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Showing 92 items

Study • 2023

Women's Work in the Pandemic Economy: The Unbearable Hazard of Hierarchy

By: Myfan Jordan

This book explores two unique studies of women’s economic behaviour during Australia’s COVID-19 crisis. The first describes the care ‘frontline’ in the feminised labor sectors of healthcare and education, identifying extreme workload pressures, deteriorating conditions, and a shockingly high incidence of workplace bullying: including women targeting other women workers. The author argues workpl...

Scientific paper • 2020

Beyond the veil of money: Boundaries as constitutive elements of complementary currencies

By: Rolf F.H. Schroeder

This article sheds new light on the development of complementary currencies. Based on a comprehensive survey of the literature, the study questions conventional interpretations of these social innovations. The article challenges the view that money is the only feature that complementary currencies have in common. The author argues that in addition to the ways in which connectivity takes place, ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Closing the green finance gap - A systems perspective

By: Sarah Hafner, Aled Jones, Annela Anger-Kraavi, Jan Pohl

Meeting its climate policy objectives requires the UK to rapidly decarbonise its energy sector. This demands high levels of investments into low carbon energy infrastructure, which are currently not undertaken at required scale, leading to a green finance gap. We explore (1) key investment barriers, (2) a theoretical framework for investigation and (3) possible solutions, drawing on a review of...

Scientific paper • 2019


From ecological macroeconomics to a theory of endogenous money for a finite planet

By: Romain Svartzman, Dominique Dron, Etienne Espagne

This paper takes stock of the achievements and gaps of the emerging field of ecological macroeconomics, which has brought insights from specific schools of macroeconomics—most notably post-Keynesian—to ecological economics, with a strong emphasis on the endogeneity of money. Ecological macroeconomics has proposed fiscal, monetary and prudential reforms to boost ‘green’ investments, and develope...

• 2018


Faire l'économie de la haine. Essais sur la censure

By: Alain Deneault

Point de haine de l’économie là où on nous fait aimer l’argent, à tout prix. Point de haine de l’économie, mais une économie de la haine. Le programme: faire l’économie de la haine. Haïr sans qu’il n’y paraisse. Ainsi s’investit-on dans l’asservissement à l’argent. Sous les données, sous les calculs et sous la spéculation : des crimes, du sang, du vol et des morts, mais assourdis par ce savoir ...

Presentation • 2018

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Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 – Workshop Sustainable Fiscal Consolidation

By: Elisabeth Hege, Gaël Giraud, Marco Buti

Chair : Philippe Lamberts, MEP (Greens/EFA) Panellists: Elisabeth Hege (IDDRI, Governance and financing of sustainable development), Gaël Giraud (French Development Agency, senior economist), Marco Buti (European Commission, Director General of DG EcFin)

Presentation • 2018

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Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 – Workshop Sustainable Finance

By: Matrin Spolc, Rens van Tilburg, Yannis Dafermos

Chair: Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D) Panellists: Martin Spolc (DG EcFin, Capital Markets Union, Head of Unit), Rens van Tilburg (University Utrecht, NL and Director of the Sustainable Finance Lab), Yannis Dafermos (Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK)

Presentation • 2018

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Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 - Workshop Economic Models

By: Simone d'Alessandro, Daniel Mügge, Bjorn Döhring, Arthur Turrell, Nicole Dewandre

Chair: Alojz Peterle, MEP (EPP) Panellists: Simone d’Alessandro (University of Pisa), Daniel Mügge (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Professor of Political Arithmetic), Bjorn Döhring (European Commission, Head of Unit for Economic situation, forecasts, business and consumer surveys), Arthur Turrell (Co-Author of “An Interdisciplinary Model for Macroeconomics” (Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Jan....

• 2017


Faires Geld - Ein natürliches Geldsystem

By: Tim Eismon-Key

Der Verlag: Kein Kind würde auf die Idee des heutigen Geldsystems kommen. Es bedarf einer langen Hinführung und Einweisung, bis ein Mensch so konditioniert ist, dass er das heutige Geldsystem zumindest aus Anwendersicht versteht, akzeptiert und eventuell sogar noch als alternativlos verteidigt. Gemessen daran ist faires Geld kinderleicht. Die meisten Publikationen und Diskussionen zum Thema ...

