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Showing 158 items

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Pluriverso: Cómo articulamos diferentes alternativas al desarrollo?

By: Federico Demaria

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Martes por Federico Demaria: "Pluriverso: ¿Cómo articulamos diferentes alternativas al desarrollo?"

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - The destruction of vernacular resources and know-how by industrial technoscientific development: a French perspective

By: Daniel Cerezuelle

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Martes por Daniel Cerezuelle: "La destrucción de los recursos y conocimientos técnicos vernáculos por el desarrollo industrial y tecnocientífico, una perspectiva francesa."

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Decrecimiento o aceleración?

By: Humberto Beck

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Martes por Humberto Beck: "¿Decrecimiento o aceleración? Miradas críticas sobre los modelos de desarrollo dominantes, luchas ecoterritoriales e imaginarios alternativos"

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Críticas al desarrollo en tiempos del Antropoceno: enfocues relacionales e imaginarios alternativos desde el Sur

By: Maristella Svampa

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Martes por Maristella Svampa: "Críticas al desarrollo en tiempos del Antropoceno: enfocues relacionales e imaginarios alternativos desde el Sur"

• 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Alternative territorialities for black peoples in Colombia: a reading of the post-development approach

By: Yeny Rodríguez Junco

Esta presentación explica el concepto de 'territorio' de las comunidades negras del Pacífico colombiano y su interpretación judicial como alternative descolonizadora del modelo de desarrollo.

• 2018


Degrowth in Tourism

By: Konstantinos Andriotis

Conceptual, Theoretical and Philosophical Issues Degrowth in Tourism explores newly-emerging development and philosophical approaches that provide more equity for host communities and offer a low-carbon future by looking at alternatives to the classic models of development and applying the concept of degrowth in a tourism context.

Interview • 2018


Corrente busca modelos alternativos ao crescimento econômico ilimitado

By: Ignacio Amigo

No chamado “decrescimento”, o bem-estar humano não está atrelado à necessidade permanente de crescimento. (Do autor) Entrevista com Gabriel Trettel Silva e Sylmara Lopes a respeito de pesquisa de mestrado sobre decrescimento e os países do chamado Sul global.

• 2018


A humanidade já ultrapassou os limites da resiliência do Planeta

By: José Eustáquio Diniz Alves

A apresentação “Os limites da resiliência do Planeta e o decrescimento demoeconômico”, exposta e debatida no XXI Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais, da ABEP, ocorrido em 25 de setembro de 2018, teve como base uma tese, uma antítese e uma síntese, como mostrado a seguir: Tese: O crescimento demoeconômico no Antropoceno (últimos 250 anos) possibilitou uma grande acumulação de capital e...

• 2018


Para construir estrada, governo de Nairóbi destrói comunidade com 2 mil pessoas

By: Amélia Gonzalez

A autora discute o mito do progresso problematizando uma reportagem do jornal britânico The Guardian sobre a construção de uma rodovia em Nairóbi, no Quênia. Ela aponta o paradoxo entre o crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto e da pobreza extrema no país, assim como a adoção de soluções petróleo-dependentes que geram a destruição de casas e desalojamentos para os problemas de tráfego urbano.

• 2018


Pós-extrativismo e Decrescimento - Saídas do labirinto capitalista

By: Alberto Acosta, Ulrich Brand

Na Europa — e, agora, também na América Latina — as políticas de austeridade estão fazendo com que a pobreza e a desigualdade voltem a aumentar: o Estado de bem-estar social sucumbe diante do mercado financeiro, enquanto novas fronteiras petrolíferas, mineiras e agropecuárias engolem a vegetação nativa, atropelando os Direitos Humanos e os Direitos da Natureza. Acosta e Brand são categóricos...

Scientific paper • 2018


Sustainability, Wellbeing and the Posthuman Turn

By: Thomas S.J. Smith

This book examines how the way we conceive of, or measure, the environment changes the way we interact with it. Thomas Smith posits that environmentalism and sustainable development have become increasingly post-political, characterised by abstraction, and quantification to an unprecedented extent. As such, the book argues that our ways of measuring both the environment, such as through sustain...

Scientific paper • 2018


Post-Growth in the Global South? Some Reflections from India and Bhutan

By: Julien-François Gerber, Rajeswari S. Raina

Abstract: The critique of growth is one of the defining features of ecological economics. Yet ecological economists have had relatively little to say about “post-growth” in the global South. In this article, we propose a new definition of post-growth as the combined application and theorization of degrowth, agrowth, steady-state economics and post-development. We then discuss – with special re...

Scientific paper • 2017


Future green economies and regional development: a research agenda

By: David Gibbs, Kirstie O'Neill

Future green economies and regional development: a research agenda. Regional Studies. The past 30 years have seen an explosion of interest and concern over the detrimental impacts of economic and industrial development. Despite this, the environmental agenda has not featured substantially in the regional studies literature. This paper explores a range of options for regional futures from a ‘cle...

• 2017


Detroit Open City

By: Aaron Robertson

Blog article about Detroit and its possible development in the future

• 2017


John Bellamy Foster answers five questions about Marxism and ecology

By: Saral Sarkar, John Bellamy Foster

Introduction by Ian Angus March 30, 2017 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Climate & Capitalism – The Indian website Ecologise recently published John Bellamy Foster’s Foreword to my book Facing the Anthropocene. Commenting on Foster’s article, journalist and activist Saral Sarkar, who describes his views as eco-socialist, raised questions that challenge t...

• 2017


Decolonizing the North, decolonizing the South: de-growth, post-development, and their cultural representations in Spain and Latin America

By: José Manuel Marrero Henríquez

Article by Luis I. Prádanos in the book Transatlantic landscapes - environmental awareness, literature, and the arts

Scientific paper • 2017


Postwachstum als nachhaltige Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung - Eine Untersuchung im Raum Dresden

By: Elisa Dauben

Zusammenfassung: Klimawandel, Verknappung von Ressourcen, Finanzkrisen oder soziale Krisen werfen die Frage danach, wie sich unsere Welt nachhaltig entwickeln kann, vehement auf. Die Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung sind vielfältig. Die Postwachstumsidee kritisiert in diesem Zuge das gängige Streben nach Wirtschaftswachstum und bringt neue Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung hervor...

• 2017


Puerto Rico: A Potential Experiment in Degrowth?

By: Erik Assadourian

Introduction: I’m sure that some will criticize the insensitivity of the timing of this essay. How can you talk about Puerto Rico, climate change, and degrowth at this tragic time? But what time is better than now? There are only going to be more disasters and more tragic times ahead. And if after each one we spend billions on rebuilding costly infrastructure, the resulting carbon emissions are...

Scientific paper • 2017


The Post-Development Dictionary agenda: paths to the pluriverse

By: Federico Demaria

Abstract: This article lays out both a critique of the oxymoron ‘sustainable development’, and the potential and nuances of a Post-Development agenda. We present ecological swaraj from India and Degrowth from Europe as two examples of alternatives to development. This gives a hint of the forthcoming book, provisionally titled The Post-Development Dictionary, that is meant to deepen and widen a ...

Interview • 2017


Civilizational Transitions / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Arturo Escobar

By: Arturo Escobar

Arturo Escobar, University of North Carolina, explains the term "Civilizational Transitions", its relationship with degrowth and environmental justice as well as the crisis of the current civilizational model and alternatives to that, such as "Buen vivir". Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary