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Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Degrowth and the overcoming of the imperial way of life

By: Andrea Marjanovic, Jana Hafner, Walentina Pfug-Hofmayr, Josef Mühlbauer

Presentation [part of the standard session "Mobilität, Transformationsdesign und imperiale Lebensweise"] The basis of the presentation is the empirical work that is currently being developed in the context of the research internship at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Vienna, led by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brand. It examines concrete dimensions of life, namely nutrition (...

• 2020


Opinion - Amplifying Voices of Climate Activists of Color

By: Esther Ngumbi

"Highlighting activists of color is good for everyone. Convincingly, a growing body of evidence shows that when minorities and underrepresented voices are included, and their voices and actions displayed, including in science, everyone benefits."

• 2020

Restructuring growth through degrowth. Setting up the research agenda of commons in the Eastern Partnership countries

By: Ilaha Abasli, Nazaket Azimli

The relevance of the degrowth approach for Eastern Partnership countries, the role of commons for degrowth within cities, and what would the preconditions for a transition to degrowth be in the context of the EP countries.

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Mobilität, Transformationsdesign und imperiale Lebensweise

By: Andrea Marjanovic, Jana Hafner, Walentina Pfug-Hofmayr, Josef Mühlbauer, Nora Krenmayr, Esther Wawerda, Valentin Sagvosdkin, Helena Trenks, Sarah Meyer-Soylu, Richard Beecroft, Oliver Parodi, Annika Fricke, Andreas Seebacher

Standard session (discussion following 4 presentations) Degrowth and the overcoming of the imperial way of life - video The basis of the presentation is the empirical work that is currently being developed in the context of the research internship at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Vienna, led by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brand. It examines concrete dimensions of life, ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Quantifying the potential for climate change mitigation of consumption options

By: John Barrett, Diana Ivanova, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Biljana Macura, Max W. Callaghan, Felix Creutzig

Around two-thirds of global GHG emissions are directly and indirectly linked to household consumption, with a global average of about 6 tCO2eq/cap. Changes in consumption patterns to low-carbon alternatives therefore present a great and urgently required potential for emission reductions. In this paper, we synthesize emission mitigation potentials across the consumption domains of food, hou...

Art contribution • 2020


Life within Planetary Boundaries, Down to Earth (Part 1)

By: Maja Lindström

Original title: Leva inom planetgränserna, Ett jordat liv. The film is based on interviews with author and journalist David Jonstad and agronomist and research leader Johanna Björklund, who guides us away from the utopia of eco-modernism: that with new technology we could live on as today, but in a sustainable way. Together they explain how we can "democratize survival" through sharing the l...

Scientific paper • 2020


Jevons' paradox and a tax on aviation to prevent the next pandemic

By: Salvador Pueyo

How is it possible that, in an era of unprecedented medical progress, humanity is once again caught in a major pandemic? Several lines of evidence suggest that advances in infectious diseases control facilitate the development of major urban centers, global high-speed transportation, industrial animal farming and ecosystem destruction. In turn, all of these are well known to favor such diseases...

• 2020


Gutes Leben für Alle heißt Sozialismus: Was Degrowth von Corbyn & Co lernen kann

By: Lukas und Max

Degrowth hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren als attraktiv für Menschen erwiesen, die dem bestehenden Wirtschaftssystem gegenüber ein Unwohlsein erfahren, wenn auch meist kaum materielles Leiden. Die wachstumskritische Diskussion kann einen Einstieg in grundsätzlichere Kapitalismuskritik bieten. Bei Degrowth-Konferenzen und in zahllosen kleineren Veranstaltungen werden jedoch die ständig gleiche...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Cars for Future? Future images of (car)mobility by technical-scientific actors

By: Nora Krenmayr, Esther Wawerda

Presentation [part of the standard session "Mobilität, Transformationsdesign und imperiale Lebensweise"] The climate-damaging emissions of road traffic and other social and environmental problems associated with transport point to the need to move away from individual car-mobility and towards a social-ecological transformation of mobility systems. This includes political, socio-economic and ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Structure, action and change: a Bourdieusian perspective on the precondition for a degrowth transition

By: Max Koch

A deprioritization of economic growth in policy making in the rich countries will need to be part of a global effort to re-embed economy and society into planetary boundaries. However, societal support for a degrowth transition remains for the time being moderate, and it is not well understood as yet why this is the case. This article argues that Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology can help theorize so...