Scientific paper • 2017


Finance, energy and the decoupling: an empirical study

By: Alevgul H. Sorman, Zora Kovacic, Marcello Spanò, Samuele Lo Piano

Abstract: This paper investigates the empirical and theoretical basis of the decoupling between energy throughput and economic growth, with a critical view of the use of the decoupling concept as a policy priority. We provide an analysis of the historical trends of the metabolic pattern of European economies over a period of 18 years focusing on the changes in energy throughput and financial as...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - Non-Monetary Degrowth is Strategically Significant

By: Anitra Nelson

Presentation by Anitra Nelson Even for many radical adherents of degrowth, money is a common-sense — not simply capitalist — tool, so alternative currencies and banks abound. This paper argues against this common-sense logic, as follows. The most direct and efficient form of degrowth requires as-local-as-is-feasible production focusing on people’s basic needs, implying that future distribution...

Presentation • 2016


Degrowth Conference Budapest, 2016 - How to stop monetary growth pressure?

By: Mark Joób

Presentation by Mark Joób Generally, there is not enough awareness of the central role the monetary system plays with regard to sustainability. One of the main reasons is that for several decades economics has been dominated by a monetary theory that gives a false description of the monetary system and the role of money in the economy. Assuming that money on the macroeconomic level is basica...

Scientific paper • 2016


How to stop monetary growth pressure?

By: Mark Joób

Generally, there is not enough awareness of the central role the monetary system plays with regard to sustainability. One of the main reasons is that for several decades economics has been dominated by a monetary theory that gives a false description of the monetary system and the role of money in the economy. Assuming that money on the macroeconomic level is basically neutral, traditional mone...

Scientific paper • 2016


Real estate speculation and rent-extraction in a degrowth economy:

By: Beth Stratford

Constraints on resource use associated with degrowth are likely to reduce the scope for profitable investment in the ‘real’ economy. In such a context, those seeking to grow their wealth may increasingly turn to the purchase of existing assets, including land and housing, for the purpose of rent-extraction or speculation. Indeed, sociologists like John Bellamy Foster and Wolfgang Streeck argue ...

• 2016


Ausstieg aus der Megamaschine. Einstieg in die Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie

By: Fabian Scheidler, Christian Felber

Veranstaltung mit Christian Felber und Fabian Scheidler Wie können wir die Wirtschaft aus der Profitlogik befreien und dem Gemeinwohl verpflichten? Welche Rolle spielen dabei Staat, Eigentum und das Geldsystem? In der gemeinsamen Diskussion entwerfen Christian Felber, Mitbegründer der "Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie", und Fabian Scheidler, Autor des Buches "Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte ein...

Scientific paper • 2016


Consistency and Stability Analysis of Models of a Monetary Growth Imperative

By: Oliver Richters, Andreas Siemoneit

Keywords: Ecological Macroeconomics, Zero Growth, Growth Imperative, Monetary Economy

• 2015

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movum - Heft 8: Finanzpolitik

By: Damian Ludewig, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Michael Müller, Barbara Hendricks, Reinhard Loske, Mechthild Schrooten, Kai Schlegelmilch, Anselm Görres, Björn Klusmann, Kai Niebert, Jörg Staude, Friederike Maier, Sandra Kirchner, Eva Mahnke, Susanne Götze, Nick Reimer, Joachim Wille, Jörg Staude, Benjamin von Brackel, Susanne Schwarz

Heft 8 des Magazins movum zum Thema Finanzpolitik Kurzbeschreibung: Die Preise sollen die ökologische Wahrheit sagen. Aber auch die massive Ungleichverteilung der Vermögen und Einkommen ruft nach einer anderen Finanzpolitik. Helfen Ökosteuern, Niedrigzinsen oder Subventionsabbau? Das Heft als PDF

• 2015


Blockaden des Wandels überwinden - Warum der Staat systematisch das Falsche subventioniert und wie sich das ändern kann

By: Fabian Scheidler

Einleitung Angesichts von Klimachaos, globalen Finanzkrisen und Massenarmut brauchen wir, darüber sind sich immer mehr Menschen einig, eine tiefgreifende sozial-ökologische Transformation, die alle Gesellschaftsbereiche erfasst. Es gibt längst eine kaum überschaubare Fülle von Konzepten und Praktiken für diesen Wandel, von der Genossenschafts- bis zur Commonsbewegung, von der Solidarischen Öko...