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Showing 3581 items

Study • 2020


The role of work in a sustainable society

By: Laura Lanzoni

"A societal change towards sustainability, can not succeed without a transformation of work and society based around work, so becomes extremely important and fundamental reconsider the current social – economic system, in order to create a path that can lead to a sustainable society, where people and nature can collaborate to find their own spaces, their own times and to listen to their needs, ...

• 2020


Coronavirus in times of climate change: a reflection


"What is is that you value and want to keep? What do you have to let go of in order to stop making matters worse? What is it that we have lost in our industrial society and need to bring back?"

Scientific paper • 2020


‘Re-grabbing’ marine resources: a blue degrowth agenda for the resurgence of small-scale fisheries in Malta

By: Alicia Said, Douglas MacMillan

The era of blue growth, underpinned by neoliberal policy discourses, has been pervasive in the promulgation of European marine governance and policies in the past decade, with little or no regard for the sustainability of small-scale fisheries. In this paper, we engage with theoretical and empirical observations to reflect on how the promise of sustainable economic growth arising from the c...

• 2020


Enacting Community Economies within a welfare state

By: Teppo Eskelinen, Tuuli Hirvilammi, Juhana Venäläinen

The Nordic welfare states, despite their history of successful welfare generation, have recently experienced a penetration of capitalist market relations to ever new spheres of life. Also their failure to create ecologically sustainable welfare models has been undeniable. Simultaneously, community economies have emerged as a source of ideas and practices on what ‘the economy’ fundamentally c...

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Between conversion and automotive consensus. Results of a transdisciplinary research project on the role of employees in the transformation of Austrian automotive industry

By: Markus Wissen, Melanie Pichler, Nora Krenmayr

Workshop In this Special Session, results of the CON-LABOUR research project will be presented, which during more than two years explored the opportunities and challenges of a social-ecological transformation in the Austrian automotive industry from the perspective of employees and their representations. We provide insight into the political economy of Austrian supplier industry and reflect ...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Beyond the Dam - Feminist perspectives on the social-environmental conflicts around the hydropower plant São Luis do Tapajós: shifting narratives

By: Camila Nobrega

Presentation [part of the standard session "Territories, Resources and Care Work Feminist Perspectives on Transformation"] The Corona crisis has unprecedentedly highlighted the topic of this session: care work got visibility, its systemic relevance gained public recognition as never before. The appalling shortage of health care workers and the deficiencies in public health systems due to res...

• 2020


Why degrowth is the worst idea on the planet

By: Andrew McAfee

Despite still growing over the last 50 years, we already figured out how to reduce our impact on Earth. So let's do that.

• 2020


Constructive criticism of degrowth is NOT support for growth: a response to Forbes

By: Gabriela Cabaña, Vandana Sharma

In a recent article for Forbes, Corbin K Barthold makes several allegations against the idea of degrowth without having a clear understanding of the concept.

• 2020


More than 1,000 experts call for Degrowth as post-COVID-19 path

By: The open letter working group

New Roots for the Economy: academics, experts, artists, activists and organizations from around the world demand a farewell to our economy’s growth dependency to avoid further crises.

• 2020


Building Counter-Institutions: A Call for Activism beyond Raising Awareness

By: Joël Foramitti

Around the world, social movements are rising up in response to the multiple crises of our time. However, only few seem to focus on the task of building concrete institutions that could challenge existing structures and change the rules of our system.

Scientific paper • 2020


Lessons for blue degrowth from Namibia’s emerging blue economy

By: Rosanna Carver

Globally there has been recognition that there is little consensus attributed to the definition of the blue economy. However, despite this acknowledgement, the blue economy is championed for its development potential by the African Union and subsequently, several African states. Having formalised the agenda in its fifth National Development Plan Namibia is working to implement a governance ...

• 2020


Academia in the time of Covid-19: Our chance to develop an ethics of care

By: Esteve Corbera, Isabelle Anguelovski, Jordi Honey-Rosés, Isabel Ruiz-Mallén

"In writing this opinion article we hope to encourage thinking about how academics may transform our work ethos now and in the future. This disruptive time can become an opportunity to foster a culture of care, refocus on what is most important, change expectations about the meaning of quality teaching and research, and in doing so make academic practice more respectful and sustainable."

• 2020


Smart Green World? Making digitalization work for sustainability

By: Steffen Lange, Tilman Santarius

In this book, Steffen Lange and Tilman Santarius investigate how digitalization influences environmental and social sustainability. The information revolution is currently changing the daily lives of billions of people worldwide. At the same time, the current economic model and consumerist lifestyle needs to be radically transformed if society is to overcome the challenges humanity is facing on...

Scientific paper • 2020


Fiddling while the planet burns? COP25 in perspective

By: Peter Newell, Olivia Taylor

With fires, storms, social protests, and climate strikes sweeping the world, 2019 should have been a tipping point in how the world responds to global heating. This was the backdrop to the COP25 climate change summit which took place in Madrid in December 2019. This paper assesses the outcomes of the meeting and the path towards the critically important meeting in Glasgow at the end of 2020...

Presentation • 2020


Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: Anti-Capitalist Politics in the Time of Covid-19

By: David Harvey

In this episode, Prof. Harvey talks about the factors and conditions that enables COVID-19 to become a pandemic and the ramifications for the economy and for social life.

Scientific paper • 2020


Money, Vouchers, Public Infrastructures? A Framework for Sustainable Welfare Benefits

By: Katharina Bohnenberger

While the social consequences of environmental policies are extensively evaluated in sustainability research, few studies exist on the ecological impact of social benefits and the welfare state. Sustainable welfare is a novel research field that seeks to close this knowledge gap and develop integrated eco-social policies. Within this, researchers are starting to ask how citizen’s needs can be g...

Scientific paper • 2020


Frame Disputes or Frame Consensus? “Environment” or “Welfare” First Amongst Climate Strike Protesters

By: Kaja Emilsson, Håkan Johansson, Magnus Wennerhag

Present debates suppose a close linkage between economic, social, and environmental sustainability and suggest that individual wellbeing and living standards need to be understood as directly linked to environmental concerns. Because social movements are often seen as an avant-garde in pushing for change, this article analyzes climate protesters’ support for three key frames in current periods ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Looking for the inverted pyramid: an application using input-output networks

By: Louison Cahen-Fourot, Emanuele Campiglio, Elena Dawkins, Antoine Godin, Eric Kemp-Benedict

Herman Daly's view of the economy as an “inverted pyramid” sitting on top of essential raw material inputs is compelling, but not readily visible in monetary data, as the contribution of primary sectors to value added is typically low. This article argues that “forward linkages”, a classical development theory concept capturing the relevance of a sector for downstream activities, is an informat...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Self-experiments – personal transformation with leverage?

By: Oliver Parodi, Andreas Seebacher, Helena Trenks, Sarah Meyer-Soylu, Richard Beecroft, Annika Fricke

Presentation [part of the standard session "Mobilität, Transformationsdesign und imperiale Lebensweise"] Self-experiments offer an opportunity for testing sustainable practices in a limited period of time concerning their effects and their fit with the rest of life. So they are an easy entry into the urgently needed social transformation towards sustainability. Based on our experience in the...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Exploring Equitable Degrowth in Circular Community Development in Health and Care

By: Larissa Lai

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] Underserved and historically marginalized populations have been disproportionately afflicted by financial and climate related disasters. In face of the immediate climate crisis, many existing systems are being disrupted, thus adversely impacting the livelihood, health and wellbeing of underserved populations. In planning ...