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Blog • 04.09.2014

Technological solutions for a degrowth society

Degrowth tech

By Chris Ward In the scientific paper session on technological solutions for a degrowth society, it was refreshing to hear someone (unsurprisingly an engineer) mention that the degrowth movement could do with more practical projects and methodologies to run alongside the theoretical discussions. The OAE Project: Open Data and Open Source software for a sustainable economy The OAE project a...

Blog • 04.09.2014

Building alliances - equality as basis for sustainability

Thomas victor 9 photomas

By Christiane Kliemann When talking about building alliances -  the focus of the third conference day - the issue of equality  immediately comes  into view, as there are many dimensions of inequality deeply rooted in the current growth-based economic model. In order to overcome this model, all these dimensions need to be addressed and all possible change-agents equally taken on board. Adelhei...

Blog • 03.09.2014

Degrowth and history - economics, sustainability, power

Googling gdp

By Chris Ward Growth is always a goal in many countries, statistics appear everywhere and it’s always discussed. Even small reductions in GDP are met with bitter disappointment; it’s become one of the most important measures in the modern era. And yet there are surprisingly few discussions or resources on when and why this did happen. The special session on degrowth and history sheds some ligh...

Blog • 03.09.2014

Different perspectives on degrowth in the light of the global crises

Leute audimax

By Christiane Kliemann "Facing the current crises: critique and resistance":  The motto of the second day´s conference programme takes into account that degrowth is mainly a concept from the global North which naturally has a different perspective on the mulitfaceted global crisis than social or ecological movements from other parts of the World. While degrowth can be described as "a downscali...

Blog • 02.09.2014

Alberto Acosta and Naomi Klein call for radical changes in global economy

Naomi klein

By Christiane Kliemann Alberto Acosta, economist and father of the Ecuadorian constitution, made very clear in his opening speech, that it is not enough to simply do away with the growth paradigm if we miss to build up a different world altogether. On the example of a news article on the possibility of an economic recession in Germany and the devastating impacts this would have on other Europ...

Blog • 02.09.2014

Degrowth: what?! Summary of our short introductory event


By Chris Ward Despite attending the conference, not everyone will fully understand what ‘Degrowth’ is, or the multitude of related terms that will be mentioned during the conference. Thankfully the first session on the schedule, offered by Federico Demaria and Giacomo D´Alisa was ideally suited for getting your knowledge up to scratch. Judging by audience responses to the question “What ...