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Blog • 08.06.2020

Solidarity statement with Black Lives Matter

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By: The Degrowth Vienna Conference organizing team

We, organizers and participants at the Degrowth Vienna 2020 conference demand equity and justice. We stand in solidarity with the people in the United States challenging white supremacist culture and with related global struggles. As activists, academics, artists, and practitioners we aim together to put an end to systemic oppression and structural racism; as again has been recently revealed by...

Blog • 04.06.2020

How to celebrate the 2020 Global Degrowth Day

50 ways to take a break printable

By: Ana Poças

On June 6th we will once more celebrate the Global Degrowth Day (GDD). On this day, like last year, we want to show that there are alternatives to the capitalist growth society and that a good life for all is possible! This time of multiple crisis can be overwhelming, but it is also a crucial moment to re-think how we live and how societies are organized. Degrowth is a powerful tool to e...

Blog • 01.06.2020

Degrowth and Domesecration: a Historical View on Nonhuman and Human Violence


By: Lukas Leitinger

On top of the ethical, environmental and epidemiological arguments, the animal liberation perspective can also provide an alternative historical view on growth. This article explores the historical connections between animal exploitation, growth and violence, and the lessons these offer for degrowth today. A previous article on this blog argued that degrowth should incorporate an eth...

Blog • 27.05.2020

Building Counter-Institutions: A Call for Activism beyond Raising Awareness

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By: Joël Foramitti

Around the world, social movements are rising up in response to the multiple crises of our time. However, only few seem to focus on the task of building concrete institutions that could challenge existing structures and change the rules of our system. The world is facing one crisis after another. From climate breakdown and mass extinction to economic instability, inequality, and injustic...

Blog • 25.05.2020

Degrowth: Some suggestions from the Simpler Way Perspective


By: Ted Trainer

Thirty four years ago I published Abandon Affluence and Growth, with negligible effect, so it has been hugely satisfying to see the recent emergence of a degrowth movement. However, I believe some aspects of the movement need greater attention. Degrowth transition strategies especially should deal more effectively with the sheer magnitude of the problem we are facing. The magnitude of the prob...

Blog • 20.05.2020

Degrowth Money

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By: Julio Linares, Gabriela Cabaña

The following text is an excerpt from “Towards an Ecology of Care: Basic Income Beyond the Nation-state (unpublished). Even though the degrowth movement has shown the limits of our civillization’s obsession with growth, and has promoted and proposed complementary currencies, the degrowth critique has yet to consider the role that money/credit creation plays more explicitly. Ecological ec...