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Showing 162 items

Scientific paper • 2015


Work less, do less?

By: Johannes Buhl, José Acosta

Social acceleration, Time use, Working time, Life satisfaction, Mixed methods, Resource use

• 2015


Resist! Against a Precarious Future

By: Ray Filar (ed)

On the book by Rhiannon Colvin: Imagine that it’s 2025 and the world of work has changed. Today, we do labour out of passion, not obligation. Nobody has a low-paid job or has to balance multiple jobs just to make rent. Work gives us meaning and direction, but it does not define who we are. The three day working week means we have time to spend with friends and family, to contribute to our commu...

• 2014


zu Paul Lafargue: Das Recht auf Faulheit

By: Stephan Lessenich

Von einem »Recht auf Faulheit« zu sprechen, erscheint in Zeiten von Krise, Arbeitslosigkeit und dem durch Hartz IV etablierten gesellschaftlichen Arbeitszwang geradezu obszön. Der französische Sozialist Paul Lafargue aber sprach sich bereits im 19. Jahrhundert vehement gegen die »seltsame Arbeitssucht« seiner Zeitgenossen aus. Ihm geht es in seiner Schrift vor allem um eine radikale Kritik d...

• 2014

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Seitenwechsel – Die Ökonomien des Gemeinsamen

By: Barbara Unmüßig, Silja Graupe, Heike Löschmann, Elisabeth Schmidt, Christian Felber, Barbara Muraca, Dagmar Embshoff, Thomas Dönnebrink, Michael Bauwens, Johannes Gernert, Heike Blümner, Daniil Kushnerovich, Silke Helfrich, "Dranbleiber", Friedrich Landenberger, Harald Schwaetzer, Harald Spehl, Florian Rommel, Andrea Vetter, Karin Bundschuh, Brigitte Kratzwald, Friederike Habermann, Jaana Prüss

Böll.Thema, das Magazin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Ausgabe 1/2014 Die Frage nach dem Guten Leben treibt immer mehr Menschen um und motiviert sie, nach Alternativen zu suchen: Eine Wirtschaft, die dem Menschen dient, aber nicht die Natur und Umwelt unwiederbringlich zerstört. Längst versuchen Menschen weltweit, ihre Arbeits- und Lebenswelt selbstbestimmter zu organisieren, sich der Wettbewer...

• 2014


A Degrowth Project: « And What If We No Longer Had To Work? »

By: Vincent Liegey

From the text: In order to move beyond a productivist vision of life, we have to question the notion of work itself, which, for the most part, serves to sustain a system of profound inequality. We need to break from “sacrosanct economic growth”, “abandoning work-based ways of thinking, putting the economy and our obsession with the bottom line back where they belong, rejecting the view that eve...

Interview • 2014

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Aufbruchtage - Eine Frage des Systems ... Steffen Lange im Gespräch

By: Steffen Lange, Schattenblick

Interview mit Steffen Lange im Rahmen der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig. Aus dem Interview: . . . Zunächst einmal müßte man die Frage klären: notwendig wofür? In einem kapitalistischen Wirtschaftssystem ist Wachstum in der Tat notwendig, um bestimmte gesellschaftliche Ziele zu erreichen, nämlich keine Arbeitslosigkeit zu generieren, Sozialversicherungssysteme zu finanzieren und Staatsschu...

Report • 2014


Working hours reduction as a part of degrowth agenda

By: Unbekannt, Ganna Gladkykh, Elena Bakhanova

Documentation of the event "Working hours reduction as a part of degrowth agenda" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: Participatory modelling: Degrowth paradigm implies significant changes in economy. Economic downscaling will cause an increase in unemployment rates. It will negativel...

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth economy: What does this mean with regard to concepts of work?

By: Willi Haas, Adelheid Biesecker, Uta von Winterfeld

Documentation of the event "Degrowth economy: What does this mean with regard to concepts of work?" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: Roundtable discussion with short inputs: The reorganization of working societies and sustainable ways of living are closely linked. But the concepts ...

