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Blog • 31.08.2014

A development vision for rural Africa

Tiyeda and seda

Without trying to give definitions of growth or degrowth everybody knows anyway, I would like to emphasize that these phenomena were always subject to discussions. Even a non-economist knows that it is impossible to talk about growth without mentioning ideas like increases in production factors, industrialization or economic development. Any increase has to come to a [...]

Blog • 29.08.2014

TTIP: Reasons why the rest of the World should be aware

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By Manuel Pérez-Rocha The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a comprehensive free trade and investment treaty currently being negotiated – in secret – between the European Union and the USA with massive implications for people and the environment on both sides of the Atlantic. The stakes couldn´t be higher but not only for European [...]

Blog • 26.08.2014

The ASA-Programm invites project proposals around degrowth

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ASA is an educational programme that supports  young and dedicated people to expand their skills and to contribute to sustainable global  development based on respect for human rights and cultural differences since more than 50 years Currently, the programm is looking out for suitable projects for the 2015 ASA-cycle with particular focus on the areas of degrowth and/or urban gardening which ha...

Blog • 25.08.2014

Petition for postgrowth research funding - please sign and share


In order to facilitate the transition towards a postgrowth or even degrowth economy, further research on alternative ecoomic and social models is utterly important, as we have no working models of non-growing economies at the moment. However, despite the urgency of this matter, progress in this direction is slow.  Large amounts of  research-funding  are directed towards "green growth" and other...

Blog • 22.08.2014

Postgrowth Europe: The Next Big Civilization Experiment?

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Europe is exhausted. It is exhausted after long years of what is labeled as the Eurozone crisis. It is exhausted after years of economic success and – now – prolonged years of political failure. Every single attempt of deepening the political union of Europe after the enactment of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 and the [...]

Blog • 15.08.2014

On the entirety of degrowth: definitions, meanings and proposals


By Filka Sekulova and Francois Schneider One might say that the term degrowth provides few new insights. At first sight the concept seems identical with the calls of the Radical Ecology Movement from the Seventies, supplanted by the Meadows report to the Club of Rome on ‘The limits to growth’. Yet, unlike terms such as [...]