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Showing 36 items

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Collaborative housing in Catalonia: obstacles and strategies

By: Mateus Lira M Machado

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] Collaborative housing (cooperative and co housing) allows for efficient use of resources, solidarity and non-speculative urbanism. This degrowth model is expanding in Catalonia, through partnerships between government and civil society, but concrete implementation faces a series of obstacles. Presenters: Mateus Lira M ...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Exploring Equitable Degrowth in Circular Community Development in Health and Care

By: Larissa Lai

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] Underserved and historically marginalized populations have been disproportionately afflicted by financial and climate related disasters. In face of the immediate climate crisis, many existing systems are being disrupted, thus adversely impacting the livelihood, health and wellbeing of underserved populations. In planning ...

Presentation • 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Materialising degrowth in local urban planning policies

By: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats

Presentation [part of the standard session "Community, Housing, Care"] This paper focuses on the intersection between degrowth and urban planning, and contributes to a deeper understanding and a sharper concretisation of how a strong sustainability concept such as degrowth can be taken into planning practice for long term sustainability. Presenters: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats La...

• 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Community, Housing, Care

By: Carlos Ruiz-Alejos, Vincent Prats, Larissa Lai, Saskia Hebert, Mateus Lira M Machado

Standard session (discussion following 4 presentations) Materialising degrowth in local urban planning policies - video This paper focuses on the intersection between degrowth and urban planning, and contributes to a deeper understanding and a sharper concretisation of how a strong sustainability concept such as degrowth can be taken into planning practice for long term sustainability. P...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Good Housing for All: Strategies for Social Ecological Transformations of the Housing Sector

By: François Schneider, Gabu Heindl, Anton Brokow-Loga, Willi Hejda

Panel discussion The COVID-19 crisis reveals once more that housing is a matter of social distribution of wealth and privileges. The current situation stresses the need to find a common understanding of strategies to realise a social ecological transformation towards degrowth in the context of housing. Overcoming unaffordable, anti-social and unsustainable housing policies and practices in g...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Ecotecnologías: ¿es una respuesta viable a la vulnerabilidad de la vivienda en Guanajuato?

By: Lorena del Carmen Álvarez-Castañón

El principal hallazgo muestra que la viabilidad de las ecotecnologías está correlacionada con la diversidad ecológica, cultural y social de los municipios. Asimismo, su adopción social se fortalece con procesos participativos con perspectiva de género y educación ambiental con base en la mezcla de conocimiento técnico y el conocimiento vernáculo. ¿Tecnociencia para el bienestar o para el cap...

Report • 2017


Pro-Tourism Consensus Crumbles in Barcelona

By: Kate Shea Baird

Introduction: Barcelona, a city of 1.6 million people, was visited by 8.2 million tourists last year. For decades, city governments of all political stripes operated under the assumption that ‘growth is good’. Each annual increase in visitor numbers was announced with glee, with assurances the sector would bring immense economic benefits to the city. But around three years ago, signs began t...

Scientific paper • 2017


Sharing, togetherness and intentional degrowth

By: Helen Jarvis

Keywords: association, degrowth, intention, sharing, social phenomenology, togetherness

Scientific paper • 2016


Housing for Degrowth

By: Claudio Cattaneo, Francois Schneider, Anitra Nelson, Anitra Nelson, Natasha Verco

Communal eco-housing and households offer degrowth strategies and prefigure necessary change. Living in collective housing means sharing goods and services, eco-efficiencies and politico-cultural experience of commons forms of governance. Scholars active in eco-collective housing (squats, housing commons and co-living) in various European, Oceanic and USA sites talk about: creating sustainable...

Scientific paper • 2016


Home-front transitions beyond growth: a Swedish case

By: Pernilla Hagbert

The environmental impact and distributive implications of the built environment and our residential environments as mediating human endeavors is significant. Approaches addressing the resource intensity associated with modern ways of living need to go beyond a neo-liberal focus on individual consumption choices, thus widening the framing of sustainable homes as incorporating more than rational,...

Scientific paper • 2016


Real estate speculation and rent-extraction in a degrowth economy:

By: Beth Stratford

Constraints on resource use associated with degrowth are likely to reduce the scope for profitable investment in the ‘real’ economy. In such a context, those seeking to grow their wealth may increasingly turn to the purchase of existing assets, including land and housing, for the purpose of rent-extraction or speculation. Indeed, sociologists like John Bellamy Foster and Wolfgang Streeck argue ...

Scientific paper • 2015


Sustainable housing in a post - growth Europe

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Viviana Asara, François Schneider, Filka Sekulova

housing sector, land use, debt, Keynesian policies, “austerity” policies, Degrowth, system mapping

Report • 2015


Leben im Bauwagen

By: Marc Menningmann

Video zu zwei Bauwägen und ihren Bewohnern, die auf der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig ihre Bauwägen für Interessierte geöffnet haben.

Report • 2015


Life in a Bauwagen (construction trailer)

By: Marc Menningmann

Short video with two people opening their Bauwagen for passers-by during the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014.

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth Management for Urban Revision and Neighbourhood Retrofit of Future Calgary

By: Artan Zandian

sustainable degrowth, village life, urban district, shared housing system

Report • 2014


Häuser erhalten. Räume Eröffnen!

By: Daniel Kunle, Holger Lauinger

Leerstand bedeutet in vielen Köpfen Stillstand und Abriss. Muss das aber wirklich immer so sein? Wie setzt man Signale von Aufbruch in einst verlorenen Häusern?

Scientific paper • 2014


How many homes do we need? A theoretical framing of an unsustainable development of the Norwegian second home phenomenon

By: Rasmus Steffansen

Abstract: This paper will address a theoretical conceptualisation of one of the clearest symbols of the North’s wealth and picture on unsustainable economic growth: the second home. There is a lack of theoretical knowledge in relation to how to conceptualise a ‘sustainable development’ of second homes in a Norwegian context. Thus this paper will conceptualise sustainability of second home devel...

Scientific paper • 2014


A spatial Anthropology of the Changing Use of Urban Spaces in Tokyo, Japan

By: Heide Imai

Abstract: Cities like Tokyo face recently new, complex urban challenges. However, responses to the changing urban space are often reflected in the emergence of new cultural revivals or the forging of unknown, hybrid subcultures, which can be understood when studying the diverse ways people (re-) interpret small urban places in relationship to their changing lifestyles. This paper will discuss t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Analysis of Change- Intercultural Design Exchange Germany and Japan - Approaching the Question of Future Living

By: Heide Imai, Anthusa Loeffler

Abstract: This is the topic this paper wants to discuss in the context of Tokyo, which is characterized by Roland Barthes as a city without a center. After the enormous growth in the second half of the twentieth century of Tokyo, we have to discuss the De-growth and the chance for future living at different examples found in Japan and Germany. In summary, this paper focuses on the question in w...

Scientific paper • 2014


The power of neighborhood – rethinking the way of life within co-housing projects in Switzerland

By: Sanna Frischknecht

Abstract: Focusing on the question of how people live and interact, co-housing projects, such as “Kraftwerk1”, “Nena1” and others attempt to withdraw imperatives of growth by establishing a new way of life in urban contexts. Some of the projects are closely connected to the ideas of an urban utopia “bolo’bolo” which was written by P.M. in the 1980ies. This ideal of a new way of life describes a...