Blog • 07.08.2019

Challenging global corporate power

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By: James Shultz

International corporations are decimating nature, destroying lives and manipulating opinion. Here's how to stop them.. A US engineering giant sneaks into a Bolivian city under an assumed name and takes over its public water system.  A Canadian mining company seeks control of El Salvador’s gold even at the cost of poisoning its drinking water.  An Italian energy conglomerate floods ...

Blog • 31.07.2019

Prioritising well-being on a finite planet: A research manifesto

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  The Well Planet Manifesto is an invitation to undertake an agenda of research that is closer to the state of emergency in which we find ourselves. It encourages researchers, activists, policy-makers and member of civil society to act according to this emergency. Those are invited to connect to one another by signing up the manifesto, in order to establish a research network. See the manife...

Blog • 24.07.2019

Efficiency in production - A path for degrowth

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By: Alberto Huerta

Green growth advocates praise resource efficiency for its potential to incentivize the economy and lower its ecological impact. On the other hand, the Jevons Paradox, describes multiple situations (or rebound effects) in which increased efficiency leads to further consumption (either direct or indirect) which offsets the initial ecological benefits achieved. In this piece, I join this discussio...

Blog • 10.07.2019

Decoupling is dead! Long live degrowth!

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By: Timothée Parrique

If making the degrowth case was like baking a cake, disproving the plausibility of green growth would be the equivalent of turning the oven on. Decoupling is only “a myth” or “a fantasy,” some would say, a notorious fallacy that requires as much attention as the confabulations of Flat Earthers. And yet, faith in decoupling is strengthening in environmental agendas all around the world, includin...

Blog • 03.07.2019

Towards a more radical European Society for Ecological Economics

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By: Joëlle Saey-Volckrick, Andro Rilović

The time has come for ESEE to take a firmer stand and address the impossibility of tackling the monumental ecological crisis we are facing with partial solutions. In order to remain relevant ESEE needs to empower its members to speak the truth, confront power and focus their energies on finding meaningful, holistic and truly transformative solutions. The 13th International Conference of the ...

Blog • 25.06.2019

Global Degrowth Day

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By: Joe Herbert, Ana Poças, Joël Foramitti, Álvaro Fonseca

Saturday 1st June 2019 marked a significant occasion for the degrowth movement: the inaugural ‘Global Degrowth Day’. Groups of people gathered together in places all around the world to engage with ideas of degrowth and alternatives to our growth-based society, guided by the event’s theme of ‘a good life for all’. The Global Degrowth Day was coordinated by the Activists and Practitioners int...