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Showing 286 items

Scientific paper • 2014


How to increase well-being in a context of degrowth

By: V. Andreoni, S. Galmarini

Degrowth; Economy of reciprocity; Well-being; Market work; Reciprocity work; Capitals

Report • 2014


Working hours reduction as a part of degrowth agenda

By: Unbekannt, Ganna Gladkykh, Elena Bakhanova

Documentation of the event "Working hours reduction as a part of degrowth agenda" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: Participatory modelling: Degrowth paradigm implies significant changes in economy. Economic downscaling will cause an increase in unemployment rates. It will negativel...

Scientific paper • 2014


Introducing Permaculture to Economic Ecosystems - the Integrative Analysis Method

By: Michael Schlauch

Abstract: This paper explores new ways of applying ecological knowledge to solve economic problems in a manner that suits the complexity of society and environmental challenges. This is done by developing the integrative analysis method. The integrative analysis uses systems ecology in order to characterize economic systems with their energetic properties and model them as ecosystems. This make...

• 2014


SOS: Alternatives Alternatives to Capitalism

By: Richard Swift

An investigation of the alternatives to capitalism, including socialism, anarchism and deep ecology.

Interview • 2014



By: Vincent Liegey, Adrien Despoisse, Sara Feher

Content among other topics: Degrowth sources - Karl Polanyi and Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Networking, Degrowth workshop in Budapest, what does degrowth mean for the global North and South, opposition to degrowth . . .

Presentation • 2014


Décroissance, Postwachstum, decreixement, decrescita – all degrowth but different?

By: Niko Paech, Joan Martinez-Alier, Mauro Bonaiuti, Francois Schneider, Elisabeth von Thadden

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Joan Martinez-Alier, Francois Schneider, Niko Paech, Mauro Bonaiuti Facilitation: Elisabeth von Thadden From the conference programme: This panel brings together four different traditions of degrowth: decreixement/social and sustainable degrowth...

Report • 2014


Are there „natural“ limits to growth? An interactive debate

By: Unbekannt

Documentation of the event "Are there „natural“ limits to growth? An interactive debate" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: In this workshop we engage in a critical discussion on approaches of “natural limits”. The following questions will guide our discussion: Are there natural limi...

Scientific paper • 2014


Ecological Econophysics for Degrowth

By: Salvador Pueyo

complex systems; theoretical ecology; edge of chaos; self-organized criticality; chaordic; peak oil; climate change; recessions; equality; degrowth

Scientific paper • 2014


Principles for Institutional Design of Future Degrowth Eco-sustainable Societies

By: Richard Westra

Abstract: The “end of growth” still leaves questions for the design of future sustainable societies. The argument of this paper is that economic choices for the new societies are not unlimited and forms of economy cannot simply be conjured up ex nihilo. Anthropologist David Graeber, economic historian Karl Polanyi and political economist Karl Marx each have produced typologies of possible types...

Scientific paper • 2014


The significance of everyday life, values and meaning for a more social and ecological society: a life world perspective

By: Johannes Timaeus

Abstract: Everyday life and meaning represent two crucial aspects to understand the challenges society is facing towards its transition to a more sustainable future, beyond unrestrained growth. Schütz’ life world theory provides a theoretical framework that takes everyday life and meaning into focus. According to life world theory everyday life is enabled by everyday assumptions, i.e. the categ...

Scientific paper • 2014


System representations of degrowth and sustainable consumption arguments for telling more empowering stories

By: Michal Sedlacko, Inge Røpke

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the process and results of construction of system representations of several respected and widely discussed arguments on sustainable consumption and degrowth, thereby providing new inputs into the debate on societal and economic alternatives and their practical and political implementation. We constructed system representations using analytic...

• 2014


Gut Leben. Eine Gesellschaft jenseits des Wachstums.

By: Barbara Muraca

„Gut Leben“ bietet einen guten Einstieg in die Postwachstums- oder Degrowth-Debatte. Barbara Muraca beschreibt den internationalen Degrowth-Diskurs und verbindet diesen mit den deutschen Postwachstumsansätzen. Sie zeigt auf, dass zu „gut leben“ Solidarität, Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit gehören. Wichtig für sie ist auch eine feministische Perspektive, die das Ganze der Arbeit in den Blick nimmt...

Position paper • 2014


Scaling up collective action and advancing knowledge on degrowth from the grassroots

By: Gualter Barbas Baptista

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Organizing collective action for degrowth.

Scientific paper • 2014


Electronic currencies for purposive degrowth?

By: Claudio Vitari

Electronic currencies, degrowth, money, work system framework, Information and communication technology

Educational paper • 2014


Lehrbuch der Sozialpolitik

By: Jörg W. Althammer, Heinz Lampert

Als Standardwerk in den Sozialwissenschaften bietet das Buch einen von den Rezensenten anerkannten kompetenten Überblick über Geschichte, Theorie, Handlungsfelder und Reformprobleme der staatlichen Sozialpolitik. Durch zahlreiche Tabellen, Schaubilder, Übersichten, Literaturhinweise und ein ausführliches Sachregister trägt es ebenso wie durch seine allgemeinverständliche Darstellung didaktische...

Scientific paper • 2014


Environmental philosophy

By: Michele Raspanti

Abstract: The central point of this paper is to stress how much our vision of man and of his rule in the world can influence our behavior towards nature (and also towards other men, but this problem is not discussed here). Here are analysed three philosophies: dominion, which is linked to growth, coordination, linked to sustainable development and cooperation, linked to degrowth philosophy. Eac...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth and Demonetization: On the Limits of a Non-Capitalist Market Economy

By: Andreas Exner

From the text: “This [what degrowth scholars describe] is a non- capitalist market economy model of degrowth, the viability of which shall be discussed further on in three steps. First, I contrast with reciprocity the historical specificity of exchange, markets, and money in the modern sense. Second, I discuss the logical connection between market, money, and capital. Third, I analyze the contr...

Scientific paper • 2014


The Advantages of a Community Currency – An OCA Perspective

By: Carolin Rauch

Abstract: There is an ongoing debate about the advantages and disadvantages of community currencies in the literature. Proponents of a local currency outline the economic, social and ecological benefits. However, empirical studies find mainly social networking effects and almost no economic influence. It seems that the economic advantage of community currencies does not prevail (at least at fir...

Report • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - Quadratur des Kreises und wie es doch zu schaffen ist ...

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Veranstaltung "Zwischen Untergang und Utopie: Degrowth als ein Weg aus der Krise?" mit Barbara Muraca. Aus dem Bericht: . . . Eine konkrete Utopie sei, wie die Referentin, Ernst Bloch zitierend, erklärte, nicht bloß ein Wunschdenken, sondern fasse das wirklich Mögliche, was in den Falten unserer gegenwärtigen Welt schon schlummere, ins Aug...

Position paper • 2014


A normative framework for the development and use of technologies in the degrowth context

By: Linda Nierling

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Technology and Production.