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Strategy • 07.09.2020

An Open Letter to the Degrowth Movement

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By: Chris Conrad

The degrowth movement should shift trajectories, dramatically, as soon as possible. In what direction? Political science research, and direct organizing. I’m an undergraduate political science student in the US. In the last year, I’ve consumed a huge chunk of literature on degrowth. I have deep respect and admiration for the work done by the folks at Research and Degrowth (R&D), the ...

Reviews • 31.08.2020

Book review: 'Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World' by Jason Hickel

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By: Joe Herbert

Hickel succeeds once more in making a clear yet robust case for degrowth, providing an accessible introductory text that the movement has long required. Degrowthers may remember 2020 as the year their ideas entered the mainstream, or at least the edges of it. As the coronavirus pandemic has prompted a renewed societal conversation around alternative futures, discussions of degrowth are...

Blog • 24.08.2020

A swimming commons


For many of us, swimming will have provided a temporary relaxing escape from the pandemic and searing heat in the recent summer months. In this piece republished from Undisciplined Environments, Elliot Hurst suggests the activity holds more radical potential than one might think. In Aotearoa New Zealand, shortly after arriving at the strategy gathering of a youth climate group, a friend ...

Justice • 17.08.2020

Police abolition and other revolutionary lessons from Rojava

By: Hawzhin Azeez

Democratic confederalism, the ideological framework organizing society in Rojava, outlines the features of a post-revolutionary justice system. Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets across the United States and beyond in response to the police killing of George Floyd. Protesters in Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles and dozens of other cities demanding justice were me...

Events • 03.08.2020

Degrowth Vienna 2020: Reflections upon the conference and how to move forward – Part II

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By: Viviana Asara

This is part two of a piece reflecting on the Vienna degrowth conference and considering how to move forward based on the inputs and insights from the conference. You can read part one (focused on the conference) here. The idea of organizing the Degrowth Vienna 2020 conference was at least in part connected to a piece that some conference organizers published in this blog in which they crit...

Events • 27.07.2020

Degrowth Vienna 2020: Reflections upon the conference and how to move forward – Part I

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By: Viviana Asara

The conference “Degrowth Vienna 2020: Strategies for Socio-ecological transformation” took place online between May and June 2020, in the midst of a pandemic crisis. This two-part piece will firstly reflect upon the conference (part I) and then propose ways to move forward (part II). As a member of the Advisory Board, I was partly involved in the discussions regarding the planning of the...