Scientific paper • 2020


Fit for purpose? Clarifying the critical role of profit for sustainability

By: Jennifer B. Hinton

This conceptual article contributes to the post-growth strand of political ecology literature, which seeks to find sustainable ways of organizing the economy that do not require economic growth. It explores the idea that transitioning to post-growth societies requires a transition in the relationship-to-profit of business. I first conceptualize relationship-to-profit as the intersection of purp...

Art contribution • 2020


Life within Planetary Boundaries, Agroforestry (Part 2)

By: Maja Lindström

Original title: Leva inom planetgränserna del 2, Agroforestry How can we meet our basic human needs, while improving the health of the ecosystems that we are part of? In this part 2 of the film, some of Sweden's and England's leading pioneers in Agroforestry explain how we, through our food production, can play a key role in healing ecosystems, creating food security, new jobs and an improved ...

• 2020


Eco-productivism: Ecological transition is a political issue

By: Louison Cahen-Fourot

In a recent op-ed published in Le Monde, French economist – and Emmanuel Macron’s economic program inspirer – Jean Pisani-Ferry argued that economic growth was necessary to fight against climate change and called for eco-productivism. The following op-ed is a reply to Pr. Pisani-Ferry that was originally published in Le Monde (in French).

• 2020


How to degrow amerikkka: Reflections after the 2020 U.S. presidential election

By: KC Legacion

It’s been about a week since the 2020 presidential election in the United States was called for former-Vice President Joe Biden, and the dust has anything but settled. As a new presidential administration prepares to replace the current one (which has openly declared its refusal to leave), where does this leave the degrowth movement in

• 2020


An Open Letter to the Degrowth Movement

By: Chris Conrad

The degrowth movement should shift trajectories, dramatically, as soon as possible. In what direction? Political science research, and direct organizing. I’m an undergraduate political science student in the US. In the last year, I’ve consumed a huge chunk of literature on degrowth. I have deep respect and admiration for the work done by the folks

• 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020: Reflections upon the conference and how to move forward – Part II

By: Viviana Asara

This is part two of a piece reflecting on the Vienna degrowth conference and considering how to move forward based on the inputs and insights from the conference. You can read part one (focused on the conference) here.

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Living degrowth? Investigating degrowth practices through performative methods

By: Johannes Brossmann

Presentation [Part of the standard session "Practicing Degrowth"] Based on recently published research using performative methods Johannes will discuss (i) what it could mean to “live degrowth” by portraying a diverse range of interrelated practices and (ii) attempt to answer how “living degrowth” could be conceptualized as a transformative endeavour. Presenters: Johannes Brossmann (actin...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Strategies for the Transformation of Work – Degrowth perspectives

By: Juliet Schor, Will Stronge, Anna Daimler, Nikolina Rajković

Panel discussion This panel assembles experts from research and practice to discuss strategies for a degrowth transformation of work, spanning the whole flourishing degrowth repertoire: Work time reduction and work-sharing, UBI and UBS, social infrastructure, cooperatives, workers’ self-management, just transition and trade union perspectives, sectoral transformation and selective degrowth, ...

Scientific paper • 2020


'The economy' as if people mattered: revisiting critiques of economic growth in a time of crisis

By: Clive L. Spash

Coronavirus (COVID-19) policy shut down the world economy with a range of government actions unprecedented outside of wartime. In this paper, economic systems dominated by a capital accumulating growth imperative are shown to have had their structural weaknesses exposed, revealing numerous problems including unstable supply chains, unjust social provisioning of essentials, profiteering, precari...