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Showing 225 items

Position paper • 2014


Pop the Carbon Bubble! Tactics for degrowing the economy and mitigating the climate crisis

By: Kevin Buckland

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Climate and Energy.

Scientific paper • 2014


Rewarding with a licence to commit ecocide: High incomes and climate change

By: Olli Tammilehto

Abstract: According to many studies greenhouse gas emissions attributable to a person or to a household increase with growing income. On the global level, a well-paid quarter of the population generates around three quarters of the total carbon dioxide emissions. The suffering from the disastrous effects of climate change, on the other hand, is distributed in the opposite direction. The conditi...

Report • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - die Weckruferin ...

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Video Rede Naomi Kleins am Eröffnungsabend. Aus dem Bericht: . . . Europa befände sich, wie sich in den südlichen Ländern, aber nicht nur dort, zeige, fest in Händen dieser Austeritätslogik. In Griechenland beispielsweise könne die Feuerwehr nicht mehr losfahren, wenn es brennt, weil sie sich neue Reifen für Löschfahrzeuge nicht mehr lei...

• 2014


This Changes Everything - Capitalism vs the Climate

By: Naomi Klein

thischangeseverything.org: Forget everything you think you know about global warming. The really inconvenient truth is that it’s not about carbon—it’s about capitalism. The convenient truth is that we can seize this existential crisis to transform our failed economic system and build something radically better. In her most provocative book yet, Naomi Klein, author of the global bestsellers The...

Scientific paper • 2014


Climate-economy feedbacks under growth, low-growth, and no-growth scenarios

By: Manuel Linsenmeier, Jobst Heitzig

Abstract: In this work we use conceptual mathematical models to explore the role of feedbacks in the coupled climate-economy system under different economic scenarios. We combine different representations of the climate-economy feedback with three scenarios for the global economy: unconstrained background economic growth with slow decoupling of economic production from carbon emissions, economi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Investigating the potential of applying theories on rebound effects to the climate discourse: The case of climate change adaptation in winter tourism

By: Carlo Aall

Rebound effects, climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, tourism

Scientific paper • 2014


Let them Eat War: Climate Change, Food Insecurity and Conflict

By: Sören Köpke

Abstract: Climate change is increasingly framed as a security concern. Proponents of the environmental security discourse warn that dwindling water resources, loss of arable land and grazing grounds will cause hunger and conflict. These resource-related conflicts will arise in the most vulnerable parts of the Global South. However, this discourse is blind to the political economy of a growth-ba...

Scientific paper • 2014


Equity and emissions. How are household emissions distributed, what are their drivers and what are possible implications for future climate mitigation?

By: Jonas Pohlmann, Nils Ohlendorf

Abstract: This paper analyses the distribution of CO2 emissions over households in Germany, identifies their socio-economic drivers and discusses the policy implications. On the basis of an environmentally extended input output model, the CO2 intensities for consumption-based emissions from different categories are calculated and allocated to the expenditure data of a representative survey of 4...

Scientific paper • 2014


The distribution and drivers of CO2 emissions on a consumption basis and implications for a degrowth economy – the case of Germany

By: Jonas Pohlmann, Nils Ohlendorf

Abstract: This paper analyses the distribution of CO2 emissions over households in Germany, identifies their socio-economic drivers and discusses the policy implications. On the basis of an environmentally extended input output model, the CO2 intensities for consumption-based emissions from different categories are calculated and allocated to the expenditure data of a representative survey of 4...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Climate Engineering

By: Frederike Neuber, Barbara Muraca

viable technologies; conviviality; Climate Engineering; climate change;

Scientific paper • 2014


Next level carbon cycling, quantifying the carbon recycling potential

By: Vincent Moreau, Frédéric Meylan, Suren Erkman

Abstract: Carbon dioxide emissions from industrial activities have accumulated in the atmosphere in excess of 880 gigatons (Gt) since preindustrial times. The conventional approaches to climate change, market based mechanisms, energy efficiency or technology have proved less efficient than recent economic downturns at curbing the emission rate. We propose to account for the atmospheric stock as...

Scientific paper • 2014


The social and economic consequences of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SAEP)

By: Simone D'Alessandro

Abstract: The repeated failures of global agreements for GHG emissions abatement call for a new strategy that involves local communities in implementing effective transitions to sustainability (the Warsaw Climate Change Conference in November 2013 is the last example). This paper investigates the environmental, social and economic consequences of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SAEP) at the lo...

Scientific paper • 2014


Food sharing: A potential strategy against the food waste problem and a local contribution to local climate change mitigation?

By: Dominic Egger

Non-market food provision - Transitory strategy - Food waste - Degrowth practice - Municipal strategy of climate change mitigation

Interview • 2014


Battle for the Climate: «It's not about parts per million, it's about power.»

By: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

Video from the international Conference "Battle for the Climate" (Kampf ums Klima) which took place 10.-12. April 2015 in Cologne. Speakers and participants of the conference are giving statements. Main topic is climate justice.

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Climate and Energy

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Climate and Energy at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation > Energy consulting would lead to efficiency gains (free of charge or financed solidarily) > Efficiency contracting by cooperations Vision > Regional democratic decision on production/distribution > Free basic energy according t...

• 2014


Abundant Clean Renewables? Think Again!

By: Almuth Ernsting

From the text: Zero-carbon, clean energy? Well, no. And yet, there are no large-scale energy sources with lower carbon emissions and less harmful environmental impacts than wind and solar power. As one scientist argues from the perspective of thermodynamics: "To talk about 'renewable energy' or 'sustainable energy' is an oxymoron, as is 'sustainable mining' or 'sustainable development.' The mor...

Report • 2014


Wachstum, was nun?

By: Marie-Monique Robin

Die Dokumentation stellt kurz dar, wie sehr Politik heute auf Wirtschaftswachstum fokussiert ist. Der Schwerpunkt des Films sind allerdings praktische schon jetzt existierende Alternativen. Einige werden vorgestellt: u.a. Urbane Landwirstschaft in Toronto und Rosario in Argentinien, die Dänische Insel Samsö deren Energie Versorgung auf 100% erneuerbaren Energien beruht, erneuerbare Energien in ...

Interview • 2013


„Der geplünderte Planet“ – neuer Bericht an den Club of Rome

By: Ugo Bardi

Mehr als 40 Jahre nach dem Bericht „Die Grenzen des Wachstums“ stellte der Club of Rome nun seinen neuen Bericht vor: „Der geplünderte Planet“. Autor Ugo Bardi erläutert im Kontext-TV-Interview, welche Folgen der Raubbau an der Erde hat und warum es in den kommenden Jahrzehnten zu Ressourcen-Knappheiten kommen wird. Neben Öl könnte es auch bei Uran und Kupfer bald zu Engpässen kommen. Noch grav...

Educational paper • 2013


Verantwortungsvoller Konsum: Wir können auch anders!

By: Corina Schulz

Unsere derzeitigen Konsum und Produktionsmuster führen zu einer permanenten Übernutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen und einem stetigen Anstieg der Treibhausgasemissionen. Sie sind nicht nur die Hauptursache für globale Umweltprobleme wie Klimawandel, Müllberge und Artensterben, sondern sind auch mit sozialen Problemen verbunden: Vor allem in Ländern mit niedrigen Sozial- und Umweltstandards komm...