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Showing 114 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological citizen in the midst of right to the city movements in Turkey

By: Mine Islar

Abstract: Social movements, as powerful channels of political expression and mobilization, have become global phenomena with potential to reshape societies and politics around the world. The purpose of this paper is to produce an interdisciplinary study of right to the city movements by analyzing the re-politicization of the citizens engaged in Turkey’s Gezi movement. The paper aims at explorin...

Scientific paper • 2014


Meteorological Considerations in Energy and Livelihood from Strange Attractors of Wind

By: Matt Ji

Abstract: Renewable energy has some challenges due to its variability and incompatibility with the modern electricity grid. However, novel methods of extracting valuable fractal behavior of wind speeds show very powerful spatially and temporally correlated features. Further investigation shows that energy can be quite readily quantified given this approach and its implications are deep reaching...

Scientific paper • 2014


Nothing but Growth for Shrinking Cities? Urban Planning and its Influencing Factors in Poland

By: Bettina Knoop

shrinking cities; urban planning; deindustrialization; demographic change

Scientific paper • 2014


Spatiality of Degrowth

By: Nina Vogel, Jin Xue

spatiality, degrowth visions, space, societal transformation

Scientific paper • 2014


Post Growth City - the role of the Transition Town movement and urban planning (a case study in Bielefeld)

By: Janina Westerkowski

post growth city, urban planning, transition town movement, Scenarios and models of a post-growth economy

Scientific paper • 2014


Small farms and degrowth

By: Jean Francois Le Clanche, Christian Mouchet

Abstract: small farms could be sustenaible and income allowing to make a farmer live. Some of them are innovative and some farmers present features close to those of the schumpeterian entrepreneur. That is why small farms could be a way for the future of European agriculture. They use more work, less capital: we could think that it is one of the degrowth ways. Keywords: small farms, rural deve...

Scientific paper • 2014


Auswege aus der zunehmenden Flächenkonkurrenz

By: Christian Hildmann, Uwe Scheibler

Abstract: Die Konkurrenz um Flächen verschärft sich sowohl international als auch in Deutschland. Steigende Pacht- und Kaufpreise für landwirtschaftliche Flächen unterstreichen dies deutlich. In Deutschland werden bereits über 110% der landwirtschaftlichen Flächen für die Nahrungsmittelversorgung benötigt. Die Steigerung der Flächenproduktivität ist für viele Prozesse bereits weit ausgereizt. S...

Scientific paper • 2014


Building alliances in the field of food production and consumption: Urban Gardening and Community Based Agriculture

By: Jenny Lay

systems of provision, food production, Urban Gardening, community based agriculture, reproductivity

Scientific paper • 2014


Saving (on) Water. Living in EcoSan Communities

By: Birke Dorothea Otto

Abstract: This case study explores how decentralised sewage infrastructures (also referred to as Ecological Sanitation) change the city. These low and high-tech eco-innovations in several urban building communities in Germany save water by recycling and reusing waste water and were installed as a critique of resource depletion and the wastefulness of urban life. This presentation focuses on two...

Scientific paper • 2014


A spatial Anthropology of the Changing Use of Urban Spaces in Tokyo, Japan

By: Heide Imai

Abstract: Cities like Tokyo face recently new, complex urban challenges. However, responses to the changing urban space are often reflected in the emergence of new cultural revivals or the forging of unknown, hybrid subcultures, which can be understood when studying the diverse ways people (re-) interpret small urban places in relationship to their changing lifestyles. This paper will discuss t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Analysis of Change- Intercultural Design Exchange Germany and Japan - Approaching the Question of Future Living

By: Heide Imai, Anthusa Loeffler

Abstract: This is the topic this paper wants to discuss in the context of Tokyo, which is characterized by Roland Barthes as a city without a center. After the enormous growth in the second half of the twentieth century of Tokyo, we have to discuss the De-growth and the chance for future living at different examples found in Japan and Germany. In summary, this paper focuses on the question in w...

Scientific paper • 2014


Grassroots Movements and Urban Development - the Cases of Kitakyushu, Japan and Leipzig -

By: Heide Imai, Noriko Minkus

Abstract: As a result of the “shrinking” societies in Germany and Japan, cities and regions are facing different challenges. While metropolitan areas like Berlin and Tokyo are growing quickly, intermediate cities like Leipzig and Kitakyushu can only keep their population or grow slowly. After a process of deindustrialisation, these cities still carry dozens of empty buildings and vacant spaces....

Scientific paper • 2014


Roles for university researchers in promoting sustainability

By: Audley Genus

Abstract: There is considerable debate regarding the contribution to be made by higher education institutions and the researchers they employ in realising environmentally sustainable urban spaces, and the relationship between academic research and lay knowledge. Drawing on previous work, the paper identifies roles that may be played by academic researchers in building sustainable urban location...

Scientific paper • 2014


The power of neighborhood – rethinking the way of life within co-housing projects in Switzerland

By: Sanna Frischknecht

Abstract: Focusing on the question of how people live and interact, co-housing projects, such as “Kraftwerk1”, “Nena1” and others attempt to withdraw imperatives of growth by establishing a new way of life in urban contexts. Some of the projects are closely connected to the ideas of an urban utopia “bolo’bolo” which was written by P.M. in the 1980ies. This ideal of a new way of life describes a...

Scientific paper • 2014


Cultural Recovery Plan though architectural and urban elements: relations between Lorca and Leipzig

By: María Ybarra Enguix

Immaterial Heritage, urban planning, identity, collective memory, know-how

Scientific paper • 2014


Public Spaces: Everyday Resistance and alternative Societies

By: Anne Dietrich, Vera Denzer, Jörg Gertel

Abstract: The paper investigates urban public spaces as sites of daily resistance from theoretical and empirical points of view. Particular attention is paid to different forms of protest against social orders that find their expressions in nonconformist appropriations of space. Thus the contribution addresses the conference’s narrative step ‘Facing the Current Crisis: Critique and Resistance’....

Scientific paper • 2014


Is eco-village/urban village the future of a degrowth society? An urban planner's perspective

By: Jin Xue

Degrowth; Relocalization; Eco-village/urban village; Urban planning; Multi-scalar strategies

Scientific paper • 2014


Socioecological Dynamics of Resurgent Forests: Lessons for Degrowth

By: Christine Biermann, Becky Mansfield

Abstract: This paper considers resurgent, or regrowing, forests, asking: What dynamics drive forest re-growth? How do economic changes articulate with ecological processes, and to what ends? Drawing on research in Appalachian Ohio, we add to critiques of forest transition theory, which states that after decades if not centuries of forest loss, countries begin to experience increases in forest c...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Agriculture and Food

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP Group "Agriculture and Food" at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014

Scientific paper • 2014


Detroit after bankruptcy: A case of degrowth machine politics

By: Seth Schindler

austerity urbanism, degrowth, Detroit, growth coalitions, municipal bankruptcy, neoliberalism