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Showing 3581 items

• 2018


Hitch-Hiking, Ivan Illich and Degrowth

By: Oscar Krüger, Corinna Burkhart

When hitch-hiking, a certain irony is common: Time and time again, the authors’ of this post have been picked up by drivers who immediately instruct them that hitch-hiking used to work, but now is impossible. That these conversations were taking place at all would appear to contradict this supposed fact. This is not to say

Presentation • 2018

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Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 – Workshop Taxation

By: Tove Maria Ryding, Sol Piciotto, Richard Murphy, Philip Kerfs

Chair: Elly Schlein, MEP (S&D) Panellists: Tove Maria Ryding (Tax Justice Coordinator at the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad)), Sol Piciotto (Emeritus Professor of law of Lancaster University, Member of the Advisory Group of the International Centre for Tax and Development), Richard Murphy (Professor of Practice in International Political Economy at City University, Londo...

Presentation • 2018

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Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 – Workshop Sustainable Finance

By: Matrin Spolc, Rens van Tilburg, Yannis Dafermos

Chair: Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D) Panellists: Martin Spolc (DG EcFin, Capital Markets Union, Head of Unit), Rens van Tilburg (University Utrecht, NL and Director of the Sustainable Finance Lab), Yannis Dafermos (Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK)

Presentation • 2018


Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 - Opening Session

By: Tim Jackson, Margrethe Vestager

Welcome by MEP Philippe Lamberts Moderation: Wolfgang Munchau, Financial Times Keynotes by Commissioner Margrethe Vestager and Professor Tim Jackson

Scientific paper • 2018


Common Good-Oriented Companies: Exploring Corporate Values, Characteristics and Practices That Could Support a Development Towards Degrowth

By: Jasmin Wiefek, Kathrin Heinitz

At present, little is known about the corporate characteristics that support a socio-economic development towards degrowth. Addressing this research gap, we conducted interviews with companies which have joined the Economy for the Common Good, a social movement which identifies the common good as the purpose of economic activity. Our analysis was guided by Latouche’s (2009) eight ‘R’s which, he...

• 2018


French researcher shares how less is more through de-growth

By: The Borneo Post

Introduction: For the first time in Malaysia, the concept of sustainable de-growth was presented and discussed in a public meeting here recently. Five large conferences on the subject have been held in various part of the world with 200 published articles. French industrial ecologist and de-growth researcher Dr François Schneider explained this new concept to an audience at the Sarawak Mu...

Scientific paper • 2018


The Commons: A Social Form that Allows for Degrowth and Sustainability

By: Johannes Euler

Commons, sustainability, capitalism, collective action, degrowth

• 2018


Doughnut Economics

By: Kate Raworth

Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist Economics is broken, and the planet is paying the price. Unforeseen financial crises. Extreme wealth inequality. Relentless pressure on the environment. Can we go on like this? Is there an alternative? In Doughnut Economics, Oxford academic Kate Raworth lays out the seven deadly mistakes of economics and offers a radical re-envision...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Extractivismo, generación de riqueza?

By: Aleida Azamar

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Jueves por Aleida Azamar: "Extractivismo, ¿generación de riqueza?"

Interview • 2018


Paech: "Wir sollten nur 20 Stunden arbeiten"

By: Nico Paech

Einleitung: Niko Paech propagiert ein Wirtschaftssystem, das zur Versorgung des menschlichen Bedarfs nicht auf Wachstum angewiesen ist. Im DW-Gespräch erläutert der Ökonom die Vorteile für Mensch und Umwelt.

• 2018


Defending Hambach Forest is part of the struggle for degrowth!

By: Kai Kuhnhenn & Nina Treu

Degrowth stands for moving beyond the paradigm of the growth- and profit-oriented economic system. By means of a social-ecological transformation, a good life for all can be achieved. This means overcoming the imperial way of living of the global North, building alternatives, and creating positive narratives of our possible future. This also includes resisting useless

• 2018


A economia contra os limites da Terra: o decrescimento sustentável é a solução

By: Ana Poças Ribeiro

Limitar salários é uma forma de reduzir desigualdades, de reduzir consumo insustentável e especulação e de repensar a sociedade. O que é preciso para uma vida digna e que nos preencha? (Da autora)

• 2018


Decolonisation and Degrowth

By: Claire Deschner, Elliot Hurst

Why do degrowth scholars use the word “decolonise” to discuss the process of changing the growth imaginary? Isn’t decolonisation about undoing the historical colonisation of land, languages and minds? How do these two uses of the word relate?

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Macroeconomía para el Ecozoico

By: Peter Brown

Conferencia (En Línea) de la Plenaria del Jueves por Peter Brown: "Macroeconomía para el Ecozoico."

• 2018


Macroeconomics Without Growth

By: Steffen Lange

How can we organize our economies without growth? "Macroeconomics Without Growth' provides a comprehensive understanding of how non-growing economies can be sustainable. With this book, Steffen Lange brings new momentum into the debate on post-growth, degrowth and steady state economies. The book delves deep into economic theory to understand how a macro-economy can operate without growth. By a...