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Showing 3581 items

• 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Resources and Energy

By: Ida Day, Jefim Vogel, Don Blair

Standard session (discussion following 3 presentations) The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition – Strategies for Social-Ecological Transformation My presentation focuses on strategies toward social-ecological transformation, undertaken by The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC) in West Virginia, to protect the mountain ecosystems and culture of Central Appalachia. OVEC has successf...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 – WoMin - African women unite against destructive resource extraction

By: Samantha Hargreaves

Presentation [part of the standard session "Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation"] The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to res...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Behaviour change and system change in the housing sector

By: Elisabetta Mocca, Kristina Eisfeld, Michael Friesenecker, Veronika Kulmer, Sebastian Seebauer

Workshop How can integrated housing policy achieve decarbonisation while enabling fair access to housing? We invite policy-makers, activists, researchers, and others to take part in an interactive discussion. After short introductions reporting the research underpinning the workshop, participants will join sub-groups on: fair carbon taxes, retrofitting rented housing, and awareness building ...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Collaborative housing in Catalonia: obstacles and strategies

By: Mateus Lira M Machado

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] Collaborative housing (cooperative and co housing) allows for efficient use of resources, solidarity and non-speculative urbanism. This degrowth model is expanding in Catalonia, through partnerships between government and civil society, but concrete implementation faces a series of obstacles. Presenters: Mateus Lira M ...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - A sufficiency assessment: do people think they have enough?

By: Damaris Castro

Presentation [Part of the standard session "Practicing Degrowth"] We investigate how individuals think about ‘having enough’ and ‘wanting more’ in the contemporary society on a financial, material and leisure level. Furthermore, we analyze how this relates to people’s relative preference for income versus leisure. Results are based on a Flemish survey (N=1118). Presenters: Damaris Castro ...

Presentation • 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Cooperative growth strategies for businesses beyond growth

By: Dirk Raith

Presentation [part of the standard session "Co-operatives, work and degrowth"] “Post-growth organizations” do face a dilemma: Growth allows them to increase their good impact. At the same time, it may have bad effects on themselves, as organizations. Against that background, we discuss various “cooperative growth strategies beyond growth” that promise to resolve that dilemma. Presenters: ...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Materialising degrowth in local urban planning policies

By: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] This paper focuses on the intersection between degrowth and urban planning, and contributes to a deeper understanding and a sharper concretisation of how a strong sustainability concept such as degrowth can be taken into planning practice for long term sustainability. Presenters: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats La...

• 2020


Ecosocialism and/or degrowth?

By: Michael Löwy

Should the ecological left aim to reduce all consumption, or to radically transform the prevalent type of consumption?  

• 2020


Rethinking Our Relationship to Land: Degrowth, Abolition, and the United States

By: Erica Jung

In the United States, the police-, prison-, and military-industrial complexes serve as the engine that fuels racial capitalism. The expansion of these various but interconnected forms of oppression rests on the subjugation of incarcerated and colonized peoples and on the exploitation of land stolen from Indigenous nations. The abolition of such is necessary in achieving

• 2020


Care: the theme of Global Degrowth Day 2021

By: The Global Degrowth Day Team

In this announcement, the Global Degrowth Day organising team talk through the selection of care as the theme for the 2021 edition of the event.

• 2020


How ‘Degrowth’ Pushes Climate and Well-Being Over GDP

By: Akshat Rathi

"In recent years, a group of economists, ecologists, and anthropologists has gained attention for trying to overturn a core tenet of economic policy — that growth is good for everyone. Known as the “degrowth” movement, these scholars suggest a reframing of humanity’s goals along ecological lines to address the climate crisis, along with a reconsideration of using gross domestic product as a met...

• 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Community, Housing, Care

By: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats, Larissa Lai, Saskia Hebert, Mateus Lira M Machado

Standard session (discussion following 4 presentations) Materialising degrowth in local urban planning policies - video This paper focuses on the intersection between degrowth and urban planning, and contributes to a deeper understanding and a sharper concretisation of how a strong sustainability concept such as degrowth can be taken into planning practice for long term sustainability. P...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Civil disobedience as a strategy for degrowth

By: Sarah Fromm, Simon Schöning

Workshop Civil disobedience is emerging as a key element employed in the fight for environmental and climate justice and for raising awareness about some of the most urgent crises. The aim of the session is to develop a better understanding of civil disobedience and how it may be used strategically in the degrowth process. Nonviolent protest played a fundamental role in the anti-apartheid mo...

Presentation • 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Transformation by design?

By: Antonia Ney, Joy-Fabienne Lösel

Presentation [part of the standard session "Transformation, Design and Utopias"] The central question of socio-ecological transformation is whether it will take place “by design” or “by disaster” (Sommer/Welzer 2014:27). In the discourse this question is rhetorically answered with “by design”. But what role does design play in social-ecological transformation? The lecture will present growth...

• 2020


Farmers and a degrowth economy in Russia

By: Teodor Shanin

Perspectives from Eastern Europe and particularly Russia are so far underrepresented in degrowth debates. Translated from its original Russian, the piece below showcases an interview with a prominent Russian academic, Teodor Shanin, discussing degrowth in the Russian context through the lens of agriculture. Accordingly, it enables new audiences to gain an insight into this underrepresented

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Bursting Platform

By: Maša Hawlina, Asja Hrvatin, Nicoleta Nour, Sara Pistotnik, Lana Zdravković, Ajda Pistotnik

Special session Bursting Platform is bringing under a spotlight feminization of politics and exploration of possibilities of co-creating and opening a new political space – a platform for building stronger connections between various initiatives, places, women activists covering diverse, but relevant topics that bring into effect needed new alliances. Five themes will be presented by five ac...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Transformation, Design and Utopias

By: Bernd Sommer, Antonia Ney, Joy-Fabienne Lösel

Standard session (discussion following 2 presentations) Sustainability, transformation & utopias The presentation discusses the role of positive visions for a transformation towards a more ecologically sustainable and socially just society. Firstly, it is argued that in the context of modern societies something like ecological sustainability can already itself be regarded as a stark u...

• 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Co-operatives, Work and Degrowth

By: Patrik Gažo, Philipp Chmel, Dirk Raith, Jéssica Chainho Pereira

Standard session (discussion following 4 presentations) Degrowth Cooperatives as Alternative to the Development Paradigm: The Case of the Integral Minga Cooperative The session will start by explaining the objectives of the study, the theoretical framework on post-development, degrowth and cooperativism. Then, the studied cooperative and the methodology used will be explained. Finally, th...