• 2014


Arbeit ist nicht unser Leben

By: Alix Faßmann

Untertitel: Anleitung zur Karriereverweigerung Der Verlag: Arbeit ist längst zur Religion geworden. Doch in Zeiten von Wirtschaftskrise und Arbeitsplatzabbau ist der Traum vom Aufstieg durch Arbeit geplatzt. Vor allem junge Menschen sind trotz guter Ausbildung und hohem Einsatz von extremen Unsicherheiten geprägt. Als Vertreterin der Generation Y räumt Alix Faßmann mit den Glaubenssätzen der n...

Presentation • 2014


Ideen und Modelle Grundeinkommen – national und global

By: Ronald Blaschke

Diskissionsworkshop auf der 4. Internationalen Degrowth Konferenz für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit in Leipzig im Jahr 2014. Gefilmt vom Youtube Kanel 2malschauen Teil 1: Vortrag Ronald Blaschke Teil 2: Diskussion Aus dem Konferenz Programm: In diesem Seminar werden die Idee, der Begriff und einige aktuell diskutierte Modelle von Grundeinkommen national und global...

Presentation • 2014


Unconditional Basic Autonomy by income or infrastructure?

By: Werner Rätz, Vincent Liegey, Dagmar Paternoga, Margit Appel

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Vincent Liegey, Werner Rätz and Margit Appel Facilitation: Dagmar Paternoga From the conference programme: The essentials of the idea of an unconditional basic income are clearly related to a degrowth society. A basic income provides autonomy fo...

Presentation • 2014


How can work be (re)organized under a degrowth perspective?

By: Christine Ax, Norbert Reuter, Chema Berro, Michael Fischer

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Norbert Reuter, Chema Berro, Christine Ax Facilitation: Michael Fischer From the conference programme: The panel will bring together trade unionists and NGO activists from both the 'classical', industrial growth-oriented and the more radical, de...

Position paper • 2014


How to produce for degrowth? Rediscovering manual skills and peasantry

By: Sylvain Fischer

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Technology and Production.

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth and the re-organization of work – a feminist perspective

By: Andrea Pürckhauer, Marielle Beck

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Reproduction and Work.

Position paper • 2014


Degrowth by leisure – step down the upwards escalator!

By: Christer Sanne

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Reproduction and Work.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Reproduction and Work

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Reproduction and Work at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for Transformation > Reduction in paid working time. > Dissociation of income from work, and work from identity. > Greater recognition of unpaid work (self reproduction, household reproduction, community reproduction). > Strengthening autonomous colle...

Scientific paper • 2014


Cooperative Labor Beyond Growth

By: Jukka Peltokoski

Abstract: Economic growth in capitalism is structurally tied to the organization of labour as wage work. In capitalism an employee produces surplus for an employer to fulfill the economic anticipation invested in the firm. This 'growth imperative' is built inside the form of wage work. In the contemporary era of permanent economic and ecological crisis, the capitalistic growth has to be questio...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Jürgen Manneck

Abstract: Why is global capitalism incapable of providing the millions of unemployed with work? From a social perspective, enormous wealth is simply running through our fingers, since many people are forced into unemployment by the mechanisms of capitalism. In 1995 a conference of 500 top managers, politicians and economists came to the conclusion that at the start of the 21st centruy only one-...

Scientific paper • 2014


Alternative currencies and de-growth: average value of labour time as basis for enhancement of interest-free credit systems

By: Maurizio Ruzzene

Abstract: This presentation considers problems and benefits that can follow from linking time currencies to an average social value of labour time. The link to an average social value of labour time (i.e. applying an average hourly wage to a standard time unit) can greatly ex-tend the application of time-based currencies. It can significantly enhance their interest-free long-term credit functio...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Unemployment: The Implications of Okun's Law

By: Daniel O'Neill

Unemployment, Okun's law, degrowth, steady-state economy, labour productivity