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Health • 08.07.2022

Embodying degrowth and turning the movement inside out

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By: The EmboDegrowth Lab

The language of a ‘degrowth transition’ is useful for mobilizing people and their collectives around policy objectives, but it retains an image of expert political actors who will ‘transition’ us from one state to another. We offer an alternative theory of change that aims for a ‘degrowth transformation’, or deeper shifts in ideology and daily practices. It will not be enough to solely focus on changing policies and institutions; it is essential to embody the transition and its deeper meanings in a personal way as well.

Care • 18.05.2022

Reflections on time, and how we care for one another

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By: Clare Hollins

Time, as we know it, is largely a social construct. With so much of our autonomy taken away by the pandemic—particularly our freedom of movement and, for many of us, ability to earn an income— we’ve had to do what humans always do and make do with what we have, get creative, and focus our time and energy on the reciprocal networks of care that are so essential for our survival.

Reviews • 22.03.2022

Beating the Clock: A review of 'Four Thousand Weeks' and 'Breaking Things at Work'


By: Tom Smith

In November 2021, more than 4.5 million people voluntarily left their jobs in the US, the highest number since records began. Popularly known as the ‘Great Resignation’, the ongoing rejection of work-as-we-knew-it may not be a social movement in the normal sense of the term, but it is certainly a sign of rolling social upheaval. The increasing bargaining power of labour in the Covid economy, an...

Events • 14.03.2022

Global Degrowth Day – A Good Life for All!

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By: The Global Degrowth Day Team

Celebrate degrowth on June 4th 2022 - this year’s Global Degrowth Day!   We call on everyone inspired by degrowth to organize (online) actions and events invoking the theme of Climate Justice.   As usual, on Global Degrowth Day you are invited to explore the different ways out of growth-dependency, and to connect to inspiring (local) initiatives working on new paradigms relating to sustaina...

Announcements • 09.02.2022

The manifesto of Degrowth journal

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By: Degrowth journal

After decades of research, the time has come: degrowth now has its own journal.

Justice • 03.02.2022

Capitalism, Degrowth and the Global South

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By: Tejendra Pratap Gautam

In the last decades, scholarship on degrowth, as an antithesis to capitalism, has grown in volume. But critique of capitalism cannot alone solve problems of modern society across the Global North and the Global South. Degrowth needs to be developed at multiple levels through an inclusive policy framework, where citizens' participation is crucial in order to push towards the construction of a degrowth society.