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Blog • 08.08.2014

Paths towards a Postgrowth-Economy – the four-in-one-perspective

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By Frigga Haug At the closing event of the attac-congress on capitalism in 2009, the German politician Heiner Geissler pleaded for an eco-dictatorship. After all, even as a prominent member of the Christian Democratic Party he had joined attac out of concern over problems of capitalist society, among them the ecological one - and was now calling on the 2000 or so participants to take action to...

Blog • 01.08.2014

Transition Townspeople, We Need To Think About Transition: Just Doing Stuff Is Far From Enough!

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By Ted Trainer The Transition Towns movement, and related initiatives such as Eco-village, Permaculture and Voluntary Simplicity movements, are taking the first steps that must be taken if we are to solve global sustainability and justice problems. But I want to argue that unless they (eventually) undertake significant change in their focus and goals they will [...]

Blog • 25.07.2014

Climate Protection and Green Growth are incompatible


By Niko Paech The legend of green growth depends on three basic principles: (1) Increase of resource-efficiency, (2) closed material flow cycles and (3) renewable energies. However, despite a host of innovations in the field of climate protection, the ecological damages in the area of energy have been and still are on the rise. The process of ecological modernization reveals itself as a histo...

Blog • 23.07.2014

Rob Hopkins: Transition Town is the practical manifestation of a postgrowth society

Rob Hopkins is the founder of the Transition Movement. We interviewed him for the Stream towards Degrowth during the launch of his new Book “The Power of just doing Stuff - How local Action can change the World” in Bielefeld. Watch the video to hear more about the connections and differences between the Degrowth and the Transition Movement.

Blog • 18.07.2014

“Wachstumsrücknahme”, “Postwachstum”, “Entwachsen”? An introduction to concepts and approaches of the German degrowth movement

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By Matthias Schmelzer The following article is a translation from the forthcoming “Atlas der Globalisierung”, that will be edited by Le Monde diplomatique and the Kolleg Postwachstumsgesellschaften (Universität Jena) under the title “Less is More. The Postgrowth-Atlas” (“Weniger wird mehr. Der Postwachstums-Atlas”. Postwachstum. Degrowth. Décroissance. These are buzzwords of a newly emergin...

Blog • 16.07.2014

The End of the Industrial Society as a Business Concept. Caution - Satire!


As a manager for “Bios funeral directors“, Dr. phil. Haimo Schulz Meinen, ex-journalist, teacher and writer, suggests the next steps to relieve the planet from the human objective of growth. In fact, “Bios Funeral” appears to be a very profitable start up and worthy of investment. After a short moment of surprise we finally published [...]