Announcements • 03.10.2023
The 10th International Degrowth Conference and the 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) will be held in the city of Pontevedra (Galicia, Spain) from 18 – 21 June 2024. This joint conference is part of the “Pontevedra ESEE-Degrowth 2024” activities, which will establish Pontevedra as the European capital of degrowth in 2024. See the presentation video here. T...
Announcements • 19.09.2023
For every executive, financier and oligarch in London chasing power and obscene wealth, there are multiple times more people seeking to build inclusive, joyful, and sustainable communities. Degrowth London is a new group joining this effort.
Announcements • 29.08.2023
The Degrowth Movement, which advocates for a radical transformation of society and consumption patterns for the sake of life, well-being and autonomy, met in a hybrid format for the fourth time on August 28th 2023, before the International Degrowth Conference of Zagreb, Croatia. The 4th Assembly comes just months after the Beyond Growth 2023 Conference, which brought together over 1,000 peo...
Events • 15.07.2023
After the excitement of an intense three-days Beyond Growth Conference 2023 (BGC), attended by 7,000 participants (on-site and online), the time is ripe to distil critical reflections.
Money • 05.07.2023
Degrowth must confront the structural lock-ins of capitalism starting with the debt crisis trapping the Global South in poverty and extractivism.
Announcements • 23.05.2023
The first publications of the Degrowth Journal are online!