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Blog • 30.10.2019

Chile woke up from its neoliberal nightmare

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By: Constanza Hepp

Chile despertó, “Chile woke up” reads the main slogan used in the massive protests that have brought Chile to a halt. People flooded the streets demanding deep structural changes in enormous, mainly peaceful protests, the biggest one of which took place on 10/25 gathering more than one million people. No son 30 pesos, son 30 años No son 30 pesos, son 30 años, reads another popular protest ban...

Blog • 24.10.2019

Defending degrowth is not Malthusian

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By: Giorgos Kallis

Self-limitation is not about constraining, but about defining collectively as societies our limits. Political ecology ‘has made strong arguments against natural limits’ and is in friction with ‘degrowth’s .. urgency of less’, writes Paul Robbins. Indeed, political ecologists developed the field as a response to 1970s neo-Malthusianism. Nancy Peluso, Lyla Mehta or Betsy Hartmann have exposed ...

Blog • 17.10.2019

Green digital capitalism: Dream, milestone or red herring?


By: Timo Daum & Steffen Lange

Digitalization is changing the world. And it's true: The vehicles of digitalization have spread through society at a rapid pace. Smartphones only entered the market a good ten years ago! Moreover, everywhere else in society - in companies, administrations, in agriculture, in transport and even in art and music - sensors, processors and many other digital devices are introduced. Yes, it is fair ...

Blog • 09.10.2019

Strategies for a degrowth transformation: How useful are historical analogies?

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By: Giuseppe Feola

Degrowth scholars and activists often turn to past cases of social or socioecological transformation for inspiration to inform transformative action in the present. Yet, there has so far been insufficient awareness of the bias that comes with using any historical analogy. The insights provided by historical analogies are limited, but can fruitfully complement analyses of the present and future-...

Blog • 03.10.2019

My Personal Journey Into the Post-Growth Way of Thinking

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By: Martin Oetting

I come from the dark side. Between 1994 and 1999, I studied at two business schools. Then I worked in advertising and marketing from 1999 until 2016 — for 17 years. First I was an employee in a couple of advertising agencies. Then I got a doctorate in Marketing and helped build our own specialised agency, with a group of friends and colleagues. The one over-riding goal of everything was alwa...

Blog • 25.09.2019

The liberatory potential of local action

By: Brian Tokar

Local action is often the best remedy for the failings of the current system — a worldwide confederation of democratic communities can have the same impact at a global scale. Today we are seeing an inspiring resurgence of progressive action at the local level, even as reactionary nationalist movements in Europe and beyond seek to position themselves as the true voices of a renewed localism. ...